The Effective Man

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by SolidStance, Mar 27, 2016.

  1. I am passionate about being an effective person and I am passionate about getting back to core values that each human has within. There are certain differences between men and women and I tend to lean towards manliness since I am a man. I respect the differences of the sexes and I am of the opinion that understanding those differences and appreciating how to cultivate your own will lead you to becoming an effective powerful person.

    What does it mean to be a man?

    To me being a man means being a provider, protector and guardian. A man knows what his limits are and what he can do with his body. His physical strength is constantly being tested and trained, while his mental wit and intelligence follows a similar strictness. I believe we should, as men, have careful reactions to things - making sure to not get too emotional. Emotion leads to irrational thinking and poor actions. We should be comfortable with who we are and know that wherever we go we have the upper hand; we should be confident. A man would not be arrogant with his confidence, but humble in the fact that all are his teachers, some teach us what to do and some teach us what not to do.

    There should be a sense of ones own capabilities, especially in providing for our partners and family. In today’s world we don’t have to hunt for food, but we do have to keep a secure position in society; wherever that may be. We need to learn the crafts and how to use our hands. It doesn’t hurt to be able to start a fire in the wild or catch wild food if we have too. Being sharp at all times, we should be mentally sound and able to find places using maps and not end up in situations we don’t know how to get out of.

    We are guardians of tradition and culture. We aught to hold things within our lineage and pass knowledge down to those younger. Teaching a boy to be a man is part of our manliness. Men should learn from their mistakes and be able to guide others so they don’t have to take the same path. Hold something dear to you and stand up for it. Have courage in your convictions. This means not backing down because someone disagrees or has another opinion. Don’t feel defensive and you won’t have to defend yourself. Remember, you have the upper hand with confidence. That means you need to be knowledgable about the given subject.

    Guard your strength and voice in this world and people will respect you. Have something to stand up for and keep it. Never let the actions of others offend you. Guard your equanimity. Be peaceful in dangerous situations but don’t drop your guard. Men are excellent guardians.

    How do we cultivate and nurture this manliness

    * Train physically, regularly.

    Get in tune with your muscles and endurance. Often times you will learn much more than exercise in the process of physical fitness. Find out what you are made of and how far you can push, then slowly work on increasing that barrier.

    * Study the great minds of history

    Read autobiographies of wise minds. It is easier to relate to male authors if you are a man. Mark Twain is a good example. In his day, and time before him, men were expected to know a thing or two about boxing. As you grew up you just learned how to defend yourself. You learned how to work hard and that lineage was passed down from father to son.

    * Explore beliefs, get one and stick to it.

    How can someone who says he doesn’t really know what to think about life earn any respect? Start exploring the options and dive in. Having some culture and tradition to follow gives people purpose and meaning in their life. This often, and should, leads to self-discovery. That will be the biggest benefit of your studies. Don’t be ignorant to the world’s people, find out what you want to be a part of. People can appreciate someone who stands for something, that assumes you’re on your feet heading somewhere.

    * Help others

    I can’t stress this enough. As men we need to use our natural talents and lend a hand. Be aware of those little moments when you are out in town. There is always someone who needs help. Offer your lifting help at the store, open doors, put things back when someone left something out. Be observant and exude an attitude of service. A life without selfless service is hardly worth living, you are essentially just taking up space. Help your fellow man.

    * Don’t be shy

    Speak up every now and then. Make yourself known and get involved. This can be extremely positive at work in a boss/employee relationship. Be valuable and contribute. Dullards keep quiet, stay in the background and try not to ruffle any feathers. Be bold but also be respectful. Understand the boundaries of rank and push just enough so the boss ends up needing you on the team. That is proactivity that leads to synergy.

    * Show people respect and honor

    Don’t assume the worst in people, look them in the eye and act with some respect. You don’t know where people have been and what they have had to do to survive. Grow up and treat people the way you would like to be treated.

    In the end you will find your own groove. Some of these character traits will help while you discover the man in you. This is not a treatise in superiority, it is an amendment to your birthright. You were born a man, now straighten up and act like one. Leave the childish activity behind and lead by example.

    Suit up, toughen up and get your life back

  2. drawoh

    drawoh Fapstronaut

  3. GSarosi

    GSarosi Guest

    Doing this NoFap is more than just fighting an addiction. That would be simple on the surface. I think we should approach this as a lifestyle so we wouldn't fall off the wagon. It is like losing weight. Once you lose the weight doesn't mean we go back and splurge and eat crap. We have to continue exercising and eat properly. Nurturing both the inside and out will help us maintain what we have achieve and fought so hard for. Maybe not only we stop PMOing but also we change out lifestyle and life outlook we can not only defeat this but to become the best person we can. I just ran into this article and changing your life if you feel need be doesn't seem so hard. Just simple little tweaks here and there and it adds up.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 27, 2016
    drawoh and SolidStance like this.
  4. Exactly so