back in porn addiction any help?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Rahultrup, Jul 14, 2016.

  1. Rahultrup

    Rahultrup Fapstronaut

    WhyNotStop likes this.
  2. Hey Rahultrup, I'm not sure what you mean by back? Did you start then quit and are now back? If so I would like to help, I've been in your shoes. I've started, but then gave up and stopped visiting NoFap. But now I'm back and I'm here to help anyone who might be passing though what I have. So can you please provide more detail of your current situation? Thanks!
  3. Rahultrup

    Rahultrup Fapstronaut

    same i stopped visiting nofap and then the cycle of pmo started again .....max i went was 3 days....and sorry for this '......................' description i was in a bad mood i relapsed.
    WhyNotStop likes this.
  4. It's okay man, I completely understand what you're going through. I did the same, stopped visiting and kept relapsing every 1-2 days. But I got myself back into track and I'm going for 30 days. So what I did was I first got Mobicip on all my devices to block out adult content, then I got rid of all social media. Then I started writing in my journal everyday, making sure to write whenever I got urges. I also found a very useful app called R|Tribe, which has you check in to keep you on track. I also make sure I only use my computer in public areas, living room, etc. I also recommend you stick to cold showers, which have helped me a lot.

    I made a small R|Tribe support group, if you would like to join please download R|tribe and add me WhyNotStop. I really want to help you out, because I know how it feels like to be stuck in what I like to the call "The Loop". So please set up a R|Tribe account and add me. Thanks for not giving up and searching for help!
    Rahultrup likes this.
  5. Rahultrup

    Rahultrup Fapstronaut

    sure i want to join your group on r tribe i have heard about it ......after school i will add you
    WhyNotStop likes this.
  6. Rahultrup

    Rahultrup Fapstronaut

    thanks for the help and i was taking cold showers.....and they reall help......i think i will also start using laptop in living room because i get urges only in my room when i m alone
    WhyNotStop likes this.
  7. Yea same for me, only get urges when I'm alone. So add me whenever you get a chance and I'll add you to the support group. Stay Strong!