Has anyone of you swallowed the red pill?

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by RealLifeGamer, Apr 6, 2016.

  1. ok , im sorry ill remove my first comment, i guess i went full re;;ard yet again, sorry guys!
  2. traveller22

    traveller22 Fapstronaut

    Yesodi, I really dig your comments about Cypher vs Mouse - I'll be chewing on that today.

    @fight for life - I really don't sense ANY hate or fighting here. The Matrix movie was a giant multi-layered metaphor & some of us can see connections between the red/blue pill & and PMO addicts of various kinds.

    In all of my years on the net, I find NoFap one of the most sane. I hope you stick around - you are surrounded by warriors, just like yourself.

    Onwards! T22.
    Yesodi likes this.
  3. @fight for life Red pill (a metaphor for knowing the truth of how things really work, and what's behind it) and blue pill (a metaphor for living in ignorance of truth; in chains and lies of social conditioning and propaganda) concept is something MGTOW community uses a lot. But in itself it has nothing to do with that movement.
    Yesodi likes this.
  4. traveller22

    traveller22 Fapstronaut

    Fight For Life, no harm done at all mate - don't sweat another moment. No-one thinks bad of you.

    You have 27 days clean time - (Edit, not sure where I saw the 27 days, so however many you have...)


    T22 :)
    Last edited: Apr 8, 2016
    Yesodi and fight for life like this.
  5. @fight for life Yep, not a big deal, don't trip over it. Just wanted to clarify things in case ya didn't get what it's about. Anyhow, 21 days that's some great progress. I myself also notice that I get more emotional the longer I go. All the annoyance of struggle can make mind grumpy. Plus I guess all those hormones that are not released can effect us too. Keep up the great work!
    fight for life and Yesodi like this.
  6. Yesodi

    Yesodi Distinguished Fapstronaut

    Thanks, @Shugi Shugi, was not aware of that. At least now I understand @fight for life's rationale in pulling that seemingly-totally-unrelated topic into this (fun!) thread! :oops:

    And FFL: no problemo! Much continued success on your journey! :cool:
  7. RealLifeGamer

    RealLifeGamer Fapstronaut

    I don´t really get why you apologize, I haven´t read your comment before you deleted it but, did you insult my personally? And also, even if someone mentioned MGTOW it is neither tolerant nor sane to condemn and bad mouth something which happens to not be congruent with your beliefs. I don´t really like hypocrisy.
  8. Yesodi

    Yesodi Distinguished Fapstronaut

    @RealLifeGamer: nobody was insulted; nobody was condemned or bad-mouthed; and indeed, neither was there a need for any apology. This was merely an innocent misunderstanding regarding a comment that at first appeared to pop out of the blue, with no apparent relevance to the thread's topic. And then @Shugi Shugi shed some light that helped us make sense of @fight for life's original rationale.

    Over and done with. Everybody's happy. And we can all get back to over-analyzing this greatest of films! :D
    traveller22 and RealLifeGamer like this.
  9. traveller22

    traveller22 Fapstronaut

    I came across a YouTube video that argued that Agent Smith was The One!

    Either way, The Matrix might just be the greatest NoFap movie metaphor known to man.

    Thanks to @Yesodi for showing me the light...

    Yesodi likes this.
  10. himmelstoss

    himmelstoss Fapstronaut

    The red pill is based on things about men and women that even the ancient greeks knew, but when redditors try to explain it of course it sounds bad.
    Lucky1 likes this.
  11. Yesodi

    Yesodi Distinguished Fapstronaut

    I assume that you are referring to "Plato's Cave."
  12. himmelstoss

    himmelstoss Fapstronaut

    Not even, that, shit like the portrayal of women in greek mythology and plays.
  13. Gladiatori

    Gladiatori Fapstronaut

    Yeah this happened to me too man. For me it was around 27. Can't agree more pal.
  14. owler

    owler Fapstronaut

    Being totally honest, i try to live a red pill life, but when things get tough it's really hard to not go back to the blue side of things.
    himmelstoss likes this.
  15. CountryDude

    CountryDude Fapstronaut

    I took an anti religious red pill at around 21. Haven't looked back.

    I took a spiritual/reality red pill at around age 23. The major effects have subsided, but some remain slowly humming along.

    I suppose NoFap is a red pill too.

    I just recently took the red pill I think the OP is talking about. I don't think my wife knows yet. Man, is she in for a surprise/treat!

    One thing about any kind of red pill - once you take it, there is no going back.

    Morpheus was right.
  16. RealLifeGamer

    RealLifeGamer Fapstronaut


    I don´t agree on that last sentence you can adapt things you agree with and deny things you don´t view as constructive. Red pill can mean many things I didn´t mean a specific one. And even if you took that certain red pill, remember to not see everything black and white there are many (50) shades of grey lol
  17. Yesodi

    Yesodi Distinguished Fapstronaut

    I liked this thread more when the discussion remained within the mind-boggling realm of the film's ideas. :rolleyes:

    Anyway, I personally think that this latest use of [especially different "types" of] "red pill" is kinda missing the mark. A red pill is supposed to free a person from the artificial distortions and constraints (by "the Matrix") of his/her perception of "Reality As it Truly Is," as it were. As such, it would seem that a red pill which operates on only a "subset" of this "Truth" isn't so "red" after all! ;)

    More specifically, if I correctly understand what you meant by calling your first red pill an "anti-religious red pill," then it appears to betray it as prejudiced mechanism that is the total opposite of what a red pill really is!

    If you were to say that "I took my Red Pill, and the moment it helped me see The Real Truth, I suddenly realized that religion was bullshit" -- then I wouldn't be able to argue with that. (But obviously, real Red Pills don't really exist in the real world! They only exist in amazing philosophical sci-fi films!)

    But saying instead that you took an "anti-religious red pill" sounds to me like you might mean "I took this pill that will help me see things in an anti-religious way. And thus I started seeing things in an anti-religious way, and I like what I see." Obviously, you have every right to adopt whatever ideological position you so choose. But IMHO you cannot call that process "taking a red pill," because you haven't been given any magically-unbiased view of absolute reality against which you can validate your (legitimately) biased opinion! ;)

    And BTW: what exactly is a "reality" red pill? o_O
    blenderhead6 likes this.
  18. msmahamed

    msmahamed Fapstronaut

    I have a year ago, one of the best decisions I've made.