Life time Question

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Huc, Apr 2, 2014.

  1. Huc

    Huc New Fapstronaut

    Hello everyone

    To be fast and save your time, as happened to me I've read many and many cases of people who started with "light porn" and went through the "heavy porn", I would like to know if is there any kind of people that doesn't need to watch the heavy porn stuff to get pleased after a long time watching the same "light porn"?

    I hope I could make myself clear enought to be understood, sorry for the bad english fellows!
  2. Ibrahim Haidar

    Ibrahim Haidar Fapstronaut

    definitely not me :p welcome to the club though!
  3. bean

    bean Fapstronaut

    It's possible, I guess...but I doubt that'll be the case with a lot of the people who are recovering here.
  4. Z_Ford

    Z_Ford Fapstronaut

    I feel that if you are here and at this stage in the game then you are well beyond the light porn. You could theoretically be here from excessive light porn usage. However light almost always leads to heavy because your brain will need more stimulation at some point, it is going to happen.
  5. Angriff

    Angriff Fapstronaut

    Personally i did not had that experience. Always mostly enjoyed striptease videos and solo girls, not that i did not watched a "regular porn" but not what i preferred.
  6. Markguy

    Markguy Fapstronaut

    In my experience, it keeps progressing. For me, it started to go into various fetish areas, even though I didn't consciously have those desires in real life. The craving for something novel and new was what my brain wanted. Porn also became a very destructive gateway to doing sex chat and towards affairs. The old stuff became less interesting and stimulating and I needed greater novelty and increased risk to match the original highs. Good luck with your recovery!
  7. Caveat Emptor

    Caveat Emptor Distinguished Fapstronaut

    Most of the time, I used "light" stuff. Solo, striptease, camgirls, etc. That's what I preferred but I did turn to heavy (and dark) stuff sometimes. Maybe a fourth of the time?

    What's troubling to me now is typing (and thinking) about light stuff doesn't get me aroused at all. Which is a good thing! I want serious flirtation with a real girl to be the only thing to get me aroused.
    However, when I think about heavy stuff (with one particular subgenre in particular) I do get aroused. I don't get hard, but I get those tingling sensations.

    I'm going to the gym to get rid of these.
  8. Mariposa

    Mariposa Fapstronaut

    Actually I can't stand hardcore. And I've watched soft porn for more than 10 years but maybe it's because I'm not a "heavy addict" (as in I rarely fall more than once or twice a month and it's for small amounts of time) or maybe because I'm a girl? I don't know but I tend to go back to the same "light" stuff and it's been plenty :S
    The minute I get into more explicit I'm completely turned off and disgusted. Might be a girl thing who knows.
  9. WesF

    WesF Fapstronaut

    I can go both soft and hard. It started soft but gradually progressed to hardcore stuff. Though I can get off from both, I usually preferred the hardcore stuff. But I'm on my challenge so none of that stuff for me!
  10. Lewis

    Lewis Fapstronaut

    I've been a softcore user for about 8 years. Only over the last few months have I started transitioning into more hardcore material.
  11. Thomas

    Thomas Fapstronaut

    I have always preferred light stuff rather than hard, not that I have not been to the real depth of it. It might depend on where your obsession comes from. As I started PMO at an extremely early age, I think I might have been more obsessed to the attractive and idealized body of adult women rather than the frustration of not getting the real thing.
  12. -Eaten-

    -Eaten- Fapstronaut

    Well, for me i can say it was simple desensitizing. Pictures and magazines (Victoria Secret) eventually lost their luster so i turned to lighter stuff in tv and movies, and that lost it's luster, and then i went to harder stuff. I think some people are just different (like men and women who think differently) and others are just more or less desensitized.