My 11th Month Victory Speech

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by fercho29, Apr 11, 2016.

  1. Tayler32

    Tayler32 Fapstronaut

  2. Thank you @Tayler32
    One day closer today, EIGHT DAYS FOR MY YEAR ANNIVERSARY NOW!!!!

  3. beat432

    beat432 Fapstronaut

    Congratulations Fercho,
    and thank you again for all the advices...

    I think that we need to spread the word in Latinoamerica (because the PMO adiction is almost unknown here), but also in every country with internet access.
    It frightens me how the young people are more and more inmerse into the virtual world and exposed to P.
    I was a victim of it, but I keep fighting and I don't feel ashamed anymore, like you well said...
    Congratulations again, enjoy a life with purpose,
    you are a great example for us.
    fercho29 likes this.
  4. Thank you very much for your kind words @beat432
    You are right, there is too much ignorance about this addiction, not only in Latin America but also here in the US.
    Last month Time Magazine article was a big step forward in spreading the voice, but there is still much more work to do.
    Our goal in life should be to help others to get rid of this addiction, once we are far ahead in our reboot. This is why I stay here and come almost every day. And also because this keeps me grounded and avoid becoming complacent with my recovery
    Keep on fighting
  5. Sorry guys, I was too busy yesterday so I forgot to post my countdown. It was

    days for my First Year PMO clean, and today is

  6. 5.gif Today it is an important day in my reboot recovery.
    One year ago I decided to pay a video porn site with my credit card, although I knew that it was pretty likely than one of my two sons would see this expense in our credit card App (we share cards and they check it all the time because they buy a lot online to early spot any identity theft).
    I knew i could be discovered, but the lust was bigger than any risk, so I paid, I had a binge of paid porn and left later to Orlando, where my son was graduating the following day. I felt depressed, lost and sad. My son was graduating, but I could not feel happiness inside my heart, I felt trapped and desperate by my addiction (although I did not know by then what was causing my depression). It was always a feeling of a hand pressing my chest.
    But anyway, I AM A DIFFERENT MAN TODAY, so let's celebrate that I am...
    Last edited: May 8, 2016
    beat432 likes this.
  7. Following my "countdown revival", today one year ago I assisted to my son's graduation from college. I should have been super happy, because I was very proud of him. Being immigrants to the US, one of our dreams was to bring our sons so they could get a college degree here and have a future, which unfortunately they would not have had in our homeland, Argentina.
    I was proud but numb, could not feel the happiness of the moment.
    On one side, PMO was consuming my brain, I could not stop thinking about porn and having sex with men.
    On the other hand, this is a sad day for me because two years ago my mother passed away. It was tragic, she was pushed on the street by a burglar who tried to steal her cell phone, she broke her elbow and got an infection which lead her to two months in coma.
    I was traveling in Italy with my wife and my two sons after a business trip, we were enjoying our vacation when I got the terrible news that she died. It was hard because the doctors were saying that she was doing slightly better. We were in a little village on the mountains, so until I arrived to Buenos Aires 24 hours later, she has already been buried. I regret missing this important moment with my family.
    So, there are several sad memories associated with May 8th (which BTW is Mother's Day today in US).
    But anyway, today my life is different. One year later I can celebrate with happiness that in


    DAYS I will celebrate MY FIRST YEAR PMO CLEAN!!!
    Enjoy your Sunday
  8. lethalgunman99

    lethalgunman99 Fapstronaut

    Thank you so much for sharing your experience. Please remind urself that ur experience is a very positive inspiration. And congratulation for 1 yr :)
    fercho29 likes this.
  9. Thank you very much @lethalgunman99 for your words of support, I want to share my story so every Fapstronaut know that we can change if we commit to it.
    If you want to follow-up my countdown, I moved it here:
    Keep on fighting
  10. RiseWithHope

    RiseWithHope Fapstronaut

    Very very very much inspiring stories.
    And I admit that you know exactly how to express your self. And that helps the most.
    Second thing is that you are very open with your stories. You exactly tell the situation that how bad and embarissing it was. That too helps with our own bad situations. It reminds me of my old situations.
    And that gives the strength to fight. To get back the real happiness of life and family.
    I am super fan of yours now.
    Your lows and highs are huge.
    I admire your strength sir. Congratulations!!!!
    fercho29 likes this.
  11. Thank you very much for your compliments @RiseWithHope , your support means a lot to me.
    The good thing about reaching the bottom is that you cannot go much lower than that :)
    Now it is all pushing up to get to the surface after being underwater for so long.
    BTW, I followed up my countdown in the following post:

    Today I am celebrating MY FIRST YEAR PMO FREE, it is the happiest day in my life

    Keep on fighting
    Andyst343 and RiseWithHope like this.