Feel like crying everytime I see a couple

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by The human failure, Jun 13, 2016.

  1. The human failure

    The human failure Fapstronaut

    Title basically. It makes me dread going outside, the mere sight of seeing people even holding hands breaks me down to a ball full of nothing but envy. Hell even when I'm feeling down and go to /r/depression or somewhere for comfort I read about how people having families/partners who help them and care about them and I just end up feeling worse than I did before.

    I don't know, I just needed to vent. It's been one of those days again.
    Its a beautiful night likes this.
  2. :( I'm sorry to hear this.
    But you are only 18 for one, so it's surely not the end of the world. Do you have any friends? I love hanging with mine even though we aren't necessarily close.
    The human failure likes this.
  3. mark3478879

    mark3478879 Fapstronaut

    I wish I could give you a hug because it sure sounds like you really need one. I'm lonely too. And you are making me cry right now.
  4. HipPete

    HipPete Fapstronaut

    Yeah it's a hard battle... stay strong. You've got a lot of strong support here. I believe all loners get that feeling of envy and jealousy when we see couples, it's going to be tough but fake it till you make it. I say work on your NoFap day goal as motivation first the rest is going to come from alot of self confidence which you will build.
    WarriorScarr likes this.
  5. tweeby

    tweeby Banned

    Loner here too, lost virginity to prostitutes, never had a girlfriend, watched porn to fill the void, obsessed with married girl at the office.

    Now starting a 4 day gym routine, weight gaining regime, forced social exposure, including flirting, NoFap for more than a month and weening myself of anti-depressants. Was unmeployed for a number of months set out to create my own portfolio landed a job, got two other offers etc. Trying to save to move out.

    Long story short - you need to pull yourself out of it, no one else will.
    PM me if you're interested in a way out of the darkness.
  6. Ahddub

    Ahddub Guest

    Your thinking way to far ahead into the future dude. Your angry at someone elses happiness because you cannot get it yourself. Alright fair enough. Emotions are healthy to experience. But now here is the key

    How do you react? I see two simple options (I am sure there are lots more you can be creative as you want with this but I will give you two for simplicity sake)

    You either A) Take that dread and say and pledge. Ok I feel this way. Whether it was my fault (porn addiction, lack of skills, poor physical shape whatever it is you think is genuinely quote on quote "your fault") or not (maybe distant parents, lack of education whatever. Make a list if you have too) you say you know what I accept whatever happened in the past. Its gone now. Over. Do you reread chapter 1 over and over again in a new book? or rewind to the first ten minutes. Then saying oh wow I guess my life is this (past event) never realizing its you that flips the pages back or rewinds the tape.

    Path A is taking responsibility for yourself and the one chance you get in this world. Respecting and loving yourself to take care of yourself and grow as an individual.

    Path B which you do now, is you play the victim. Complain. Cry for attention from your fellow man. Telling everyone of your woes and misfortunes. Attempting suicide which you think and believe will be the answer but really you are looking for love. Porn addicts and depression in general is lack of love. Believe me I know I am still there myself.

    Ive seen you on the forums and on the status updates. and I have to say honestly your attitude and outlook sucks. You ask for a car crash? Now think what will that accomplish? End the pain? You do realize pain is needed for pleasure and sadness is needed for happiness do you not? Porn and instant gratification culture has made us forget that emotions are not just excitement and happiness. The human condition is a wide variety of emotions that we all need to experience and grow with.

    So I leave you with options. Either you participate in your own rescue. Or you die drowning next to a life raft.

    Write down your goal. and in every moment do the next thing right towards it. Your goal is 90 days no porn NoFap? Well. Dont fap this hour. Then the next hour then the next. You are looking at 90 from 0. Like my beginner looks at van halen and gets upset that he cannot play like that. He forgets that the journey is more important then the destination. If your focused on what your gonna get. You miss the most important thing that happens. Which is who you become
    Mixtec likes this.
  7. yousuff

    yousuff Fapstronaut

    I also feel sad to see happy couple. I feel like crap sometimes.
    The human failure likes this.
  8. vulture175

    vulture175 Fapstronaut

    how about killing the girl?
    Clerk373 and Cockyau like this.
  9. Hey don't say things like that
  10. corpulcen

    corpulcen Guest

    I feel you OP. Also when I'm having such thoughts I just hope I won't turn into Elliot Rodger or something.
  11. vulture175

    vulture175 Fapstronaut

    @corpulcen : too much sadness turn into hate. Too much hate turn into madness. Too much madness turn into actual actions.
    @Rubidium : sr just warning. Cuz if a person stays in depression for too long, he will act on it, and tht action will be very likely dangerous for himself or others
  12. Cockyau

    Cockyau Fapstronaut

    I'm also loner.... 23 years old never had any girlfriend, in addition now 90% of the face to face conversations are carried out with my mum.
    I just simply don't care, that's it. "Ohh, they are a couple,"is the only thought that flits through my mind when I sense a pair.
    Now I'm financially incapable, I have to focus on my studies, go gym and attending guitar lesson, also reading books, it's not that I don't have the time but I believe now definitely isn't the suitable time, especially now I don't even generating any income (people say money doesn't matter when you got true love; but let's be more realistic and not being absurd for a second, sufficient money is the best support for a long-living relationship, how you feel when you have to let your girl to pay the expenses because you are not capable of paying it? ).

    Why we do NoFap? One of undeniable reason is the delay-gratification we will be received. Watching P and fap basically is the instant gratification for fulfilling our sexual desires, we don't have to work hard for it all we got to do is just click and we got the best reward; and things provide instant gratification often eventually, send you a ridiculously overvalued bill-to-pay-for. There's a video about this in Youtube but I forgot the title.
    What I want to convey is instead of craving for a girlfriend now, we should first work on ourselves, Doing Nofap is one of them. Provide the best brand of you to the girl that deserves all your love and work in the future. Love her now by loving and improving yourself; you don't need to wait for her appearance. And who knows, with a better person you are, you might be able to attract a better girl. ;)
  13. * thunderous applause *
  14. tweeby

    tweeby Banned

    For those who wish to remain single, complain about not being able to attract a girl go ahead and exercise the same behaviours as the OP with an avatar of a poney with pink hair.

    For all the others who wise up to this nonsense start building a lifestyle that attracts people in.

    Girls want to have something you can offer... if you can't offer nothing... Guess what, no one will want in.

    Read the book of pook,


    Hit the reset button and go again, when you're young there's plenty of time to reshape your personality/ life /behaviour and body.
    Mixtec and hej då like this.
  15. vulture175

    vulture175 Fapstronaut

    Just like any other self-help books and junky alpha male beliefs ( let the word " theory" stay in peace)
    But you're right. Being too weak is unhealthy. Why not just go outside and stab the couples you hate.
  16. hej då

    hej då Fapstronaut

    Seriously man, what's with that pony on your avatar?
    corpulcen likes this.
  17. Themadfapper

    Themadfapper Fapstronaut

    I think you need to look a little deeper. Make friends with some of these couples and you will see it's not all roses, and true love is a very rare thing indeed and may not even be what you want. Sure unconditional love is a desirable thing to have, but you will never get that from a woman, and it's a pain in the ass to give it to someone else.

    Go to a bar, not to pick up chicks, but just observe, observe the woman. In fairness, a bar will have the worst kind of women in it, but if you watch and objectively rate these women you will find they are not as desirable as you once thought.

    I'm not trying to turn you of relationships, but just trying to point out that it isn't the end all be all, and there are downsides to it. Few things sadder IMO than the man who mopes over women with the false belief that she can fill the void in his life, she can't. Similar to a PMO addiction that kind of attitude will take the joy out of your life and you will lose appreciation for what life does have to offer.

    IMO, you should not do things in the hopes of meeting girls [ although if that can motivate you?] or for girls, but do things for yourself, do things you enjoy for the joy of doing them and to improve yourself.

    P.S I don't know what the big deal is about your avatar, unless these guys are worried you're into the bronie thing?
    Cockyau likes this.
  18. Lou

    Lou Fapstronaut

    Same thing with me,and I don't know why.Kinda strange.I know I should be happy for these people,but I am not.I just feel some kind of hatred towards them for no reason.
    Clerk373 and vulture175 like this.
  19. FindingAName

    FindingAName Banned User

    but i think its a great idea