Worse Days

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by thegoodfight, Aug 5, 2016.

  1. thegoodfight

    thegoodfight Fapstronaut

    I haven't been feeling too good these last few days guys. My dopamine is low im guessing and I don't really feel like doing anything. Just when things in my life start being more active

    My friends are over and I couldn't feel more distant. I feel so alone, my memory has been bad for a while now there are certain things I weren't there for or don't remember
  2. thegoodfight

    thegoodfight Fapstronaut

    I just feel out of place in my own home with my own friends. I feel out of place in my own life. I don't know what to do but to keep living
  3. Temba

    Temba Fapstronaut

    I don't know if this is the consequence of your rebooting or not. If it is, I have no Idea what you are going through or why, but I'm sure someone who does will be here in no time to give you some rebooting advice.

    If you're just feeling that general disconnection from life, I would say start by checking your sleep. Do you feel tired when you wake up? Do you feel tired in the evenings? Do you sleep all through the night or is it intermittent? It may not seem like a big deal but you'd be surprised how many things go wrong if you don't sleep enough.

    If your sleep is in check then that's a great start! Now you are awake enough to deal with whatever is bothering you.
    What do you normally do in a day? What is your routine?
  4. thegoodfight

    thegoodfight Fapstronaut

    I'm just feeling a general depression im in the first few days of my reboot and that comes with lethargy and depression and its gets really hard to see any end in sight but I see what you guys are saying about making it through so I'm just trying my best to stay around friends and family in this first phase.
  5. avatarivn

    avatarivn Fapstronaut

    Well, the best advice I could give you is to abstain from Porn and masturbation (seriously, that is the best I got :( ) I can relate to what you are saying: That we should be happy because good things are happening but there is nothing even remotely close to happiness inside. Everyone is expecting something (at least a smile) but you are not in the mood for anything else but staying in bed all day and rest. My advice, get active, go outside for a walk, try to have a conversation with a close friend. Whatever it helps in a healthy way (no binge TV or junk food to improve mood).
    thegoodfight likes this.
  6. thegoodfight

    thegoodfight Fapstronaut

    I can't lie I've been watching movies I haven't seen or don't remember to keep my interest in things that are way more interesting it's helping me bit by bit. I'm otw to set my schedule for work right now so that's something else to keep me busy and occupied.

    It's just the reboot period brings this initial bodily depression and like you said it's exhaustive and all you want to do is sit in bed or a recliner and space out... It's really difficult but I keep trying