I dont feel like fapping anymore , not even a bit

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Axlrose123, Apr 20, 2016.

  1. Axlrose123

    Axlrose123 Fapstronaut

    I dont watch porn at all , but after 14 days , i just dont have any desire of fapping , even if i do try it , i just dont like it , what happened to me ?
    GSarosi likes this.
  2. traveller22

    traveller22 Fapstronaut

    Hi there.

    14 days clean time from PMO is great! Keep going.

    Just because you don't feel like it right now, you WILL want to do it sometime in the future. Use this time to build good habits & foundations & changes in your life - when those urges come again, you will be strong & ready.

    Meantime, your brain is rewiring.

    Lets keep our eyes open!


    Axlrose123 likes this.
  3. Venom1

    Venom1 Guest

    The way I look at it , 14days is great work keep it up!!!! Have no desire to fap may be a good thing, cause if you have the urge to fap it may trigger you to PMO, but like @traveller22 says the desire to fap will happen again. Keep up the good work though!!!!
    Axlrose123 likes this.
  4. Could be a flatline. Many people experience a drop in mood/energy/libido that happens during their reboot process. I sort of had this happen recently, although I'm not sure if it was a genuine flatline or the result of circumstances in my life that were affecting my mood etc - so I'm not sure I'm the most qualified to discuss flatlines.

    It's the age old "sometimes things have to get worse before they can get better". Although it's rarely talked about, PMO, and too frequent orgasm can down-regulate your androgen system, the receptors where your androgens bind, (i.e. your male hormonal system) and this can mess with all of the above things: mood, energy, libido. Now as you abstain from PMO, mood, energy, and libido should all increase as your receptors recover - but sometimes recovery from these kind of things works a little weird, like things will seem to go in the opposite direction for a while. This is usually however a good sign rather than a bad one and means that you're healing.

    See it as an advantage too - the early parts of NoFap are the hardest. Days 30 to 55 for me were honestly for the most part easy - while days 1 to 20 were quite hard. So having no desire to fap so early on in your reboot is really great because it means you'll probably get far enough to the stages where it gets much easier! So you have a higher chance of success :)
  5. traveller22

    traveller22 Fapstronaut

    Some good, road-tested wisdom there JesusGreen.

    We all move forward, together.

    JesusGreen likes this.
  6. Axlrose123

    Axlrose123 Fapstronaut

    @JesusGreen Thank you for your opinion , i think some part of it is true but im not having a a down libido or energy at all , all fit , but i guess i can go far like maybe 55 days like you said or even more , its good sign
  7. Winston

    Winston Guest

    Thanks a lot @JesusGreen for your helpful comment.
  8. GSarosi

    GSarosi Guest

    It is flatlining. I experienced exactly what you and JesusGreen lived through. I can tell you that don't be afraid. It is actually a blessing in disguise because you experienced this so early in your healing. Once you hit 30 days things will seem to get brighter and your mojo back.
    Axlrose123 likes this.