Not only addicted to porn, addicted to escaping from reality. Anger advice??

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Ronald, Apr 17, 2014.

  1. Ronald

    Ronald Fapstronaut

    Oh dear I've really screwed things up if I want to improve myself. From full on relapsing not once, not twice but three times, to breaking stuff including an iron, a photograph and a bedside cabinet, to getting drunk to escape the anger. One positive from this situation was getting to see a lunar eclipse last night, a spectacular view.

    The rage that went on through my head was bad, crikey it's getting worse, I dunno if it's because of being back at my parent's home, stuck here until I get a proper job, so many things here really gets me angry, probably so insignificant but I manage to make it into big things. Shit like being rejected from so many job offers, having a rubbish social life here, making myself the outcast of my wider step-dad's family (thanks to shit like being bullied and low self esteem issues), having to hear my dad and his stupid antics all fundamentally because he can't get alcohol out of his life, and my little sister manages to really piss me off, having to hear her talk to me like dogshit was the thing that triggered it.

    So alcohol and pmo are crap ways to deal with anger. What are good active methods? Something physical besides just standard working out in the gym?
  2. gettingreal

    gettingreal Fapstronaut

    Fletchy, here's my advice. Run, don't walk, to the nearest place where you can get counseling. ASAP. You have way, way, way too much on your plate to do some do-it-yourself psychology. Keep writing here, keep up nofap, but this won't come close to being enough.

    All that anger is the end point of negative feelings of various kind and causes. Controlling the anger won't work, because without getting to the underlying beliefs and images in your mind, the anger will always return.

    Much love to you man, but find someone to talk to and guide you or you'll be in big trouble later on.
  3. You are angry because you feel trapped and not in control of your life. I will recommend meditation and binaural beats.

    I felt the same way for awhile. Porn was an escape from reality.

    Take action. Do whatever it takes to move out of that place. Get a hobby. Learn something new. Exercise. Read. Meditate.

    Also realize that your anger is what is making your situation worse. Show your family love and compassion instead of anger and hate.

    Love is always the best awnser.
  4. I have an idea but you may not like it... o nice things or people like holding a door for a woman on the street, or getting a basket at the grocer or another person etc, then do nice to people that persecute you. like do something nice or your sister even though she gives you sh**. In doing things like this you will see you have the power to CHOSE how you act instead of just react. Once you have the power, no matter how small and worthless they make you feel you will know the person you are trying to be.
    Don't escape today from life but instead engage life in a new, positive and style all your own by becoming the man that's inside.
  5. Kratos_81

    Kratos_81 Fapstronaut

    I do agree with the advice already given, but I believe that should come later. Getting psychological/therapy help might be a good idea, but only after trying some things yourself. The 'love' not 'hate' attitude is also easier said than done and it's a slow process and takes time to cultivate that sort of mindset.

    Since you've asked for some immediate and 'physical' things, I'll tell you what I do.

    1. I run. A lot. Almost every other day. Until a couple years ago, I used to HATE it. But gradually I've grown to love it, because while you're out there on the road, there's nothing but you, your pain (both from the physical exertion and also from your life's issues), and your will to overcome them. It's an amazing feeling when you find yourself pushing yourself through that pain and not giving in.

    2. I hop into a cold shower. Again, it's painful, uncomfortable. But its another test of my will. And cold showers are actually quite good for you, especially after physical activity.

    3. Gym. Yes, you said don't mention that, but it helps. Lifting weights and breaking through physical barriers is a great feeling. Seeing yourself gradually being able to lift heavier weights is a fantastic feeling of accomplishment. Edit: Forgot to add: If you have access to a punching bag, or have space for one, I recommend you get it. Definitely a great way to take out your aggression and get a good workout at the same time.

    4. Keep a journal, either a physical one or in the journal section of this website. It does help to jot down your feelings from time to time. It's just a way of getting shit off your chest and not keeping it bottled in.

    The first 3 points I've mentioned--battling through physical discomfort and pain--will carry on into other aspects of your life. It makes you mentally stronger to overcome other struggles, such as PMO, job hunting, strained relations, etc. You'll be better equipped mentally to deal with these issues and fight through them, just as you fight through the physical pain of exercise everyday. At the same time, you'll be rewiring yourself to rely on exercise for your dopamine and endorphin fix instead of nofap/PMO/alcohol.

    Basically, nofap/PMP/alcohol/junk food/other substances are all a form of instant gratification, which is unnatural and leads to a chemical imbalance if you abuse it. Instead, you must earn the feelgood stuff.

    Edit: spelling
    Last edited: Apr 17, 2014
  6. uchicha15

    uchicha15 Fapstronaut

    Always try your best. If you fail and fall, stand up and do it again. Failing is part of success.

    You shouldnt run away from reality, but rather face it, face your problems, face everything that you are afraid of and you will realize that it wasnt so difficult. Most of the times, we humans are afraid of doing something because we dont know what is coming at us.