Who here genuinely meditates daily?

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by tacomanarrows, Apr 11, 2016.

  1. Meditation seems to be the big thing that all internet health bloggers are talking about.

    So many say that they meditate daily but my experience in real life is that very few real people manage to actually do this. I have even been to classes and found other students report difficulty doing it daily.

    So, out of interest, who actually genuinely honestly can say they sit down and meditate everyday?

    Next question is how do you find the time? I have kids, job, wife, sports, to fit in each day. Not too mention the porn...
    LtGen James likes this.
  2. brownbear66

    brownbear66 Fapstronaut

    Do you mean pray to your higher power.l know that on my own I can not conquer my demons but I do know I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. I use meditation time in my truck or when I journal. I'm not perfect but I have made a daily goal to pray about my life.
    RisingPhoenix77 likes this.
  3. I resolved to meditate daily once I started my NoFap challenge. The idea was 3 times a day, morning, mid day and evening, for 3 minutes and then once I get the habit going to increase. Didn't end up so well. But I still menage to meditate one or two times a day now. It's slightly more than 3 min too, maybe five. But that's the consistency I wanted to develop and that part I'm struggling with. But still it's better than it used to be, which was never at all.

    I always get meditation in before bed. I lie in bed, close eyes and then just breathe and mediate. Then I go to sleep. That's the best time to do it if you can't get any during the day. But everybody probably can, they just don't want to. Like me, I've been forgetting and postponing but it's not the problem of time. I think everybody can find 3 min once in a while. Every hour or so. And so it accumulates. Or at least find 15 spare minutes in lunch break. Also we can meditate while we do things, it's not like we have to sit on floor in lotus position. We can meditate while we cook food, clean or even answer emails, if that does not takes too much mental activity.

    I used to meditate for more than hour every day a while back. Then I kinda deteriorated. But now I'm building it back up. I remember all the mental benefits it gave me and I miss that. I think meditation should be something everybody does just for the maintenance of brain at least. Like jogging every morning or stretching muscles.
    RetroMike and (deleted member) like this.
  4. I was at an hour a day until this relapse sent me off course and broke my practice. Half hour in the morning and a half hour before bed. I find myself very tired in the evenings since the relapse, fapping is entirely counterproductive to a meditation practice of any kind, so are fantasizing, lusting, viewing erotic material and porn, and edging.

    I think meditation is a very ancient tool and many people would do well to try it at least for the length of a reboot to see how it benefits you.
  5. Ummmm, ya the porn has to go at all costs that is alot of nice stuff to lose my man.

    In the morning before breakfast (if I'm not in a rush to work) and before bed are times that allow me to fit in a regular daily practice without anything getting in the way. I mean you wake up and go to sleep everyday and nothing interferes with that, just seems like a great way to start and/or end your day.

    I do always sit, except for when I fap. Once I have made a deliberate choice to edge or view something unskillful (they kind of are inseparable for my brain) it seems some energy arises that prevents me from sitting which is not a good sign at all, it would take a very dark and negative energy to make me not want to meditate. Once an urge is given into, the energy gets into your mind and forgeddaboutit.

    Fapping has got to go.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 11, 2016
    tacomanarrows likes this.
  6. Hmmm what you say makes a lot of sense. Once the dark thoughts take hold it is nigh on inpossible to sit in stillness.
  7. I meditate every day and have done for the past 11 and a bit months. A month and a half prior to starting to meditate every day I was still an opiate addict struggling to quit. With meditation I stayed off opiates, quit all other drugs (aside from alcohol, although I don't abuse alcohol in the way I abused other substances), quit smoking, started a business, wrote a couple of books, started working out regularly, put on 60lbs (I was unhealthily underweight), then lost the excess fat and built some muscle.

    The best advice I can give is ensure you meditate every day. If you don't have the time or patience to sit for 20 minutes, then sit for 5 minutes, hell even sitting for just 60 seconds is better than not meditating at all - and by ensuring you always sit down each day to meditate even if it's incredibly brief, you keep yourself in the habit, and thus it gets easier to do it more regularly and for longer.

    Also, one of the biggest problems I had with meditation initially was how it is described as sitting without thinking. Try not to think of a pink elephant. It's bloody useless advice, it doesn't work. The way to quieten your thoughts is to focus elsewhere. You're only capable of focusing your mind on one thing at a time, so by focusing on your breathing, you quieten your thoughts.

    The second problem people encounter, is they do this, they focus on their breathing, and they get a brief moment of respite from the turbulent thoughts normally racing through their minds. Then suddenly, a thought pops up. "Damn it!" they think to themselves, and get frustrated at their own inability to stop their thoughts.

    The thing to realise is that it's 100% normal for thoughts to appear during meditation. When you notice a thought popping up, simply turn your attention back to watching your breathing. If the thoughts still don't disappear - then don't worry about it, if you're focused on your breathing and it's not stopping the thoughts, then the thoughts are intrusive thoughts that aren't your doing, and are not yours to control in the first place. So pay them no attention and just keep focused on your breathing. Even if you do forget and mess up and get caught up in a train of thought - that's perfectly fine, just go back to focusing on your breathing the moment you notice yourself doing that.

    The quality of your meditation is measured by your persistent effort to direct your attention towards your breath, and NOT by how quiet your mind is. It is not the results that are important, but the process of directed attention through which you attain or don't attain them.

    I am a firm believer in the idea that the harder meditation is for you, the more badly you need it. If meditation comes naturally and easy to you, then sure it will benefit you in some smaller ways, but the difference will be minimal. If on the other hand you sit down and feel like you're at constant war with your own mind, and have no patience for it, and feel frustrated, and uncomfortable, and like it's a struggle.. then you are someone who will find your entire life turned around in amazing ways if you start to practice daily meditation.

    It is the stormy mind that needs calming, not the one that is already calm.
    EverythingIsConnected likes this.
  8. Jungler

    Jungler Fapstronaut

    Meditation goes hand in hand with no pmo, it definitly works giving us multiple benefits along the way. Although recently i stumbled across a plateau, i find meditation getting more difficult for me, i get impatient and lose concentration. Never changed the amount of time of meditating, i feel 15-10 minutes is good enough to keep any bad thoughts at bay. I used to feel replenished after every sessions, now it feels like i found a dead end. Could be the fact that one session a day may not be enough, and probably should take things up a notch to get most benefits from meditation.
  9. Machin

    Machin Fapstronaut

    Every day can be tough.
    I have meditated for a few months, but not on a daily basis.
    I've been doing it daily for 25 days.
    It's just 10mn (I use the app Headspace, which helps to really understand what meditation is about), and then I check in my habit tracker that I meditated.

    You have time, but you choose to do something else with it.
    If meditation is a priority, then schedule it as a priority.
    If it's not a priority, then it's fine.
    I made it a priority because it helps me handle my thoughts and my temper, which helps in my relationships with my colleagues, wife and kids.
    Investing 10 mn in it helps me gain quality time with those I live with, and it's definitely worth it.

    The sole question you have to ask yourself : is it a priority or not ?
    You can put it another way : is it a good investment of your time ?
  10. Faptomist

    Faptomist Fapstronaut

    I meditate daily, have done for over a year now. I used to be a big worrier and found that meditation was the best thing I'd ever done. It's hard to stay motivated all the time if you dont see the benefits. The quality of my mediation dropped for about 2 weeks recently and I only managed to do it for less than 5 minutes a day and I began to feel like I was losing my mind and became overwhelmed with negativity. That's when I realised how meditation is and I now make sure I do about 20 minutes minimum a day.

    When it comes to how to do it I've prioritised it as the most important part of my day and have made it a need rather than a want. In my opinion nothing is better for your mind than mediating.
  11. Jabedos

    Jabedos Fapstronaut

    I do while on a streak. After a relapse I stop along with all other productive things...

    Sex energy + Meditation is in my experience the recipe for FLOW at will.

    The time goes by faster, 20 minutes of meditation feels like 5 and one hour feels like 10.

    But honestly, despite all the incredible incredible benefits of meditation, it's just like the gym.
    Most people talk about it, but dabbles. It's so funny because people don't meditate because they feel like they don't have time, but what do they do instead? Build up stress in the body. But also because PMO is not the only addiction people have, people are addicted to their thoughts, feelings and behaviour as well.

    Once you have experienced the ego less state of happiness where you stop thinking about yourself (or rather your illusionary self) you feel so good that you just want to share positive feelings with other people. You operate from love and joy.

    This is like the pump in the gym, this feeling only stays for a few hours but you get to see what your consistent way of being will become if you continue with the activity because you are building the grey matter in the prefrontal cortex.

    It's amazing. The only thing that is standing between me and this consistent state of love is PMO...

    Sexual overindulgence convert the seven virtues into the seven sins.

    Eating from the forbidden apple will make you know good from bad...

    Happiness turn into Anger, Action into Laziness, Caring about others into Envy.

    Girls feel like you are creepy not loving.

    So don't just no pmo and meditate for yourself, do it for the world AND yourself.

    Dark Warrior likes this.
  12. Dark Warrior

    Dark Warrior Fapstronaut

    ^ Exactly what Jabedos said. NoFap helps you get through all the little things without hastle or effort. Establishing new routines becomes extremely easy with higher testosterone, whereas if it's low you're just like "ugh" to every small task that needs to be done in the day.

    Once you don't PMO for a couple of weeks at least, you'll realise that you have more time and be in control of it. No minute that ticks by goes unnoticed, it's a great feeling.