50 days, my results

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by vycanis, Jun 18, 2016.

  1. vycanis

    vycanis Fapstronaut

    my problem-solving skills have been sharpened..
    I think the greatest benefit that u gain from nofap is that instinct comes before logic meaning that u just "know" what to do and then it's confirmed by ur logic(referring to self improvement more specifically).. Someone who is fapping stresses their mind to exercise their logic to come to an understanding..
    I came up with an established framework that destroys laziness..
    I have way of staying within the present moment if I feel that I'm getting anxious about have a more content mind like from success or a girlfriend..
    More energy
    From day 7 on I've had no urges cuz of an understanding of how to prevent them.
    More confidence but it's subtle.. Day 90 I'm going to start worrying about girls and socializing..
    Ultimately, it's the destroying the laziness which I'm most excited about.. I feel like if I really wanted to test the effectiveness of my method and did like 10 hrs of things I don't like doing in one day, it would work
    last_hope likes this.
  2. last_hope

    last_hope Fapstronaut

    Are you able to sleep for 7-8 hours? I mean, whenever I abstain, my body is so full of energy that at night I am not able to fall asleep soon and I end up surfing the internet which results a relapse..
  3. vycanis

    vycanis Fapstronaut

    U shouldn't have energy at the end of the night, u should have used it all.. Relapses are a result of not putting up any work to strengthened ur willpower, yoga, gym , meditation, reading, Ect.. It's not a result of a lack of brainwashing abilities
    Low likes this.