Porn Addiction / PIED: what we can all do to help

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by larrylarrylarry, Jul 20, 2016.

  1. larrylarrylarry

    larrylarrylarry Fapstronaut

    We are all here because we are addicted to PMO.
    But that's not all. It's not that one day we woke up and said: You know what? Maybe all this P and M and O is not good for me, too much fun, I think I am going to stop all this fun.

    Nope, it didn't happen that way.
    I put my money that for 99.99% of us something catastrophic happened.
    In my case it was ED, and that's for a guy is catastrophic!

    I had girlfriends, hot, good looking girlfriends and I had ED. How fucked up is that?
    And I had ED because it was PIED. How fucked up is that?
    And for over a year as I was researching like crazy about ED and I would come across PIED I would say "No, not me" and all the while you know I would search for P and M and O. How fucked up is that?

    But now that I am in this community I see the outside world and I am puzzled that this is not out there more. I am puzzled that there's not more outrage and awareness about this.
    For my ED I went to:
    • My Primary Care Physician, one of the best in my large metropolitan city in the USA. She told me that my ED was age related and I had to learn to live with it.
    • One of the top endocrinologists in the country. In the USA!!! She told me that my ED was age related and I had to learn to live with it.
    • My current urologist, the best in my large metropolitan city in the USA for sexual dysfunction. He is doing his best to figure out causes and cure, we've been doing all sorts of tests and trying different things.
    None of these 3 highly regarded professional ever mentioned to me Porn addiction.
    Why? I don't know.
    And it doesn't matter.

    But today I was thinking that there's something I can do to increase awareness of Porn Addiction and of PIED. And you can do too.
    We can talk about it.
    No, not like the religious zealots who go knocking door to door to talk about some religious figure and about being saved. I am referring to talk about here on the web. If someone wants to know about something, where do they go?
    Our friend Google.
    The way Google works is that it's a popularity contest. So the more we write about it, the more popular Porn Addiction and PIED becomes out there on the wed.

    So, journal your experience. And also write down your thoughts about it.
    Doesn't need to be worthy of Pulitzer Price, and writing things down will contribute to your healing.
    So, write in this forum, write on Reddit, and consider starting your own blog / journal too, this is mine.
    The more we write about it, the better we feel, and the more awareness we create in the collective consciousness that is the Internet.

    The Internet is the problem, the Internet is the solution.

    lifebythedrop, MsPants and J. Aubrey like this.
  2. MyAwakening

    MyAwakening Fapstronaut

    Very inspiring and informative on the dangers of porn as maybe the saying doing it too much you may go blind may not be 100percent right.
    But you can bet your balls there will be some consequences in future just like excessive anything
    Eg alcohol,drugs,nicotine, overwork,overexercise
  3. J. Aubrey

    J. Aubrey Fapstronaut

    Damn. I only realised I had a problem in a similar way to yourself- ED with my first serious girlfriend.
    Shame, guilt and lack of self-worth all in one shitty cocktail. But understanding is the first step towards redemption.
    Thanks for your post.
  4. larrylarrylarry

    larrylarrylarry Fapstronaut

    Hey bro. To me understanding is recovery.

    I can't believe that I got hooked on Porn. Me? Addicted? F*************CK!

    And I can't believe that Porn led me to PIED. Me? ED? F*************CK!

    I know in my bones that I will never go back to Porn, only 16 days Porn-free and I can see positive differences. Looking forward to be back to the way I used to be, always horny and sensitive and . . . ready.

    NoFap is a good community, reading people's experiences helps me, and writing about my experience and thoughts helps as well.

    Good luck to all of us!
    J. Aubrey and lifebythedrop like this.
  5. Yorman

    Yorman New Fapstronaut

    Hi, I from Medellin, Colombia. First, My english is very poor but like you I have this problem, i'm porn addict and lately I Discovered the PIED.
    FIRST I WANT TO KNOW, Is there a cure? i love the women and i want heal.

  6. larrylarrylarry

    larrylarrylarry Fapstronaut

    Yes there's a cure, read this: