Flatline Help

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by YogurtNinja, Jun 22, 2016.

  1. YogurtNinja

    YogurtNinja Fapstronaut

    36M. I have years of PMO, no death grip (I have enough left to M like umcirc guys). Just some background there.

    Yesterday was incredibly embarassing. I had not MO since Saturday, so I thought I was ready to go. I had looked at some P, but did not masturbate.

    So yesterday I thought I would surely burst, so I asked my wife for some "help". She was awesome but it was almost like I felt nothing, certainly not enough to get anywhere near an O. It felt almost numb!

    After my penis shrank and then still felt numb. And I woke up with the same numbness and zero sensation.

    Is it normal to flatline after 3 days? Why did my penis go numb to sensation?
  2. TheIdealMan

    TheIdealMan Fapstronaut

    I wouldn't be worried. Porn does weird stuff to your body, but it is all fixed up by abstaining. Just keep up the reboot.
  3. YogurtNinja

    YogurtNinja Fapstronaut

    Thanks! I appreciate that. Its just really scary to lose all sensation and then erections.