Lesson's from failure

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by noeledge, May 15, 2016.

  1. So I had a pretty bad relapse last night.
    But it wasn't one without learning.

    After watching a movie filled with nudity and hyper sexuality (I had no idea prior) I stayed up late and relapsed. Even though I'd had good sexual relations earlier that day.

    As bad as I felt for letting myself down I realised a couple of things:

    My sex life and my porn addiction are two seperate things. I was always worried that I'd loose interest in sex because of PMO and that having a healthier sex life would reduce PMO.


    PMO is a drug. And I'm a drug addict. I don't do it because of a lack of sex. But because of the dopamine release it gives me.

    I woke up this morning feeling very hung over. Very similar feelings to when I used to go out clubbing.

    Even though I relapsed I think it was a positive experience because it showed me that PMO isn't a sexual problem but a drug addiction.
    Awakening123 likes this.
  2. Awakening123

    Awakening123 Fapstronaut

    Good luck! Your thinking is in the right direction.
    noeledge likes this.
  3. rebootforthebetter

    rebootforthebetter Fapstronaut

    Mate I had the same thing 17 days ago, recently I lost my job (which worsened my mental state) and and in the past 3 weeks missed out on 3 jobs coming top 2 each time. On the 2nd of those job failings i relapsed and relapsed badly, I couldnt stop myself because i didnt want too. I admitted to my girlfriend because i wanted to remain accountable even though if felt like i failed not only myself but her too. To sum up what im trying to say is you will likely have that temptation and it might happen but as long as you take that positive direction you should be okay.

    At point of my relapse i was up to 13 days. Now I've hit 18 and excited to finally hit that 30 day target, which has talen me 3 months to achiveve
    noeledge and Awakening123 like this.
  4. Wow man good to hear others are in the same boat. It's very inspiring to hear that you've gotten past that stage and have hit 18 days. Congrats!
  5. Jake Amberson

    Jake Amberson Fapstronaut

    Well done on recognizing the positives in this. No addiction can stay in the face of such positive and intelligent thinking.

    Best of luck!

    noeledge likes this.
  6. Thanks Jake, it's rather freeing realising this. It takes a bit more of the pressure off and let's me focus morr.