Celebrating 60 days today!

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by Arnak, Aug 18, 2016.

  1. Arnak

    Arnak Fapstronaut

    Today it's been 60 days since I watched porn! It feels damn good but the real good news is I don't think about watching porn very often anymore. I think about masturbating or having sex though but but hey, I'm not made of stone.

    I'm seeing this new super hot girl these days and I am confident I won't have ED problem the day we end up in bed. We're taking our sweet time and I'm all for that but I plan to soon make her my new kind of porn lol.

    I didn't notice any changes in my mood or energy though. Maybe I just didn't notice them.

    Quitting porn is definitely worth it!
  2. Chowkloski

    Chowkloski Fapstronaut

    Hi there, congratulations...

    Nice to hear people are succeeding through nofap....I am new to this community and i challenged myself to 10 days only cuz I am new....I hope I will be able to reach like you one day... :)
    Arnak likes this.
  3. Arnak

    Arnak Fapstronaut

    Thanks Chowklosky and good luck to you to!
    It took me many many tries before to get there by the way. Just don't look at relapse like defeats. If you do, stop again immediately. Never fap twice, just stop again the moment you relapse and tell yourself it will take even longer before you relapse again. You'll relapse less and less until you realize you can can actually quit. That's how I tried to see this whole thing.

    Oh and for the record, I decided to celebrate my 60 days by calling in sick and staying home today lol. I'm spending the day alone, tending to my house plants and listening to music. It feels good.
    noFapToTheFuture and iHappy like this.
  4. iHappy

    iHappy Guest

    @Arnak Enjoy your day!
    But do not celebrate with porn :D

    EDIT: As for the energy thing, 60 days is not enough for most of us to fully recover from the damage we did to our body's and mind.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 18, 2016
  5. Arnak

    Arnak Fapstronaut

    @iHappy Not a chance. Porn isn't part of the plan today. I just finished preparing a nice yummy pick nick and I'm taking my date out for a walk in the forest this evening. That should keep me out of trouble.
    Awakeatlast and iHappy like this.