The Gym

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Caveat Emptor, Mar 8, 2014.

  1. Caveat Emptor

    Caveat Emptor Distinguished Fapstronaut

    I recently met a girl that wants a "gym buddy" and she asked me if I was interested. I used to go the gym every weekday when I was in college and I have been interested in getting a gym membership for the obvious health benefits and the social aspect.

    She has a membership at a gym very close to where we live and we visited it together yesterday. The membership would be 30 bucks per month with a discount I qualify for, no contract or cancellation fee. I can afford it but I'm not sure if it's really worth it.

    I just wanted to hear what kind of experiences other Fapstronauts have had at the gym.
    HopeFaith likes this.
  2. Saserman

    Saserman Fapstronaut

    I used to go to the gym to lose weight by doing cardio on treadmills and bicycle machines, and also lifting a few weights which builds muscle and supposedly increases metabolism.

    In my opinion, that is a terrible way of losing weight, not because it's not effective, but because it's so freaking boring. I stopped going to the gym and started doing martial arts. Not only is it much more fun, it is also much more tiring and probably burns way more calories than the gym ever did.

    If on the other hand you're trying to build muscle, definitely go for the gym and lift some weights.

    Also, gym buddies are important. You need someone to get encouragement from, and you need to encourage that person as well.
  3. Caveat Emptor

    Caveat Emptor Distinguished Fapstronaut

    When I attended in college, I always went with a gym buddy; he was my roommate at the time.
    I have absolutely no experience with dieting. I am very thin and have an incredibly fast metabolism. To put it into perspective, I'm 5'11" and weigh 125 lbs. I'm the tallest and heaviest I've ever been, at 22 years old.
    I have no body fat. Never have. But I also have very little muscle. I'm interested in gaining muscle weight. That's why I started going a year ago.
  4. Dwyer17

    Dwyer17 New Fapstronaut

    I wish I were more motivated to go to the gym. I'm really lazy about it. Sounds like a great idea though.
  5. johnf

    johnf Fapstronaut

    Concentrate on compound movements. Choose a programm that hit the muscle at least twice a week , you can do the push pull legs twice a week routine or also a upper and lower body twice a week or even full body workout 3 times a week. But do not do like chest tricep , back bicep, shoulder trapz and legs. This tip of training is more optimal for guys who are enhanced cause there hormones level are jacked up. Anyway if you have some questions on how to build muscle I can help you , im not a personal trainer but I have experience in training.
  6. zyzz

    zyzz Fapstronaut

    To the poster above me , that was only ok advice why not do chest and tri on the same day that's what a push routine is anyways?
  7. Jimmy Hilton

    Jimmy Hilton Fapstronaut

    Well i am here i just want to say you that you should join a good GYM for your best exercise and also have a good health you just hire a Personal Trainer in your Gym with you who teach and guide you the best exercise for body fat and make you slim and also a body builder because Personal trainer for Gym is the best for your health ...
    Last edited: May 12, 2014
  8. Nate007

    Nate007 Fapstronaut

    giggleshmack- im not a personal trainer or anything but i am in the same boat as you, I'm 6'2'' and 160 pounds. i go to the gym and here are my two pieces of advice.
    1. eat a lot, eat until you are beyond full, eat nutritious stuff like eggs and meat and fish.
    2. whatever your work out keep it short, 45 minutes in the gym max and avoid the cardio unless you want to look anorexic.

    these two pieces of advice work for me, for skinny guys like us the trick is eating enough so that when we go to the gym our bodies don't dig into the little muscle we have for energy.
  9. Advanced Search

    Advanced Search Fapstronaut

    Dude! a female gym buddy? i would go just watch her squat :)
  10. R.C

    R.C Fapstronaut

    Dont go to the gym to pick up women, go to train.
  11. insa80

    insa80 Fapstronaut

    if it aint too far away i suggest you walk to the gym
    (if you drive, park the car further away - if you bus, get off a few stops early)

    see your GP about a balanced diet program to get a good idea about calorie count
  12. WillC575

    WillC575 Fapstronaut

    I've never had a female gym buddy so I'm not sure how well that works but if she is good at motivating you than go for it. I lift/workout with friends and we are ruthless with each other. No more than 30 seconds of rest between sets never stop moving no idle chit chat etc not sure I can talk to a chick that way. Honestly chicks are a distraction at the gym.

    If you want to see results you have to be sick about your workouts. Get fanatical. If you want to gain strength you have to lift heavy. There is no other way. There is no such thing as high reps/low weight routines for strength only for muscular endurance. If you want to add bulk and strength you have to add muscle and you have to lift heavy. No more than 10 reps on a warm up then to failure which should mean it's heavy enough that you can do 4-6 reps max.

    Stick to the major muscle groups and core exercises, Bench, Squat, shoulder press, dead lifts. Dead lifts and squats will add more muscle and more weight faster than any other one. It's ok to do bis and tris but don't obsess over them like the posers flexing in the mirror. If you lift heavy with the major core lifts those big arms will follow and you will have the back, chest and core muscles to back them up.

    The gym is not boring if you workout to the point of exhaustion because you will see results and be too tired to be bored:cool:
  13. rideoffintosunset

    rideoffintosunset Fapstronaut

    normally its go to gym then get girl ...anyway i just reactivated my membership a few months ago and decided to include protien bars right afterward and changed a few aspects of the workout (not playing basketball most the time) but i look and feel alot better it was definitly one of the better desicions i made it proberly be a good choice for you btw you dont need go 5 days strait you need give your body a chance to rest and get muscle
  14. Hotshot

    Hotshot Fapstronaut

    Go for it man. Just get into it and start working out. Once you start to see changes or feel that extra energy ect. you will start to get into it more and more. If you don't end up taking too much of a liking to it you're not out too much. It's healthy too so why not?!?!
  15. JegErFransk

    JegErFransk Fapstronaut

    Hi guys,

    I decided to start working out in the gym (starting from September).

    I exercise A LOT already, but the sports I practice do not really develop my arms though.

    Question: what exercises would you recommend
    - Before I get the membership (I have no material)
    - After

    I'd like to train my arms (triceps, biceps, ...) and shoulders.


  16. vlaw

    vlaw Banned

    Gym isn't for me. The first day I went I ended up being sick after. I didn't have the strength to lift. Ended up cancelling my membership the next day. Besides it was a small gym with limited weight lifting equipments.
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2014
  17. vlaw

    vlaw Banned

    I always feel sick after exercising in the west. I have been doing 60 push up daily for the last three month and i usaully feel sick after. The strange thing is that I was in Thailand last month and I never felt sick after doing my push up. Probably have to do with the fact i eat lots of fresh fruits like papaya and pineapple when I am there.
  18. vlaw

    vlaw Banned

    The bigger gyms will involve me taking the train. Besides it didn't help that there were two guys in the very small weight lifting room who were looking like I have just invaded their personal space.

    Oh and the strength. I still can't go more than 25 push up without taking a one minute rest. I just don't have upper body strength!
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2014
  19. vlaw

    vlaw Banned

    My cardio is really really bad! I can't even do a 200m jog without getting out of breath. And I tend to get intense headache after jogging/running.

    The sickness is like being a bit unwell. Can't really explain it. Like my immune system is temporary down. This usually last for about 30min after exercises in the west. Later i return back to normal. And I'm kind of underweight. The last time I weigh my self was last year, 179lbs, 6'1 with clothes on.
  20. vlaw

    vlaw Banned

    Oh I and tend to lose weight very easily when doing cardio. I'm already slim so doing any cardio will make me look very underweight with my bones showing. I'm not try to look for an excuse but cardio usually do make me lose weight easily. And since I want to improve my strength I was told to eat more,lift weights and to avoid cardio exercise as much as possible.

    I will continue to do my daily 60 push up and just avoid the gym for now.
    Last edited: Aug 9, 2014