Day 5. Just signed up.

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Eldiosalex, Jun 26, 2016.

  1. Eldiosalex

    Eldiosalex Fapstronaut

    Hello everybody, hope you're all well. As the title said I just started the nofap challenge. It's been 5 days and the temptation to relapse is very strong. That's the reason I made myself an account here, to have some kind of pressure and help me get through with this. I'll tell you my problem if I may.
    I startedwatching porn when I was 11, 12 years ago, when by accident some nude woman appeared on my screen while doing a school project. It all started with quite mild porn, not even that, just some pictures of half naked girls. But things started getti more and more hardcore. I didn't realize this was a problem until about two years ago when it wouldn't go up with my hot girlfriend. She discovered I would rather fap to porn than having sex with her, which devastated her and our relationship went downhill from there. I never really had erection problems and don't really have them up to this day, except for some occasions. It has however happened to me that I can't have an orgasm or take a long time to get there. Girls seem to love it, but they don't realize I'm actually hassling to cum. Another problem I have is using condoms, I have a hard time getting it proper stiff with one on. I always have to get the thinnest ones possible, otherwise it won't work properly. I noticed also that unless a girl is really hot I won't get very aroused and loose interest. I just hope I can have at least 90 without fapping and longing for your support. My brain needs to reboot and stop thinking about sex all the time. I think too many people have this problem but refuse to accept it. It's time to move on. Also, I'm addicted to cigarettes and marijuana so trying to get away from those too. It's hard. Thanks for reading, and I hope to support other people with their objectives too.
  2. Bandit6of10

    Bandit6of10 Fapstronaut

    Glad you've joined us Ediosalex,

    If it was easy this site wouldn't exist.

    Just remember any unreal arousal will escalate. By unreal I mean sexual stimulation that doesn't lead to sex with a person.

    Keep coming back.
  3. Eldiosalex

    Eldiosalex Fapstronaut

    Thanks a bunch. I was having a bad relapse moment so I went out to get some fresh air and do some exercise. It truly helps.
  4. wzg.3re

    wzg.3re Fapstronaut

    Yo dude, how old are you right now? I never had a girlfriend and I am a virgin. Can you give me some tips on how I could potentially get one. By the way I am on day 4 of NoFap, and I am also feeling those same desires. It is natural to feel that way after doing it so long. However, we must not succumb to it.
  5. Eldiosalex

    Eldiosalex Fapstronaut

    Hey Man, I'm currently 23. It's actually very easy to get a girlfriend, no matter how good or bad looking one is. Girls really do go for more than just looks, they go for the man that is CONFIDENT. They go for the man that makes them LAUGH and have a good time. The Problem is, being confident is not as easy as one might think. You have to truly believe you are the best. That you're worthwhile. I've had about 4 serious girlfriends since I was 15 so on average 2 years each. I'm actually quite fed up now, so I'm taking some good time off. What's your age and what are you good at? If you tell me more about you I can help more. Although this is not a forum for that but I feel quite qualified to do so. My problem is fapping too much I think I've lost interest in sex. My friend was desperate to fuck me the other day, and I just wasn't having any of it. It's not like she's ugly either. I may sound cocky but it's just the truth. I'm no role model either.
  6. wzg.3re

    wzg.3re Fapstronaut

    Right now I am 17 about to be 18 in July. I don't have many friends, I am not popular at all. I am also an introvert after facing rejection, betrayal, and hatred from my last school. It was so bad that I dropped out of High School, but I was able to get my GED in about 2 months. Now in fall, I am going to start college. I have been told by multiple people that I am good looking and that any girl would be lucky to have me. However, I take it with a grain of salt because of what I have been through. I just try to improve myself each day. And me quitting masturbation is one of those things. I feel as if fapping as made me shy with girls. I remember this one instance where I stopped fapping (before I knew about this website btw) for a week and I went to someone's house and I was chatting with a girl and I was making her laugh and everything. The funny thing is is that I didn't even say hi to her on my way inside the house (rude on my part). Idk man, some days I feel like I could never get a girlfriend. Some days I just don't give a shit.

    It sucks because I see my cousin who is 13 years old and he's popular and he got a lot of females friends and he even has had two girlfriends. And he's short and skinny. I am tall (6 feet) even though my body doesn't look the greatest I have been hitting the gym and I lost 20 pounds since December. I know at that age there may not be anything substantial but I just don't like having little to no experience
    Any suggestions?
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2016
  7. Eldiosalex

    Eldiosalex Fapstronaut

    Ok I think I know what your problem is. To be honest with you, I was almost always the "cool" guy at school. The secret to that? Just don't give a fuck. And I don'tean be a dick. Be nice to people, be EMPATHETIC. But if some asshole says shitty things don't listen too much. But do take note of fine details. For example: if you say something and people agree, they will tell you they agree. However if they don't, they will say nothing. Most of the time they won't say anything because they can't be asked to have an argument they don't care about, so they say nothing. Watch out for these moments of silence. But remember, all of this should be done with a poker face.dont let people know you care so much about their opinion. Humans are cruel. I have been cruel many times when I was younger. And the fact is, humans don't like weakness. They abhor it. People also follow trends very easily, so if a few people don't like you for whatever reason, other people will follow with no reason other than following the rest. Ok now do this. Challenge yourself. Take up a sport or a few sports. This is key. Women like athletic guys, and guys like athletic guys. Remember most of our history was in nature, and physical attributes still play an important role in or daily lives. Make yourself believe you're truly worthwhile, that you can have any girl you want and it will become reality. You have to truly believe it though, otherwise it will NOT work. Take up a rare sport, preferably something extreme. To name a few: triathlon, parkour, aggressive skating, long boarding, surfing, skiing and snowboarding, slacklining, juggling, breakdancing or mountaineering. Make yourself interesting. Read books. Go on the Internet and search random stuff, random facts like the population of countries, the current political status of a weird country and stuff like that, you get the point. If you can, take a gap year before college or if you already signed up no worries you can do it later. I REALLY do recommend traveling, it will simply make you a more interesting person.
    Ok. Now all of this you must do carefully not saying too much about it. Don't talk too much, it makes you look like an attention whore, girls hate this. When one tries too hard, that's when one fails. Be secure and confident. Remember, you're the best! Believe it because you are! I repeat, DO NOT try too hard.
    Ok another key point. Ask questions. Obviously ask her questions that you think are likely to be of interest for her. Not what cars she likes, not what she had for lunch or what the weather is like. For a girl your age, let me think of a few. Some might sound stupid but it's just from the top of my head and its just a conversation trigger.
    If you were given a million dollars but aged ten years, would you do it?
    What's your favorite movie?
    Dog or cat?
    Would you rather read minds or travel in time?
    If you could go back in time and take a different decision in your life, what would it be?
    Ok enough with the questions, you get my point. Make her so the talking. By the way not saying hi to that girl when you got to the party was a good move. Make yourself look uninterested, but being nice and cool at the same time. By cool I mean chilled out. You can and will get a girlfriend if you wish to, just don't look too desperate. It's a massive deterrent. Your non verbal communication says a lot too. Don't be fidgety, keep yourind and body in control. Women like men who seem in control. I hope this helps. I'm in a bus and I'm getting kind of dizzy but I truly hope this helps. Lete know how it goes. Be confident my friend.
    wzg.3re likes this.
  8. wzg.3re

    wzg.3re Fapstronaut

    Wow. That's a lot of stuff.

    Tbh, I am not very athletic. If I do play a sport I won't perform well in it. Pretty much, the only thing I want to do before playing a sport is to get in shape. Maybe when that's the case I could begin playing in basketball leagues, since that is my favorite sport.

    Btw I am actually enrolled in college so I can't go back. Plus, since I dropped out of high school my father has been on my ass about my education, which is a good thing.

    Anyways, thanks for all of the tips. I will try to the best of my ability in order to be successful in this endeavor. Good luck with your journey. I will keep you posted.