What is Sexual Transmutation and how could you apply it?

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by DYS1994, May 20, 2016.

  1. DYS1994

    DYS1994 Fapstronaut

    I've been learning about this way to use the sexual energy that is building up in the body to something other than porn and degrading methods. It's called Sexual Transmutation. I have been knowning about it for sometime now but I didn't fully grasp the idea of it and I have never seen or heard of someone who actually uses it in his or her daily life.

    Is Sexual Transmutation a myth or is it real?
    If it is real, how do you practice it daily?

  2. GSarosi

    GSarosi Guest

    Sexual Transmutation to put it simply is channeling your sexual energy into building and creating things. In its raw form it is just being horny and NOT succumbing to it. To sum it up it just mean stop masturbating. Now if you can take your horniness channel that energy and harness it, this will convert to a kind of personal power that will drive you to achieve and reach into your own form of greatness and potential. Not masturbating is not enough though. There has to be that woman who will trigger/inspire/empower you to greatness. You don't have to hook up/date her whatever. It would be awesome that happens but her presence and having her enter your life is sometimes more than enough.

    If you want to know more read up on Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. He was the first person who coined this.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 23, 2016
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  3. DYS1994

    DYS1994 Fapstronaut

    Thank you @GSarosi for the information. Since I'm gay and all, yeah there is a guy that I really like and I don't know if he is straight or gay and I don't know if he likes me or not. You said that having that person in your life is enough. Then if you have that person in your life, what is the next step? :)
  4. GSarosi

    GSarosi Guest

    Hmmm.... Well I am not gay so I will try to answer the best I can from my own experiences.

    As of right now my gym crush are getting closer in various ways. Don't know where this will lead to but I do have to be careful because she is planning to move away soon probably in a few months to a year tops. I had my sights on her since around last April/May when I joined my present gym last March. Didn't pursue her or anything because during that time I was in an amazing relationship with another girl that was spiraling downhill fast because she was pondering to whether stay with me or move to another state to take a promotion. Given that I am not someone who likes to hold people back and want them to reach their potential I had to let her go to put it mildly. There were somethings that were said between both of us that shouldn't be said and we couldn't take back. We broke up in amicable terms and we still really care for each other and kept our options open if she does return but I have to move on. This was around last July. Externally I was my usual social personable self but internally I was pretty much a wreck and wanted to be alone. That was where porn and PMOing came into play. It was during this time I discovered high speed internet porn which I say is a real disturbing kind of poison. Much worse than just pics and downloading scenes onto your computer.

    A usual case of oneitis. Deep oneitis. Took me about 6/7 months to get over it. Dating and f*cking other women were not going to cut it because it is not my style and people might get hurt in the process. We have enough of that crap in the world and I am not contributing to it. So what did I do to resolve this? The best way I know how. Physically and mentally push my limits. I hit the gym. Hard. Especially my boot camp and strength conditioning classes. I channeled that pain and hurt into something meaningful and productive. I fought through the pain and kept telling myself that I did an amazing thing by having the ability to be vulnerable and opened myself up with the chance of something great. My gym crush like me was also consistently attending these boot camp and strength conditioning classes.

    Around December of last year I talked to my now ex for the final and last time. She met someone and moved in with him. The conversation was honorable with a deep respect for each other and she let me know to please move on. From that I was able to have that closure and I can go on with my life. By January/February 2016 I can say I was about 85% to 90% cleared emotionally and mentally. I was able to notice more what was going on around me. Being more aware of the women around my presence.

    Then one day out of the blue at the end of February my gym crush came up to me after class and struck up a conversation. It was electrifying and I felt alive again. Up until today we talk to each other on most days either in class, after class or texting. We went out a couple of times and the dates were AMAZING. Honestly better than my previous relationship. Oh hell she was the one to ask me out. Well I asked her first but somehow she declined and I just let it go but one day she just asked which was pretty cool.

    How does all this fit into Sexual Transmutation? Hmmm.... my previous relationship which collapsed created some really dark moments for me. I channeled those dark days into something bright. My ex became an inspiration for me to push my limits by hitting the gym on most days. From there I was able to meet my gym crush which inspire me to continue to push and evolve while battling this PMO which I can say I have been PMO free for some +60 days. It would be kind of weak to say it is because of her but I can say that it is mainly her as to why I can successfully go through battling this PMO dilemma.

    Yet there is a problem with this too because she is going to move away one day. But I am prepared on how to deal with this. I need to meet women who don't or don't plan to move away. LOL.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 23, 2016
  5. EverythingIsConnected

    EverythingIsConnected Fapstronaut

    Thank you for sharing your experience. This explains harnessing sexual energy a lot better for me. Instead of dwelling on lack of m and p, turn that around on itself and do something productive.
    Thanks Again, Brother.
    DYS1994 likes this.
  6. It is real. Not a myth. Meditation is the key. First as the energy ascends it manifests not as sexual energy but as increased physical vitality. This is attractive at one level to others, especially the opposite sex. Then as it ascends further it manifests as creativity- in speech, writing, poetry, art, as open-heartedness. This is also attractive to others, including the opposite sex. At the higher levels this manifests as the vision of great visionaries, as profound insight into the very nature of things. At the highest level it becomes the ultimate spiritual experience. It has been known in the yoga and Indian tradition for millennia and also in other faith traditions around the world. Good luck with your practice! YB
    TheDarkKnightOfAsia and DYS1994 like this.
  7. Swami SivAnanda's writings on the dishq website will give you all the necessary details.
    TheDarkKnightOfAsia and DYS1994 like this.
  8. GSarosi

    GSarosi Guest

    Hmmm... in your case that would be tricky given that with a man and a woman it is obvious. As for your situation first thing is to know if he is gay too. If not then he is just a friend and if he is gay well you know what needs to be done.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 23, 2016
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  9. GSarosi

    GSarosi Guest

    The workout and gym are just some of the few things I was inspired to do. I also became an Idea Machine which helped me to solve a few problems and issues I ran into with my passions. Definitely having that woman to empower you whether she becomes your partner/companion or just a muse opens up the world within and out. If you are going through reboot/rewire your chances of succeeding is increased exponential fold because of her. There is no denying the fact that the woman I am interested in right now means more to me than she knows yet I have to keep that to myself. Or else this is going to spiral downwards as I can easily lose my edge of being a challenge.

    Here is something to ponder. In our lifetime we all are going to face and deal with dark times. It is what makes us who we are along those amazing bright days. It is what we do and react in response to those days that matter. Are we going to let those dark days consume and twist us or are we going to stand firm to our convictions and strength to find ways to become better than the person we were yesterday, last month, last year.

    This is my way of applying SM. There are unlimited ways to do so.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 23, 2016
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  10. DYS1994

    DYS1994 Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the help friends and I'm looking forward to learn about this more. I'll post here if I have anymore questions. :)
  11. DYS1994

    DYS1994 Fapstronaut

    Hello @YogiBlues I'm from Sri Lanka, therefore I have a little knowledge about the meditations you're talking about but I cannot fully understand what you've written here. (Sorry, it's my bad). Could you be kind enough to find me some articles written inspired by Swami sivAnandas and post them here? Thank you.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  12. DYS1994

    DYS1994 Fapstronaut

    Thanks, you're like the first person who I met with experience on sexual transmutation. Thanks for your help. :)
  13. Dear @DYS1994
    Please take a look at
    There's a downloadable pdf also if you search for sivananda brahmacarya
    Now this outlines the benefits of sexual transmutation from a very high level, and Swami SivAnanda is very focused on spiritual growth and his prescription is uncompromisingly tough- but he is spot on! I personally found it tough to immediately start living up to his standards, but as I try more, the more convinced I am that he is right. Since you are from Sri Lanka and have some idea about these things it may appeal to you also. But ultimately sexual transmutation is about mUlabandha and awakening kundalini. I've written about this in other posts. The intermediate benefits are there but eventually aiming for the highest goal is best if taking this path. Best wishes to you on your quest! YB
  14. StraightEdge

    StraightEdge Fapstronaut

    Thank you YogiBlues. It's very interesting!

    From a more the occidental stand point, i'm reading a book on Freud right now. He used to said that there was 4 major ways to overcome pulsions:
    - Trying to suppress it (which can produce nevrosis)
    - Trying to keep it for yourself (which produces fantasm)
    - Trying to diminish it (which lead to inhibition)
    - Trying to use it in a more respectable way (he called this process "sublimation").
    The last one may correspond to the idea of transmutation. The one we're looking for :)
    I found that Napoleon Hill is not very explicit in the book 'Think and grow rich"...
    Last edited: May 24, 2016
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  15. Absolutely! I've used the same Freudian terminology of 'sublimation ' in other places in this context but it is nice to see it laid out clearly as you did. These concepts are very useful in understanding how the mind works. Wishing you all the best! YB.