Courage to delete P0rn/PMO stash...

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by rave756, May 29, 2016.

  1. rave756

    rave756 Fapstronaut

    Any suggestions on building up the courage to delete a P0rn/PMO stash?

    Consciously, i recognize that this is just like a drug addict maintaining a secret stash. There is a battle in my head right now - good-side: that i don't feel the desire now to use them, and want to be in a place where i would be amused that i ever did; bad-side: that i might in the future want to use them 'one last time', or it would be good to have them on hand if i fell back into that habit.

    I've just listed mine on my journal, but basically P-Sub stuff up to a small amount of P (i never found a great reason to 'download' P, in many years at least) Though i hope, generally this will help others hanging on to larger amounts of electronic or physical P or PMO-related items.
  2. ThePineForestier

    ThePineForestier Fapstronaut

    I have this huge secret stash that I fap to in my laptop, but instead of deleting it I "hid" it using "folder properties". It works just as well as deleting because it no longer appears visibly in my computer at all. I am not psychologically prepared to delete the whole thing. Perhaps one day, after I've completely rebooted, I will build up enough courage to purge it completely from my laptop.
  3. OldJoe

    OldJoe Fapstronaut

    I had a friend once who gave up smoking. To help him, he kept a packet of cigarettes on him at all times, but wrapped it up in cellophane, with a note to himself reminding him of all the reasons he wanted to quit. He said that every now and then he'd get the urge for a smoke, get the packet out, read his note and then put the cigarettes back in his pocket. I'm trying the same approach to my porn stash, maybe it would work for you?
    BigIdiot22 likes this.
  4. SnowWhite

    SnowWhite Fapstronaut

    Around 10 years ago, I put my whole porn stash on a separate hard drive, encrypted, and I put this hard drive away in a box.
    That way I was able to let lose.

    Over time I forgot about it all, and years later, I finally threw the drive away.
    BigIdiot22 likes this.
  5. Ambrose

    Ambrose Fapstronaut

    Just do it! It's like ripping off a band aid, take a breath and go. No it isn't easy.

    I don't recommend keeping it around so you can "really say no" like some people do quitting smoking. You are setting yourself up for failure that way.
    ivanhoe and BigIdiot22 like this.
  6. tweeby

    tweeby Banned

    I've got a ton on my backup drive, part of me thinks if ever there comes a time when they decide to ban porn, as it so happened in india then got revoked - at least I got my backup plan. A list of my favourite porn actresses in all their sordid glory. It's pretty daft. I should just get rid of it, but there's a certain sense of nostalgia (the time and effort taken to download all those movies)
  7. Jim9999

    Jim9999 Fapstronaut

    I just did it. It was *a lot* of stuff, which I accumulated over decades. Just rip off the bandaid. I've tried the cut back on looking thing, but the temptation is always there and I always get back into my old habits. Just trash it.
  8. Ambrose

    Ambrose Fapstronaut

    Awesome jim, congrats on not letting it own you.
  9. takezawa1

    takezawa1 Fapstronaut


    If yore not truly ready the relapse can be very bad and traumatic. There has to br a point where you feel it in your gut and can do it, and sice you're here you're moving it that direction, but at one point enough is enough and you become ready to delete it all.
  10. Just do it, no turning back and move forward. A great way to overcome PMO is to do this. Cause in the moment of feeling most weak then you go back to porn. Its just like alcholics who wish to give up drinking stillhave bottles of burbon slashed deep within the fridge and behind other food and contents so when someone opens the fridge door it is not to be seen but it is still there. Plus when they feel at most weak they go for the alchol.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 4, 2016
    rave756 likes this.
  11. I just got rid of that and a lot of trigger clothing (don't ask :) ) everyone is different, but what helps with me is i say I am not giving up something, I am freeing myself from something that is blocking me from real joy.
    New Life Mantra 333 likes this.
  12. nonfap

    nonfap Fapstronaut

    Yeah, just delete it. If your goal is to quit, delete it.

    I've been trying to quit for years and it's been a struggle. I'm really happy about my progress over the ~3 months I've been on the noFap forum. I'm so happy about it, I know I'm never going back. I'm not saying there won't be urges and struggles but I know that no porn can replace the happiness I have about the good progress that I've made these last ~3 months. I'm grateful to God for it.

    I can't wait to succeed at my reboot goal.

    Yeah, delete it and don't look back is the best advice I could give.
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2016
    rave756 and New Life Mantra 333 like this.
  13. New Life Mantra 333

    New Life Mantra 333 Fapstronaut

    hey 19 days, you are doing great man!
    keep on going, the further away from your PMO past that you can get the more pride and happiness that enters! Respect to you sir!
  14. nonfap

    nonfap Fapstronaut

    Thanks @New Life Mantra 333 ! Yes I'm happy about everyday my counter advances. I won't stop at 90 days, but I have to make it there.
  15. recoome

    recoome Fapstronaut

    i often think as what would i tell my child if he/she were going through similar problem.
  16. rave756

    rave756 Fapstronaut

    Had the courage today to destroy or discard my remaining items of P, at least the physical artifacts. P0rn Buddy: consider yourself relieved of obligation!
  17. im_alive

    im_alive Fapstronaut

    Well done!
    rave756 likes this.