Long-distance Relationships

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by DeckhandDan98, Feb 29, 2016.

  1. DeckhandDan98

    DeckhandDan98 Fapstronaut

    Hey, guys. I'm currently in a long-distance relationship and am having a rough day with it. I'm really just missing her very badly. Wondering if anyone has tips on how to make something like this work and how to get over missing her so much. Any help would be much appreciated.
  2. IamMike

    IamMike Fapstronaut

    How long have you been in this relationship and what led to the distance? Are you guys planning on staying in a long distance relationship? Do you see yourself moving to her or vice versa? Are you planning to marrying this girl?
  3. DeckhandDan98

    DeckhandDan98 Fapstronaut

    I'm only 17, so I haven't gotten that far yet. I want to stay with her for as long as possible, and if we see it getting more serious, then make plans from there. As of now, I just want to keep a strong, long-distance going.
  4. Daniel1986

    Daniel1986 Fapstronaut

    I am on a long distance relationship since 10 years. Meanwhile we see each other nearly every weekend. But the next five or six weeks my girlfriend is too far away. We had to learn to live our life for our self under the week. It was hard to deal with it at first. But meanwhile we are used to it. But hopefully we be able to move together this year, that is our plan for this year.
  5. DeckhandDan98

    DeckhandDan98 Fapstronaut

    Thanks guys. I've got a little more hope now than I did when I posted this. I guess we'll just see how it goes!
  6. Daniel1986

    Daniel1986 Fapstronaut

    That's all you can do - and the best you can do!
  7. TheWife

    TheWife Distinguished Fapstronaut

    When I first met my hubby, we were from different countries and we spent 2.5 years out of the first 4 years apart. It is hard. Nowadays with Skype it is a bit better I image. For us it was just very expensive phone calls every few days to once a week, plus email.
    I always found that if I asked myself some questions about it, it would make me feel better, such as "Does this make me happy, being with him even though he's not near me?" '"What is better, a long distance relationship with possibility of something further down the track, or deciding to end it?". The answers for me were positive in terms of staying with him. It helped me justify that I was doing the right thing and made it a bit more bearable.
    Good luck and don't lose hope. If you two can get through this, you can do anything!
  8. BobDobbs

    BobDobbs Fapstronaut

    The majority of my serious relationships have included some long distance component. Four times I have started dating someone after they already had plans to move away, so we had a little time together, and then it became long distance. It's pretty rough, but not so bad the times when I've been able to see them every week or two.
  9. BobDobbs

    BobDobbs Fapstronaut

    Do you mean you've been in the same relationship for ten years? That's impressive, and you two must be pretty darn committed.

    But a word of warning. About 7 years ago, I got into a relationship with some semi-long distance. She lived a 45 minute drive away. For almost a year, I spent every weekend with her. My job had a weird schedule that gave me every other Friday off. It was like I already lived with her 35% of the time. Then we got married and moved in together, and it was INCREDIBLY different. In retrospect, it was like I was on vacation every time I saw her before we got married. We had a lot of issues, and split up after living together for 18 months. I can't help but wonder if things might have gone differently if we had been able to live in the same city and have our own separate places.
    Last edited: Mar 17, 2016
  10. Daniel1986

    Daniel1986 Fapstronaut

    Exactly. But in your words it is a semi-long distance. So we are able to see each other every week or two weeks. We know, that it will be very different, if we move together. But we had spent three month together and there was no fighting. If my depression would not be, we already had moved together. And of course, you will never know what will be - so you have to deal with it as it comes.
  11. Judicious 7

    Judicious 7 Fapstronaut

    Op, i'm not even sure if you're even still monitoring your thread here. But yeah, don't give up hope I guess. All the peeps above are right about their stuff. I been going out with my girl for like, 9 months going on 10 after today. And we've encountered tons of strife. That girl is like, my half, man. Without her, I get very isolated and sad. I am, actually right now. But I made a crappy thread already, so I figured I may as well keep typing. So anyway, hang in there. I miss my gf too. She's been gone for a week. Coupled with that and this whole NoFap thing, it sucks right now. But oh well. Dude, just keep on going. Wait it out as best you can and see where the wave takes you. Dig?
  12. DedicatedShrum

    DedicatedShrum Fapstronaut

    Had one of these, it lasted half a year till she told me she can't bear the distance any more though I knew better, she ended it because she found a new guy and as far as I'm aware they're still together. This made me reconsider things in my life and little by little I started improving my own life, so I took all of this as a lesson. Funny enough thanks to this long distance relationship with that girl I met my best friend and he's the best person I can wish for in my life, since we have similar goals and life values. I cut contact with her though whenever I mention that I may go and visit her she appears happy and jolly, though sometimes it sucks knowing she found a person and I'm here, no girls in my life but oh well, life's a fight. Now I'm doing more progress than ever.
    Last edited: May 7, 2016