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Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Purplehazeee, Mar 25, 2016.

  1. TheRunner87

    TheRunner87 Fapstronaut

    It is Day 34

    No matter how bad it is, no matter how hard it gets, we will make it.
    Last edited: Apr 15, 2016
    LimitlessTman likes this.
  2. Alex@Mars

    Alex@Mars Fapstronaut

    That first piece of advice had me lmao. Thanks for the words of wisdom brother!
  3. Alex@Mars

    Alex@Mars Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the advice. Although I am not a Christian I do agree that sometimes you can find solutions in religious/spiritual text.
    CaptinCaveMan likes this.
  4. Alex@Mars

    Alex@Mars Fapstronaut

    Thanks Lazlo, I also think that redirecting my thoughts to music, even though a lot of it now seems to only talk about "that body" instead of personality, but there are a couple of great ones out there. My problem was that I thought a certain someone was gorgeous, but then I was afraid I was going to creepily start fantasize about them so I started associating negativity towards that person...which was not a good idea! Recently I got to know them, and WOW....personality wise, on point! Loved them. AWESOME INDIVIDUAL. NICE. KIND. FUNNY. I think getting to know or just talking to someone that we fantasize or think we will fantasize about could decrease the demoralizing lust and turn it into friendly companionship or even love.
    Lazlo likes this.
  5. Alex@Mars

    Alex@Mars Fapstronaut

    Thanks Lazlo! I think that might work. I started doing something similar. Since I go to college there are beautiful young girls everywhere. For that I have a rule now, I do not look past the neck down.
    You said you read books on how to control your thinking. I think that seems like a great idea that I'm willing to try. Do you have any suggestions?
    TheRunner87 likes this.
  6. Alex@Mars

    Alex@Mars Fapstronaut

    Okay, I have to start over. I relapsed a couple of times because of stress(its always stress...) I will restart my counter....
    I figured out a game plan that I thought I might share:
    So I know you guys might think this is extreme but hear me out. When I was in HS I used to plan every waking moment. I don't why I did it, I just enjoyed doing it I guess, but then things started getting busy for me and I stopped. I believe this is one of the MAJOR reasons I started PMOing again even after quitting for a full year. I started getting bored. For this reason I will start hardcore planning everything. btw, I need to FOLLOW my agenda too or else it won't work. Do you guys know of any videos or books that helps you to control your behavior in a way that helps you follow through with your mindset. Okay, that kind of sounds confusing so let me give you a scenario. Let's say I planned to go to the gym today, and I had my mind set to it, my whole mind knows whats up, what I absolutely need and should DO, but my body just wont following though, every cell in my body is saying, "STOP" "DONT DO IT!" and the crazy part is that my body doesn't even really have a good enough reason. (when I read this over, it sounds like I'm just being lazy, lol)

    PS Funny thing is after coming on here, I don't really feel depressed or worried about starting again. I feel energized and ready to go! 7 days. 30 days. 90 days. hard mode no PMO here I come.
    CaptinCaveMan likes this.
  7. incredulo

    incredulo Fapstronaut

    Thank you for your support and great comments
  8. TheRunner87

    TheRunner87 Fapstronaut

    Great job mate, keep focusing

    Yes, a great book called the power of now for eckhart tolle.

    Another great & amazing audio book is called personal power II - Anthony robbins
    Alex@Mars likes this.
  9. incredulo

    incredulo Fapstronaut

    I just completed a month and I am thrilled. Thanks to everyone for the support and excellent inspirational stories.
    TheRunner87 likes this.
  10. incredulo

    incredulo Fapstronaut

    It is NEVER too late.. don't EVER forget that
    Alex@Mars likes this.
  11. CaptinCaveMan

    CaptinCaveMan Fapstronaut

    Hey Alex,

    Being well organized is a good thing. It helps us get a lot of tasks done in a day while being stressed or better stated being in "fight mode" instead of "flight mode". It's easy to get overwhelmed and let "flight" mode take control. It just one way to explain it and it's important to set boundaries to prevent yourself from being overwhelmed. For example if you have a job that requires overtime and this stresses you out to pmo then it's a good idea to find a job that doesn't have that requirement. At the same time we are human and have to learn through experiences how to deal with emotion. They can be painful.

    I think you hit the nail on the head for a major relapse trigger for me. I walk around my house and have things to do but just can't get focused. Plus nothing needs to be done right now. So I don't know what to do with my self at times (I think I get afraid of success at times). When I stopped smoking I would lay down for a few minute until the craving would pass. I do the same with pmo but with more caution. Additionally calling our selves lazy when we can't get something done seems abusive to me. If a writer has writer's block he is not lazy. He just can't think of anything to write at that time. This can last a long time even for the best writers. We are no different. Don't get me wrong I understand your emotion. It just seems to make things worse to call my self lazy. We our keeping ourselves in the problem instead of the solution.

    They have a book called, "Mind Over Mood" that might help. It's a work book. Another one that you may of heard of is called, "How To Win Friends And Influence Others" by Dale Carnie. Lots of info on Dale online but make no mistake that is a work book too. Each book offers some insight but won't make a complete personality change. That takes time and work.

    It can be frustrating to want to do something and not do it. At the same time it's important to relax and not stress out about it or we tend to work backwards. At the same time we might have to acknowledge that moving for will be painful. When I went my first 24 hours without a cigarette I just knew deep in my bones it was going to hurt. I felt it, I understood it, and I was ready as I could be to stop it. I just took it from one moment to the next and now I'm here working through Day 8.

    I hope that gave you some good feedback.

    Take it easy on yourself and breathe,

    Alex@Mars likes this.
  12. alvinsurya

    alvinsurya Fapstronaut

    Yeah man. It's nice to meet someone who feels like me. In my opinion, we must do reflection to ourselves. We must really know who we are, how we act, and how we react. Hope we can make it together. Stay strong!
  13. alvinsurya

    alvinsurya Fapstronaut

    Oh my god. You've done a lot inspirations here man. Don't hurt yourself. Together we can make it. Stay strong!
    Phoenix333 likes this.
  14. Phoenix333

    Phoenix333 Fapstronaut

    I've committed to a daily visit to the cemetery across the street from me. Pmo is death. It's that simple, slow and insidious perhaps but make no doubt it's death! I can say I didn't pmo yesterday, I won't today or tomorrow. More than ever I'm here for life. I've put down aspects of this : casual sex hook ups, escorts,massage parlors etc....etc....this is it. Not only can I ,I'm fucking do it right now. I could b pmo'ing my brains out but I'm here. Fuck those brain pathways Purple!!!!!!
    Purplehazeee likes this.
  15. Phoenix333

    Phoenix333 Fapstronaut

    Our bodies are like blocks of ice melting in the hot sun. We are all slowly decomposing. The good news is that we aren't our bodies (brains,balls whatever. ) We are consciousness. Connect to it. Our sex nature is primitive and a low vibrational frequency. See it for what it is. We don't have to go back to this horror.
    TheRunner87 likes this.
  16. Phoenix333

    Phoenix333 Fapstronaut

    If what we have been doing doesn't work try something different. I know those who haven't relapsed in months and even years. It's possible for each and every one of us here. I love you all.
    Deleted Account and TheRunner87 like this.
  17. TheRunner87

    TheRunner87 Fapstronaut

    Cemetry is a great place to visit in order for us to think that we will end up their oneday, do we really want to end our life watching P ?

    Begin with an end in mind, thats a great habit to build and practice.
  18. Lazlo

    Lazlo Fapstronaut

    Day 8 - Fri.

    Well, i reached milestone #1! One week no PMO. it's been a struggle. Though i have not been watching P, it has been difficult to control my mind to avoid fantasies. I generally don't worry too much abt fantasies but it appears my mind is looking for something to replace P. Therefore, their frequency and intensity seem to be increasing. There were times today where i had trouble focusing on my studies. But that's part of the battle, right?

    Good day to us all.
    Phoenix333 likes this.
  19. I'm not afraid that I will relapse. In my mind it's not even possible now. As I said, it was the last time. Hey, and just a GOLDEN tip: if you are struggling with an erection/urge, go pee if you can. It's like the counterpart action. Good day to you guys.
  20. Phoenix333

    Phoenix333 Fapstronaut

    CaptinCaveMan likes this.