What religion are you?

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Crispy21, Feb 3, 2016.

What religion do you practice?

Poll closed Sep 3, 2016.
  1. Atheist

    17 vote(s)
  2. Agnostic

    20 vote(s)
  3. Christianity

    53 vote(s)
  4. Islam

    14 vote(s)
  5. Judiasm

    5 vote(s)
  6. Buddhist

    2 vote(s)
  7. Other

    13 vote(s)
  1. Went from what was basically a nonpracticing Protestant/Evangelical (still believed in God and Jesus), to Catholic.
  2. The Progressive One

    The Progressive One Fapstronaut

  3. Dr.NoFap

    Dr.NoFap Fapstronaut

    Very typical story of an Atheist. "Prayers did not get answered". That's why most former Christians turn to Atheism. I had a guy who was very poor. He prayed everyday for 5 years he would win the lottery. he never did, thus, now an Atheist. I had a drug addict who prayed he would never get caught by the police. He did and now serving 5 years. Now he's an Atheist. I understand. I am an ex-Athiest so I totally understand. I guarantee when you're in dire need of help or in a near death experience, you will go back to Christ. It's very common for Atheists to do so.
  4. Catbert

    Catbert Fapstronaut

    My religious history is varied - my dad was a nonpracticing Jew, my mother was Christian. I was baptized into Lutheran church, confirmed in the Congregational Church, converted to Roman Catholic a couple years after getting married, and a couple years ago joined the Episcopal church. The Episcopal Church is nearly identical to the Roman Catholic Church, except they don't discriminate against women, married men, or LGBT people being priests, and ALL baptized Christians are welcome to receive communion. It is an incredibly welcoming church!
  5. Exterminator

    Exterminator Fapstronaut

  6. I do not like to label myself under a particular term. I've been under pretty much every major belief system there is, as well as spending some time as an atheist. After many rather awe-inspiring direct experiences of the spiritual, I found where I am today.

    My daily practices are Hermetic in origin. I deal with the Judeo-Christian/Abrahamic God, angels etc on a regular basis - but the way I've always seen it is that different religions/belief systems are just the same place/entities viewed through different cultural lenses - and as such my beliefs are pretty all inclusive and extend to most every other belief system out there. My relationships with deities/spirits are much like my relationships with people - I like people of every culture and upbringing, so I have relationships with some old Greek deities, some Roman ones, some Celtic ones, etc - although my work is primarily with the traditional Abrahamic God, who I like to think of kind of like a way of tying in all other deities into one unified being - the term "God" for me is synonymous with "All/everything/the infinite", while if I speak of a particular deities name, like say Jupiter, or Morpheus, I'm referring to an aspect of that infinite, rather than the whole.
  7. aman chawla

    aman chawla Fapstronaut

    I am a sikh. I am 15 years old. I am a sikh from birth. Since childhood i was very interested in my religion. I didn't know the main teachings for a long time but in sep 2015 i found a youtube channel. The guy who made the channel teaches sikhi. The first video i watched i was shock because i realized that i didn't know anything about my religion. But now i am trying to be a better sikh. Teachings of my religion amazed me that:
    One god with a sound (big bang) made everything.
    Our souls are the part of that lord we are seperated from god.
    We are here to experience lord by chanting the name of the lord.
    By chanting god's name we feel a blissful experience can't explain it in words.
    In our sikh temple there is free food for all anyone can come and can eat the food regardless of religion,gender,colour,rich,poor etc.
    This shows you what equality is.
    We just don't say that everyone is equal we show to the world that everyone is equal.
    These are the basics.
  8. Yugae

    Yugae Fapstronaut

    I was raised in Muslim traditions, but I don't practice any particular religion. I'm into secular spirituality, the most relevant I found are the esoteric teachings of original Theosophy.

    So I've chosen "Other" in the poll because even if I don't practice any religion I don't have atheist or agnostic opinions.
    I think it would be smart to add "Hindu" in the poll choices because it is a popular religion.