I am new here :)

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by ThatMan39, Jul 25, 2016.

  1. ThatMan39

    ThatMan39 New Fapstronaut

    Hi everyone :)

    I am m19 and want to change a lot about my life. I am still a virgin and have yet to have any actual "making out" with any girl sadly :( Some kisses on the neck and cuddling at parties but nothing serious ever..

    I am a bit bigger (not actually fat...but too much weight for sure)... I have always done sport with friends and i am pretty good at pretty much every sport. I weigh around 107kg at 1.80-1.85m... I have had people tell me they think i weigh less (doctors when i got anesthesia) but i dont rly know if thats true :)

    And i have been thinking..more like dreaming of getting my first BJ (and yes also sex)... So i rly wanted to find a GF for some time now. But i have never been lucky and have not rly talked to many girls bc i never really know how to.. I always thaught "i am still very young..i am studying at university at kinda young age...i will be super fine"! But at the same time i always felt like i am just not attractive to woman :(

    So i decided a few weeks ago that i am sick of "waiting and hanging around"... I do know i am still young (just turned 19) but there is no reason i cant get a girl :) i hope so at least :p I signed up to a fitness Center and will work on my body now..and also in general trying to improve in life (eating a little healthier although i am pretty okay with that and trying to not be so messy xD)

    Thats just a little about me...i am sorry if that is too long..i have not ready too many forums here and just signed up here :)

    But to get to topic.. i have been masturbating regulary for years now (twice per day on avg i would say for 1-2 years..dont remember before)...I never thaught of it in a bad way bc its natural..when i decided to change my life to the better a few weeks back i read about NoFap and actually read about experiences and it sounded like magic...I didnt read anything about rules or so but i started it last week and i was pretty okay (some hard moments) but i got to day 7...but that day i just had my birthday party at my house the night before and was home alone the whole day and got sooo horny..i was writing with a girl i met on a local app
    (i was writing about my NoFap experience and she answered and then we just kinda chatted..she answered about her Nipples getting super sensitive after 3 weeks which drives her crazy)... Reading that as a 19y old virign who hasnt fapped in a week got me realllyy horny and hard...but i controlled myself but the more we wrote the more horny i got and even after we stopped writing i teased myself with pictures from girls on the internet..and since that girl was really open about sex apparently i was thinking so much about having a frienship + with her ( i dont not know why that was my thaught :p)...
    But yeah..i got so horny and hard that my pants stimulated my Dick bc it was so hard... i threw them off right away and just watched my dick "breathe".... the muscle tension felt like it stimulated me...and i just couldnt resist anymore and tried touching it and it felt so amazing that i came all over me...i had never busted that big of a load before...

    But i felt like i was feeling really good that week so i rly want to try more :) So can you more experienced guys (and girl ofc of here is any ^^) give me like "rules" on what is good and what is not? I dont get any sex :((( so how long should i try to go bc i dont think never cumming is the right idea is it?
    Is there a healthy way of it being a challenge but also of me not just going dead down there ( i read about a danger of prostata-cancer)...

    Thanks if you read all of this :)
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 10, 2016
  2. BlackKnight

    BlackKnight Fapstronaut

    Don't stop fap. Then you will changeping to get a girl. Do it for yourself
  3. itornael

    itornael Fapstronaut

    I am an early Fapstronaut, about 1 week, but I read more than some old guys here so here's what I think. Masturbating is a bit bad 'cause it makes you less social, and you feel awkward, it's basically deluding yourself, but since you are young we are not going to cover this much.

    What you should do is abstain from porn. Never touch this shit. Never fap to porn. You'll say it's OK, I'll look only once or twice. But no, that shit twists your mind.

    Basically be happy if you don't have a porn problem you don't really belong here unless you want to stop fapping very badly which does not seems to be the case.

    Cheers and have a nice time with your friend. Have fun and enjoy life that's what being young is all about.
  4. ThatMan39

    ThatMan39 New Fapstronaut

    Thx for the honesty..and sorry if it was hard to read ^^ was just writing my thaughts down..
  5. Bob2132

    Bob2132 Fapstronaut

    I would just make it a rule that you will not masturbate or watch porn and that you will only intentionally finish if doing it with a girl.