Porn is suddendly disgusting me

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Francesco, Jun 5, 2016.

  1. Francesco

    Francesco Fapstronaut

    I thought to be the last person in the world to say something like this. But porn is kinda disgusting me now. I am impressed, I used to be an enthusiast for extreme/freaky content. And now I am no more. All the violent pornography I was so much addicted to does not do the trick anymore. Hopefully this is a sign that I am slowly going back to normality.

    Watching porn has become to me nothing but a pitiful act. Masturbation can be part of my sexual being, but porn is not welcome anymore. To me it was necessary to experience 4 months of abstinence and one more month of binging to come to this conclusion.

    Stay away from porn, don't touch yourself that much. Go out and make something out of your life. I will.
  2. TheWannabe

    TheWannabe Fapstronaut

    Man, you're already there after four days? Lucky.
  3. recoome

    recoome Fapstronaut

    even i'm disgusted by some of the earlier porn videos that i saw. i used to see a lot of bdsm. though i still have urges of watch porn, it's not as extreme as bdsm.
  4. melancholy king

    melancholy king Fapstronaut

    The question that comes to my mind is how exactly do you know that porn disgusts you? Does that mean you are still actively watching it? If so, then quit it man. When I had my 3 month long streak a while back, I too thought that it was kind of disgusting (I mainly thought of it as meh though), and then I kept watching, and that perspective changed after a little while. Just stop watching it altogether.

    Oh and BDSM is fairly vanilla compared to some of the stuff I've seen... It can always get worse, just keep that in mind.
  5. recoome

    recoome Fapstronaut

    I guess by disgusting I think i dont have the urge to type bdsm fuck/hardcore/group videos in google.
  6. Francesco

    Francesco Fapstronaut

    Your guess is right. I know it is dangerous and counterproductive to indulge in this kind of behaviour, but it has helped me to reframe my view on the problem. It is estranging to witness how my fetishes are not arousing anymore. I know that exposition to porn enforces bad habits, but I have come to realize that exposition just do that. It enforces, but it does not create emotional issues. In my case discomfort was preexisting and was able to thrive because of pornography; therefore I am currently working on the root of discomfort. NoFap is part of a path of self-improvement and I am willing to focus right now on other aspects. Still, you are right, I should just stop watching. No matter the scientifical/psychological curiosity, I realize that I am hindering my recovery. I am programming to start a new Hard Mode session in the future.

    Same here, although I was addicted to transgendered person porn. Fortunately I started to embrace a new idea of manliness based on social, ethical and philosophical premises. This new view does not allow that stuff in my world anymore; watching some of it proved to me a greatly decreased interest, since that content doesn't align anymore with my needs as a man. Disgust was fighting with past memories linked to comfort. I now realize how comfort from pornography was just an illusion. Disgust is real.
    TheSumOfAllBeers likes this.
  7. GSarosi

    GSarosi Guest

    Definitely understand what the OP is saying. The moment I got disgusted by all this I just deleted my whole stash. Since day one in starting this reboot/rewire I just had no urge and drive to have porn in my life again.

    I can honestly say that if I discovered that Quitting Porn article in Art of Manliness years ago I would be in much better shape much earlier. For me once I discover a method and path and that correspond to my goal(s) and purpose(s) I live inspired and soldier on no problem. It is when I lack clarity and purpose is when I lose my way.
    TheSumOfAllBeers likes this.