I dreamt about watching porn?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by GufDamm, Aug 24, 2016.

  1. GufDamm

    GufDamm Fapstronaut

    Last night, I dreamt I was watching porn. It felt so real. I was sitting looking at a monitor and porn came on. I remeber I was able to fap, if I wanted to. It went on for a couple seconds, before i caught myself. I then stopped the video, looking away, trying to close the tab. I remembered I was doing nofap at this point! I couldn't close the tab though, it was weird. I had to manually type in a web address to change the webpage. When I did this, I woke up.

    I couldnt believe it was a dream, it was so real. But I'm happy I didn't fap.
    Rommel1 and CristiStelistu95 like this.
  2. CristiStelistu95

    CristiStelistu95 Fapstronaut

    it happens bro,stay strong and beat the urges !
  3. Happy Gnome

    Happy Gnome Guest

    These sort of dreams are common early in a reboot.
  4. Rommel1

    Rommel1 Fapstronaut

    I used to have those dreams often.Last one was last week,and it made me relapse.Those dreams ruin everything.
  5. TheFutureMe

    TheFutureMe Fapstronaut

    Ha! These are a frightening marker of our state. Though when they started to arise I swiftly started to consider them as my brain's "Plan B" to try and have me to get back to the unhealthy habits. So I kindda watch the dreams come (with a little jolt of "stay strong") and go (with a smirk on my dreamy face) knowing they were milestones on the right path.

    Congrats on keeping it together when it happened! You're a lot more armed against the next one now :)