Gluten free to get lean?

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Thechosenone, Mar 11, 2016.

  1. Thechosenone

    Thechosenone Fapstronaut

    Gluten is a thing in Wheat, Barley and Rye that sticks to the small intestine making it harder to absorb nutrients into the blood stream and it causes inflammation of the gut (fat belly). I think its the reason why beer drinkers have the gut, why people in india are chubby (consumption of roti on a daily basis).

    So I'm going to try and quit gluten for a little while to see what effect it has on me. In theory not having the Gluten stick to the small intestine means that the body is able to clear up the inflammation and start absorbing more of the nutrients in the food, making it easier to mobilise and get rid of fat from the body!

    Lets see what happens. Does anyone have any experience of this? :)
  2. No but I know people who don't eat gluten. The main benefits that stand out to me are they feel more 'clear' mentally and have more energy. Being a vegan myself and a fitness enthusiast I really don't worry about my weight haha which is awesome I eat whatever I want (mostly organic and non-gmo). I just like gluten for the protein.

    Let us know how it goes! :)
    Thechosenone likes this.
  3. Mr. Sir

    Mr. Sir Fapstronaut

    I have extensive experience with this. I've spent long periods of time in a state of ketosis (eating only low glycemic carbs, a lot of fat, and moderate protein).

    Anti-inflammatory diets are very good for the body and the best way to reduce bodyfat. Carbohydrates by nature are inflammatory - they cause the body to store lots of excess water. Don't confuse the reduced belly volume with fat loss though. You are mainly dropping water weight. Over a long period of time, eating food that is good for your digestive track will have a positive effect on your ability to burn fat and the composition of your abdominal area.

    I dated a girl about 3 years ago who ate a lot of processed wheat and corn products. She was born with a hernia below her belly button that created a slight bulge. She was slender but it appeared that she had a fat belly if she didn't consciously hold it in. It bothered her a lot so I told her to replace all the grain and corn products with fruit, green vegetables, and small portions of sweet potatoes or brown rice. Within a week her belly was much flatter and the hernia was only visible if you were really looking for it. The new way of eating was sustainable for her and she continued doing it as long as I dated her.

    Other things that can drastically improve your gut health are green veggies and fermented fruit and vegetables. I make my own sauerkraut and fermented lemons. Do some research on probiotics. One last important thing when making dietary changes to read your stool (If everyone did this we'd have a much healthier world).

    I hope that was informative. If you have any questions I'd be happy to elaborate.
    SiuLong, JesusGreen and Thechosenone like this.
  4. Red Eagle

    Red Eagle Fapstronaut

    Gluten's just the protein found in wheat, barley and rye. People with celiac disease cannot digest gluten and should avoid it at all costs. If you don't have celiac disease, which is most likely because only about 1% of the population has it, you don't need to worry about gluten. No Gluten foods are not lower in calories than gluten foods. So there is no scientific reason it should help you lose weigt.
    I tried taking out gluten and noticed no difference
    For weight loss I'd recommend a high carb vegan diet based on starches and fruits and as unprocessed as possible. Exercise speeds up the process of losing weight of course.
    Thechosenone likes this.
  5. I have Celiac disease so I don't ate gluten. It's not that hard to gain weight at all. I don't think it helps with weight loss. I still have plenty of gluten free high calorie stuff to ate. If you want to lose weight just ate less calories. It's really that simple.

    All tho there have been some new theories and studies that supposedly gluten intolerance is more common, like lactose intolerance, and might have different levels of it. Also that gluten intolerance does not necessarily = Celiac disease. And that gluten consumption might cause Leaky Gut syndrome and other problems. So I think it still would be good to limit it, not for weight lose, just for general health, even if you don't have Caliac disease.
  6. I have been on a gluten free diet for over four years. (Gluten intolerance). After two years on the diet my weight went from 230 down to 185. (45 lbs). I also eliminated alot of processed foods also, so whether it was the gluten or healthier eating is questionable, prob the combination. (Most processed food has gluten).
    I'd say try the diet, if nothing else you really become aware of what you put into your system. (My cholesterol also dropped from 245 to 190, and other health issues cleared up.)
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 13, 2016
    Thechosenone likes this.
  7. oooo

    oooo Fapstronaut

  8. Red Eagle

    Red Eagle Fapstronaut

    wtf is this bullshit? Gluten binds to the same receptors as heroin? Rice, oats and soy contain gluten? This guy has absolutely no Idea what he is talking about. Listening to this video makes me cringe. He says sugar is bad for you. Glucose is the main energy source for the human body. That's like saying petrol is bad for a car. Humans are designed as seekers of sugar/carbohydrate. Red blood cells and Kidney cells burn glucose exclusively and certain parts of the brain, especially the prefrontal cortex, (rational part of the brain) don't work up to their potential on a low carb diet. Not to mention physical performance.
    I've seen a lot of idiots trying to tell people to cut grains/carbohydrate out of their diet but this guy tops them all. Don't listen to him and enjoy your carbs.
    BobDobbs likes this.
  9. Carbs can be addictive. Our bodies are programmed to crave them as much as possible cos they are the best source of energy and kinda rare in wild. Kinda like they are programmed to crave sex. Especially simple, processed carbs. They are unnatural superstimulus. Kinda like porn. So I think he is right that stuff that contains high fructose corn syrup, which is very heavily processed carbs, is potentially bad for you. They overstimulate brain and basically does everything porn does only food related. I put processed, simple carbs in a same "bad for you" category as I put porn in - unnatural superstimulus.

    Ate fruits, vegetables or complex crabs like brown rice... not heavily processed sugars like corn syrup.
    Thechosenone likes this.
  10. Mr. Sir

    Mr. Sir Fapstronaut

    Carbohydrates are not essential for energy. If a person replaces all of their carbs with fat, their body will adapt to utilizing fat for energy. This is called Ketosis. A fat based metabolism has a lot of pro's that a carb based metabolism does not. The reason the public believe the carb based metabolism is optimal or the only metabolism is because research into nutritional ketosis has only been occurring on a large scale over the bast decade. It takes a long time for research to disseminate to policy particularly in the medical field. I don't even recommend books anymore because so much research is mounting that books published 10 - 30 years ago on the topic are becoming very outdated.

    I'll post a few videos from a very informative YouTube channel. He interviews medical researchers and trainers of professional athletes concerning the ketogenic diet.

  11. Red Eagle

    Red Eagle Fapstronaut

    I agree that processed carbs are not healthy at least not for the average person. Somebody with a high energy output may need them. But considering carbs as unhealthy is bullshit. Fat is only the second best source of energy for the body. There is a reason the body prefers glucose over fatty acids. Fat is the secondary energy source of the body and it is easiest stored as fat tissue, makes sense. Glucose is the primary source of energy and should be consumed through unrefined starches, fruits and vegetables. Low carb diets are designed for short term weight loss and not for long term health and fitness. Ketosis is a survival mechanism and not a state of high performance. The body enters ketosis as soon as the glycogen stores are depleted. When in ketosis hunger is supressed and motivation and energy goes down to save calories rather than burning them up. Also people get really moody on low carb diets.
    You take 20 athletes on a high carb diet and 20 athletes on a low carb diet and let them run a 5k. Who is gonna win? The high carb guys of course. That's why every top level athlete eats a high carb diet. You need the glucose for your body to funtion optimally
    Same for a mental test. High carbers are gonna beat low carbers.
  12. Discipline123

    Discipline123 Fapstronaut

    Doc T. - You are the F*cking man.

    Nuff said.
  13. Bulldog1978

    Bulldog1978 Fapstronaut

    If you want to get lean it's simple calories in and calories out over a period of time, keeping muscle mass or gaining muscle mass while getting Lean is the hard part. If your not trying to be big then just cut your calorie intake that is needed to maintain by 500 calories. cardio, cardio, cardio, this doesn't mean run forever. Figure out what you burn zone is for heart rate, mine is 140 max, I'm also 210 at 18% body fat and 38 years old. Gluten will not hurt you unless you can't process it. Also working out or doing cardio will help with stress and anxiety, making you less likely to PMO or MO. Good luck if you have more questions let me know!
  14. I've read enough about the Paleo diet to know that it's the best way forward (for optimal fitness and health). If I wasn't skinny and needing to put on weight, I'd cut gluten also. I strongly advise it.
  15. Moogie

    Moogie Fapstronaut

    I'm 6'5" I can eat a lot of food and still be a thin 200 pounds. But I have removed a lot of sugar from my diet. I like gluten.

    I use to be a 100 pounds and women didn't like that at all
  16. lantti

    lantti Fapstronaut

    As I am one suffering from celiac "disease", this is hilarious. Glutein affects only us because of leaking gut thingy. BUT why gluten free diet helps: because it makes people focus on their diet. When one actually thinks what he eats he can achieve great things.

    Also, eating food isn't that exact (coming from celiac man lol). eat potato and some meat, drink something and few fruits or vegetables goes long way without this diet shit. Really, humans are extremely diverse. Use that!
  17. oooo

    oooo Fapstronaut

    Hi, what do you mean? He isn't saying you can't eat carbs but sources with carbs which contain lots of gluten.
    This guy has a Ph.D in neuroscience so i think he knows where he is talking about.
  18. Red Eagle

    Red Eagle Fapstronaut

    This guy says that rice, soy and oats contain gluten which they don't. Do you actually want to believe a guy who doesn't even know the simplest facts of nutrition?
  19. Moogie

    Moogie Fapstronaut

    I don't like soy since it makes the thyroid work harder and contains a lot of estrogen.

    I don't think it matters if you eat gluten unless you're allergic to it.

    Just eat healthy and workout. You don't want to get high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes from being fat. They are very bad for your manhood.
  20. Jodokus

    Jodokus Fapstronaut

    "Anti-inflammatory diets"... Is there even scientific proof to these kind of theories?

    Is this a precise information? Doesn't it rather contain substances that can push the production of estrogen in human bodies? (At least that's how I vaguely remember it)