240 Days PMO Free

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by Deleted Account, Apr 17, 2016.

  1. Today my counter clicks over to 240 days Masturbation Free. I've now gone 256 Days without watching Porn too.

    It would be a lie to say I don't think about M, how it use to feel, letting that rationalisation take over. It never gets that far.

    I can freely talk about PMO with my current partner which to me means a lot really. I can talk to some friends too. My AP who i check in with daily has become a firm friend through messaging.

    I know porn is out there still, waiting to be used. I'm no longer exposed too much to the sexualised society we live in due to streamlining my TV experience and the use of Internet Ad-Blockers. I don't miss the shit that is spewed out on a hourly basis to draw me in and take over my senses. I'm very careful what i expose my mind to.

    How do i feel. I feel peaceful for the most part. I'm no longer an angry tunnel visioned freak looking for his next porny fix from whatever source i could find at the time. It doe just not interest me at all.

    There is more to life that "sex" What i mean by that is fake sex. You know... porn, it isn't real it is a moving image on a screen conducted for the most part by actors. The still image is the same. It's an image of reality, sometimes so warped by photoshop it bears no resemblance to the original source.

    I pride myself in only getting genuinely aroused in the presence of my partner. I did have thoughts of PIED and ED at the beginning of the relationship and I've found that this is now mainly a confidence and focusing issue with me. If I can't perform it's because my mind has drifted not because of my PMO Past.

    To the doubters and do-gooders in the Porn industry, mainstream medical world and any other section of society that promotes fakeness... FUCK YOU. I have my life back after 32 years of PMO. I'm out front.
  2. EternalSunshine

    EternalSunshine Fapstronaut

    hey man, happy for you, moving on your steps also.
    britaxe likes this.
  3. BushidoWarrior

    BushidoWarrior Fapstronaut

    Well done! You must be so grateful you've achieved this!
    britaxe likes this.
  4. CountryDude

    CountryDude Fapstronaut

    Awesome dude
    britaxe likes this.
  5. BrownTownn

    BrownTownn Fapstronaut

    Congrats brother! Thats an incredible effort! Amongst your streak have you found cutting any other things out of your life helped you along the way? Eg. Video games, internet ect.
    britaxe likes this.
  6. @BrownTownn Yes I reduced social media quite a lot. removed instagram totally, flickr and Tumblr. Tumblr was the most triggering. I also logged out on devices Facebook for three months. I'm back in now but much more under control. I also reduced my TV and movie consumption. I kept the devices out of my bedroom, notifications on silent for a while.

    If you want to change you are going to have to CHANGE how you live. there is no other way. Part of the problem is your current lifestyle as it allows the PMO to trigger you, boredom etc. Hope that helps.
    Rav70, beat432 and BrownTownn like this.
  7. doooooonotagain

    doooooonotagain Fapstronaut

    I just have 10 days off PMO,but my brain is still not so clear.
    Do you have a clearer brain than before?
    britaxe likes this.
  8. Yes it feels so different now. Im not constantly looking for triggers, hardly ever think about porn at all now. And i dont linger on stuff i see beyond my control too. I feel at peace.
  9. doooooonotagain

    doooooonotagain Fapstronaut

    That's great!
    Thanks for your reply.
    britaxe likes this.
  10. Good job @britaxe
    I am so happy for you!
    I remember how much you struggled at the beginning and how shitty you felt.
    I stand up , raise a glass and cheer on your behalf.
    You deserve where you are now and how good you feel.
    Urges will be around for much more time, but now you have the strength and the adult-mind to avoid acting out in your urges.
    Keep on fighting
    Akt1, britaxe and BrownTownn like this.
  11. beat432

    beat432 Fapstronaut

    Congratulations! You are an inspiration for us! keep strongh and remember: Every day is day one.
    britaxe likes this.
  12. Congratulations and thank you for shariing. You are right that one needs to limit social media where it can bring triggers.
    britaxe likes this.
  13. Amazing what the power and determination can do.I salute you @britaxe.I am sure it wasn't easy but it's not impossible.I also like the part about you saying that you stayed away from social media since I have this problem of staying away from facebook and instagram.I am going try it now,no facebook,no instagram and no twitter for me for 3 months.I have already placed devices away from me whenever I am alone and when I sleep.Keep up the good fight!!!
    britaxe and beat432 like this.
  14. @The 1000 Water Fists It made a big difference not being online like i used to. I had to break the cycle of sex chatting on fb first and foremost. Now i am back online on social media but my habits have totally changed. And i no longer care about "missing" newsfeed items and posts. 95% of it all on social media is mind clutter whether it is advertising, friends washing dirty laindry in public, moaning friends and the good old subs we all are trying to avoid. Real life is better and social media complements it. It isnt real life itself.
  15. Hi britaxe. I can relate as I used to do quite a bit of sex chatting on facebook and like you I avoided social media for awhile. That used to be a big weakness for me but for me I not into sex chatting anymore. I am back online yet I never use it to air my dirty laundry there anymore and barely make any status updates there anymore to.
    britaxe likes this.


    Hey britaxe! Congratulation brother, can you please tell me what is your age.
    And For how Long had you been doing masturbation habit then you decided to break that habit.
    Thanks :).
    britaxe likes this.
  17. programer

    programer Fapstronaut

    8 months is a great archievement. 40 drops of blood make a single drop of Semen. In assence Semen is more important than blood. The sparkling bright eyes....

    Keep going on.
  18. iHappy

    iHappy Guest

    @britaxe Congratulations for being porn free for over a year!

    We live in a shitty world, in a world where is everything about sex and nudity. You can't even turn on tv without seeing some women's wear tiny cloths or no cloths at all. It is in music, movies, sports... it is even on the billboards.
    That is the scary part, some kind of porn is always available to us and we can always relapse.
    I hope things will change in the future and that people will be more aware of the damage caused by porn.
    britaxe likes this.
  19. Ted Martin

    Ted Martin Fapstronaut

    Well done brother! That's a great accomplishment and you should be proud of your hard work. Don't stop fighting. ;)

    We unfortunately can't ever stop fighting. We can't get lackadaisical or let our guard down. I'm keenly award that each and every day I'm only a few bad decisions away from acting out again. Too many times in the past I would get sober and then eventually let my guard down. I'd think I was "cured" or "healed" and before I knew it I was sliding back in to old habits and patterns. It's something I always have to be aware of and know exactly what those steps are that I take that lead me to PMO. Luckily there were always several things or steps that lead me to porn. Knowing those, if I find myself on step one, I can now recognize it and work at taking a step back instead of in the past when I'd be on to the next step and the next and then without realizing it suddenly find myself sliding down the slippery slope without even knowing how I ended up there. And of course once we start that slide, it's too late. It's almost impossible to stop that slide once it starts. Now, the further away from using porn that I am the farther away the steps are too so it's easier to take a step back away from the slope before I start the slide.
    britaxe likes this.