hi all

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by phil 52, May 29, 2016.

  1. phil 52

    phil 52 Fapstronaut

    Hi all,names phil from the uk,i'm 52 and been addicted to porn of some sort for 35yrs(was mags when I was younger)Also an alcoholic,for the same amount of time,
    My life hit rock bottom a mnth ago,too much to go into,but looseing my partner,and my health not good, ive stopped drinking for a month so far,now the physical withdrawal has stopped(my heads a big mess)I thought I would stop porn as well.I have (pied),and need this sorted big time,before I could even think of trying another relationship,although that's not even a thought till I know im safe in my sobriety anyway.
    It's a sad story but one I'm determined to have a happy ending sometime in the future..
    OldJoe likes this.
  2. Sleeping_Beauty

    Sleeping_Beauty Fapstronaut

    Congratulations on your decision to quit porn and alcohol! Welcome to the forum, stay strong, never give up, and you will succeed! Your happy ending awaits in the future.
  3. OldJoe

    OldJoe Fapstronaut

    Hi, and wow, from a fellow oldie! I can't imagine trying to make such huge changes in your life, but with grit and determination I'm sure you'll make it, there are loads of in a similar situation.
  4. phil 52

    phil 52 Fapstronaut

    thanks hisoka4,and oldjoe,for your kind words,i'm digging deep for grit,and staying pretty determined,I'm in a lonely scary place,in this valley of fear,but it still beats where ive come from....
    Rapparee likes this.
  5. Pamela Qualls

    Pamela Qualls New Fapstronaut

  6. OldJoe

    OldJoe Fapstronaut

    Hi Pamela!
  7. Rapparee

    Rapparee Guest

    hey Phil, I too knew what its like to have had an alcohol addiction at the same time as to porn and I think your very right to want to tackle that first, its hard to challenge anything else in life otherwise, but I believe just like myself you can do it. If I know anything about both it is that the triggers are the same for both for me, if you can delve deep enough to know where these come from its one of the first steps. And yes yes the fear, the fear, trust me I feel you on this with both, but if we fear anything it is our self, answers to questions we have avoided for too long. I know it doesn't seem clear yet but fear will always be there it is essentially how we direct the fear that matters, I'm sure you have the strength, we all do as human beings, you will surprised!