Through Faith I Conquered (90 Day Hard Mode)

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by Slylen, Feb 28, 2016.

  1. Slylen

    Slylen Fapstronaut

    Well ladies and gentlemen. The time has finally come. I have made it to the end of my 90 day hard mode reboot.It seems customary for us here on NoFap to post a summary of the experience so others may benefit from what you learned.

    Here goes nothing!:

    1.Was it worth it?

    I will begin by saying that this was worth the effort in every sense of the word. I can easily trace my vast quality of life improvements to my reboot. If you go back to some of my earlier posts you will see a man convinced he was worth nothing and would amount to nothing. I reached out to this community so that i might have an anchor to rebuild my self-esteem and i received so much more in return. In those early days this was more than an addiction hotline for me and beautiful souls like @SolidStance,@the_grindel, @knzer,@jipjap, @Mighty Wolf, @Wild, @DonquixoteDoflamingo, @Heffe, @Amedeo92, @Prince Charming, @owler, @axel4life, @Jason123, @CL555 and so many more were there for me. (AND A HUGE SHOUT OUT TO HEIRS OF THE SUN!!! Praise be to you brothers in arms.) I live my life as it should be. Day by day with hope for future and a measure of self acceptance.

    2. What did it do for me?

    • Physically i found that i had way more energy to face each day. Though i still have a ways to go in this department i know now that life comes from life. If i sit in a chair all day i should not be surprised when i feel lethargic.
    • I was inspired to face so many aspects of life with renewed vigor. I have taken a hold of my finances and have started my own business. I plan to be financially independent and never have to worry about money again by the end of the year. How? Because i had the energy and willpower to choose that future.
    • I have noticed a healthy shift in my view toward women. A man is what he thinks about all day long so i am sure we can all imagine the effect PMO has on our perceptions. On top of that i also have a much better sense of self worth and now what type of person i should work for... and those i should avoid.
    • My focus and will power have multiplied since i began this journey. I am able to handle situations now without going into a panic and accept the things i cannot change.
    • My mood has also settled into a more manageable level as well. Before the reboot my temperament was like a roller coaster.
    • My ability to handle social situations drastically improved.
    Over all i just feel BETTER to put it simply.

    3. How did i do it?
      • The main reason i made it through this reboot was due to NoFap. The community, the resources, and the atmosphere is what helped make this possible. I cant thank you enough @alexander and team!
      • Next on the list would be helping others with their own trials. By reaching out to new members and leaving encouragement where it was needed. In turn i found i was helping strengthen my resolve at the same time. Stay active on the forums friends!
      • The journal: It was extremely helpful as well. A place to come and pour out my thoughts and hold myself accountable was more useful than i expected. I didn't want to log in and write the the post admitting i failed myself and those i was inspiring.
      • Meditation: I cant recommend this as a tool in your arsenal enough! Use this as a way to reign yourself back in when the going gets tough.
      • Physical exorcise: I don't need to expound the virtues of working out as a way to help with your reboot. Just do it.
      • Lastly remembering WHY i started this in the first place. Keeping sight of where i was before kept me going to where i wanted to be.
    4. Where i'm going next.

    Though i have made it far in my journey the trail has just begun. I think i will continue this reboot for the full 365 if i am able. I have seen massive improvement in my life since i began this challenge and i have no intention of letting it slip from my fingers.

    5. THANK YOU

    Thank you to all who took the time to read this and my prayers are with you. We can do this is we stick together.

    Stay Strong,


    You must be the change you wish to see in the world.

    Mahatma Gandhi
    Last edited: Feb 28, 2016
  2. @Slylen, so proud of you brother. It is great to see your achievement. I have admired your determination always.
    Slylen likes this.
  3. shoji

    shoji Fapstronaut

    That's awesome, congratulations @Slylen! Hearing your story is definitely inspiring, thank you for sharing!
    Slylen likes this.
  4. skylar_legit

    skylar_legit Fapstronaut

    very inspiring post..! great..!
    hey man, im on my day 85 of nofap streak and will be there where you are after 5 days!! soooo happy.. :D
    all the best for your journey..!
    Slylen likes this.
  5. Proud of you man! I too am going to conquer this with Faith in Jesus CHrist and God. I hope I can do this and be strong...
    Slylen likes this.
  6. ad_nex

    ad_nex Fapstronaut

    Thank You so much brother for sharing your experiences.. Keep up the good work.
    Slylen likes this.
  7. adam1992

    adam1992 Fapstronaut

    Hey congratulations bro!
    Slylen likes this.
  8. Slylen

    Slylen Fapstronaut

    Thank you @Mighty Wolf! If even a tiny part of my journey has helped others with their own then i couldn't be happier. Peace be with you brother.

    Appreciate the shout out @shoji. I hope your own reboot is going just as well!

    Thanks @skylar_legit. You should get a counter in your forum posts to remind you each day! It definitely helped me.

    @BeachDude1992 i have to admit that faith is all that kept me going at times. Faith that i could be better than the man i was. And faith that that i could control my life. And i have faith that we can all reach this milestone as well.

    Happy to share @ad_nex! Stay on the right path my friend. Its worth it.

    Thank you @adam1992! You have it in you too. I am nothing special. Just a guy who had enough of letting outside forces rule his life.
    BeachDude1992 and shoji like this.
  9. stephen huang

    stephen huang Fapstronaut


    good job!man.keep going and god pressed u
    Slylen likes this.
  10. Napav

    Napav Fapstronaut

    It's inspiring man. All the best going ahead
    Slylen likes this.
  11. programer

    programer Fapstronaut

    This is good man. Keep going on Man.
    Slylen likes this.
  12. programer

    programer Fapstronaut

  13. blueman

    blueman Fapstronaut

    Very inspiring brother, congrats on your journey. I will be like you in the near future.
    Slylen likes this.
  14. Well done Soldier. You are a remarkable soul.
  15. kasperbell

    kasperbell Fapstronaut

    Glad to hear your positive change and success.
    I wish you the best in your future endeavors :)
  16. Schnah

    Schnah Fapstronaut

    Nice work man, really motivational. I am on my way to leave this shit behind me, forever! I am on a 2 week streak, hoping to keep up the motivation and move forward. How did you react in times a urge hit you? Did you try to distract yourself or did you wait for it to calm down?
  17. stephen huang

    stephen huang Fapstronaut

  18. Congrats bro, keep going