What do you gain from having casual sex?

Discussion in 'Rebooting in a Relationship' started by ekoluomu, Apr 15, 2016.

  1. Hey y'all!
    This question really intrigues me, because it's a major part of the popular, mainstream lifestyle and a trend nowadays.

    I'm a virgin myself and I have decided that I won't have sex until I marry, so my thoughts and views are obviously pretty one-sided. To me that lifestyle just seems quite lonely and degrading to both parties.

    Other than momentary sexual release and a possible ego boost (and STDs lol), what do you get from having casual sex with a person you may never see again? The pros so to speak.

    And what do you think are the cons of the lifestyle?
    Leanne and Headspace like this.
  2. RisingPhoenix77

    RisingPhoenix77 Fapstronaut

    Great question. I have to say it's never appealed to me either. Unplanned kids, emotional difficulties, being so intimate with a complete stranger all are complete no-go's for me. That said, I have plenty of problems of my own:)
  3. vulture175

    vulture175 Fapstronaut

    emptiness, regret, emptiness, regret, emptiness, regret, emptiness, regret, emptiness, regret...
    it's even more empty than pmo. do u what was my first feeling after getting out of the room? WTF did I just do? i had a unbelievable terrify regret, STD, HIV, ... . Other than that, money, time.... and even other than that, emptiness. a strange emptiness. right now i couldn't remember what happened, what did she look like, ... nothing.
    never ever have sex with someone you have no connection with, unless it's free, however:

    "sex for money and sex for free are different. sex for money is cheaper"
  4. Kennen

    Kennen Fapstronaut

    Pleasure ? Maybee...

    I became addicted after my first.
  5. Doesn't have to be just quick sexual release. It can be, but it doesn't have to. Sex itself can last for relatively long time, longer than it takes to get aroused enough to just finish. It can be prolonged sensual experience. Going slow, enjoying the touch, smell, skin against skin, looking into each other's eyes, talking sweet things into each other's ear and so on. Not only during sex itself but also before, in a flirting phase, and after sex. You two might be meeting for only one time, but that does not mean you can not talk about intimate things and get to know each other on a deeper emotional level, during those few hours. It might even be easier to open to total stranger sometimes. I think it's misconception that "making love" is a thing exclusive to just couple and that people who do one night stands just "fuck". You can have an empty (and I'm sorry for being so vulgar, and using this word, but it just captures the essence of what I mean so perfectly) fucking in committed relationship and you can make love with person you will never see again. It's really all about the connection and mindset, it has nothing to do with how long you have lived together or known of each other's existence.

    Only objective con I can think of is risk of STDs. The rest is subjective. It's just a matter of your life views and values. A few of them STDs can kill you. But majority can just physically hurt you for a while. But hey, in the end of a day we all end up old with physically hurt bodies in one way or another and ultimately dead. In the end what matters is experiences we have in life. To me life is like a dance. I rather dance my soul out while I can and end up with broken feet than be too afraid to dance and regret it when I'm 80 with arthritis in my legs.
  6. melancholy king

    melancholy king Fapstronaut

    Porn was what a lot of us here used in order to satisfy a need of ours that wasn't being met, I like to think of it as a Band-Aid, without replacing it with other forms (whether it be with sex or drugs or socialization or whatever) it is likely that your mind wouldn't be able to truly get past porn. Casual sex would, at least, serve as a decent replacement from porn, wiring your mind towards the real thing and not towards pixels. Casual sex by its nature is said to make people become attached to one another, so although it might start as a one night stand it could possibly become more than that.
  7. Headspace

    Headspace Fapstronaut

    I think it depends. The question is to which extent you objectify the person you have intercourse with. If you objectify a lot, it's basically masturbation with a body at, well, body temperature. I don't think you should practice a lot of casual sex to cure your PIED or whatever.

    You talk about mainstream culture. Mainstream culture changes over time. 200 years ago people were very confined regarding sexual freedom. Marriage was seen as holy and absolute, not only by the persons engaged, but also by the people surrounding them. During that time, having casual sex would have been a way of connecting with your more primitive needs and drives instead of suppressing them. Doing it could have been a way of being yourself and showing your middle finger to society's expectations. But of course sex can be addictive, too, and we might end up using it to fill an inner emptiness. It all depends on the degree!
  8. My biggest motivation is I don't want to seem like a loser when I'm talking to successful, good-looking people. Getting laid isn't a primary source of confidence. But it helps. You can sort of tell which people have a regular, normal sex life, and which ones are closeted social outcasts. I want to be a part of the former.

    One girl I work with - who has NEVER watched porn - is very assertive, very clear, and very beautiful. Girls like that, who are independent and driven, are attracted to guys that can match their intensity. In other words, they go after alpha males, not porn addicts.
  9. I'm perfectly secure with myself. I just realize there are women out there who are out of my league. And I'm going to do whatever it takes to get those girls, whether it's getting a better job, getting more fit, developing my communication abilities. But don't get it confused. I'm COMPLETELY secure in my own skin.
  10. I don't know man... different motivations work best for different people. I think who cares why he does it as long as it works for him and gets him to wherever he wants to go.
    GSarosi likes this.
  11. @Shugi Shugi
    An interesting point of view, thanks for sharing it. I don't agree with what you said, but I'm okay with that. I could start a "my opinion is better than yours"- fight, but I'll just say that once I was drunk and making out with this girl whom I had met that day and she kept whispering "I love you" in my ear. -People mix love and being horny.- :rolleyes:

    @melancholy king
    I understand the logic behind that. Real sex is better than porn - It's good to pursue real sex. But if sex has no other meaning than to satisfy your sexual needs and urges, doesn't it just have the same function as masturbation(as @Headspace put it)? A bit blunt, but you might as well buy a fleshlight. :p

    True. Times do change.

    Thanks for the replies everyone!
    Headspace and Leanne like this.
  12. I'm sorry to hear that. Being a virgin or not having a lot of sex doesn't automatically make you a loser or a social outcast. It more likely tells that you have certain values in your life, as nowadays pretty much anyone can find a sex partner fairly easily - at least in my city. Having a lot of sex also means that you have to lower your standards, so the quality of your partners will drop. Women might be attracted to easy men and have sex with them. But the kind of man who is being easy is not generally having sex with 10 women who are rated 10s every week. It's likely that your partner has a lot of casual sex too, so it's usually not much of a feat so to speak.

    True, those kind of girls probably don't want someone who isn't in control of their life. Those kind of good girls also most likely want a trustworthy partner. When you have a lot of sex with different partners, your "market value" drops. Pardon my straight forwardness. The more sex you have, the less trustworthy you become in the eyes of a person who seeks a stable relationship. I'm obviously not a "good girl" myself :p, but as a guy who only seeks for a long term relationship I find girls who have casual sex undesirable and untrustworthy. If you want to get a decent girl, you either have to be a very good actor or be a decent guy yourself. That's because people with high morale can sense promiscuous people easily.
  13. Buzz Lightyear

    Buzz Lightyear Fapstronaut

    I think there's a nice middle way between casual sex and no sex, and that is just meeting, socializing and flirting with girls. You just enjoy their company... and if it goes somewhere, it goes somewhere. That somewhere may be a relationship, a friendship, or even a marriage.
  14. Drinking will make you love anybody. Haha. But I'm not talking about "real love" when I am talking about making love or establishing deep emotional, or intellectual connection. What I am talking about is full conscious involvement with very high levels of awareness. With very high levels of attention to all your senses, and your partner's needs and responses in a moment. Of course state like that is hard to experience when drunk. That clouds our mind. It is also hard to experience if our mind is clouded with sexual desire. We need to be very aware to be able to look past that and not let that distract us. A lot of people feel the itch and they can't stand it, so they go and scratch it. This approach is not about it. It's about acknowledging the itch (urge) and not letting it take control of you, but take control of it instead so we can then sue it for our advantage - having fun. Not arguing, just clarifying further on my thoughts.

    You find girls who have casual sex undesirable and untrustworthy because you seek monogamy. Which is normal and natural way how to think for somebody with your values. But market value, trustworthiness and stable relationship, I would argue, has nothing to do with monogamy. It has everything to do with your personal judgement, which you base on what you think and want. I for example hate beets, but that does not mean that they have less marked value, even tho I might feel that way cos I think they are disgusting. You also have your own subjective definition of a decent girl and decent guy, which you are basing on your subjective values and moral rules. Somebody with different values, like mine for example (monogamy in relationship is not high on my value list), might find girls with different values than mine to have less market value. Again, not arguing. And not saying that my opinion is better than yours, just sharing my opinion.
  15. I think having personal values is fine. But like Buzz Lightyear said, you want to at least be socializing with girls. I'm comfortable talking to women even though I don't have sex that often. But I would assume my charisma and charm - which are already pretty high - would only increase if I were to start banging girls consistently and thoroughly.
  16. melancholy king

    melancholy king Fapstronaut

    a lot of relationships (serious ones I might add) actually do start out as one night stands these days, although it is certainly possible that you will never see the standee again, it is also possible that you enter into a long term committed relationship as a result of it. Just make sure the people you play with aren't already in a relationship (those will always be bad scenes) and you should be fine.
  17. That sounds like quite an easygoing attitude and a method, @Buzz Lightyear. Thanks for sharing.

    Haha, yeah one should be careful when under the influence. Ok. I got what you were trying to say. I'm sure you can have passionate sex with a fresh acquaintance, but I'm just not so sure if having passionate, intimate sex and making love are the same thing. :)

    I wrote that reply for PDM about the girl he knew, but thanks anyway. You say that trustworthiness has nothing to do with monogamous relationships, which sounds kinda weird. I don't know how those other kind of relationships(Nowadays there are a lot of people who are in a common-law marriage etc) work and what the rules are if there are any, but monogamous relationships are based on trust. Many relationships end because there's a lack of trust. People who seek to be in a monogamous relationship give trustworthiness a lot of value. Monogamy means that you only have on partner at a time and someone who is used to sleeping around doesn't necessarily seem like a very trustworthy person to these people. That's why promiscuous people have less market value to the ones who want to be monogamous. That was my point. It was about the girl and my assumption of her, which could be totally wrong though. But yeah, people have a lot of different values like you and me and that's fine.

    Congrats on the 5 week mark btw!
    And thanks again for sharing your views, it's interesting to hear a different side of things. Gives you perspective.
  18. Thank you! =)
  19. Amor

    Amor Fapstronaut

    Just my 2c on STD's, always worth doing actual research. It's easy to buy into the idea that STD's are a big scary thing but the reality is they are not. It's quiet simple to avoid and in most cases not severely harmful like many would believe.
  20. Ack Ack Ack

    Ack Ack Ack Fapstronaut

    Pleasure, and it last longer then you think.
    Real sex is not like PMOing, casual or 'intimate'