Whenever I have the urge to do PMO I will write a comment here instead

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by closer, Apr 3, 2014.

  1. closer

    closer Fapstronaut

    So finally I had a new idea! Hope this will work.
    The reason for this approach is that when I sit in front of the computer, and have the urge to PMO, I will need an instant reminder, something that hits me in the face and says: Don't do that now!!
    I think the best way is to write something into this forum!

    As a small addition I have decided to let my beard grow as long as I am not PMOing. This way I have a visible indicator for my success. Sure I will coiffure it, but it will grow longer and longer. And if I PMO once I will cut it back. Sure no one will know what the beard thing is related to, but I know and I feel ashamed if I have to cut it back.

    Maybe I will write many things in this forum. It depends on how often the urge for PMO comes. But we will see. My first goal are 90 days.

    Also writing here is a good opportunity to improve my english. :D I hope it is not too bad!

    Keep it up guys!
  2. NoFapAsian

    NoFapAsian Fapstronaut

    That's a really good idea. That's what I do, really. Good luck buddy.
  3. doing.it

    doing.it Fapstronaut

    Nice ideas, I liked the beard part :D
  4. Bod Tarraing

    Bod Tarraing Fapstronaut

    Great idea Closer. I too find it very helpful to write on here. The past 8 days has given me time to think about my PMO addiction. I've been spilling my heart out in my journal. I've also decided to let my beard grow, not as part of my PMO. It's something I've wanted to do for ages and never can get past 4 weeks growth. This time I'm determined to let the beard grow and stop PMO too. My beard is currently at that wiery scruffy looking stage. I have to be strong to get past it. Good luck with your PMO and beard growing too.
  5. closer

    closer Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the support.
    To all beardgrowers: I really stick to it. Once PMO means that the beard must go away! Do that also, I will support you with the beardgrowing.
    I'm only writing because normally I would PMO right now. I will not. ;)
    hm, so far it was not so difficult but I know for sure that this is going to turn very difficult.
    Keep it up!
  6. lennyoo

    lennyoo Fapstronaut

    I also do this! Whenever I have the urge, I go to this website and read about everyone who is going through the same thing :p The beard idea is nice. I don't feel nearly as lonely as I did before I joined this community, so I really feel more motivated to stop!

    Thanks everyone :D
  7. closer

    closer Fapstronaut

    Today was quite easy, although I worked out a second time in the evening. ;-) Hm, I call that a replacement workout. I should do this more often!
    The community and the support is awesome.
    Thanks a lot!
  8. closer

    closer Fapstronaut

    So far so good, but I know that if I wasn't a member of this communtity I would have fallen short several times already. Hopefully this community continues to work like that!
    So thanks to all!
    Keep it up!