Porn is evil. I'm out!

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by topdog499, Feb 8, 2016.

  1. topdog499

    topdog499 Fapstronaut

    Hey guys,

    I've been addicted since I was 14 and never could stay away for very long. The best I ever did was about 2 months but somehow I always get pulled back into it. I'm absolutely sick of how it makes me feel and how it's become such a burden in my life. I want to give this organization a shot and I'm already inspired by all of the stories I've been reading and the helpful advice and knowledge! I hope this is the beginning of the end of my porn addiction and sexual brokenness.
  2. topdog499

    topdog499 Fapstronaut

    This is my second post so I can get the counter :) Please like this for the same reason! Thx!
    the_grindel and xeno-R3deemed like this.
  3. Welcome. Start your journal. In a few weeks then months you'll wonder what you were thinking about early on. You can do this. Study the journals follow folks that are winning. Crush 2016.
    topdog499 likes this.
  4. topdog499

    topdog499 Fapstronaut

    Hey thx so much man!! I really appreciate the support and advice :)
  5. the_grindel

    the_grindel Fapstronaut

    Hello @topdog499!

    I second @xeno-R3deemed's statement. Having a journal is really instrumental in this journey.
    When you post in your journal daily, you can look back and see where you were at every step. If you stumble and reset, you can write about it in your journal and you'll know what situations to avoid in the future. If you're feeling down, but know you had a great day and wrote about it in your journal, you can go back and re-live that great day through your journal.

    Besides that, other people can read about your process. They can offer advice and encouragement.

    I'd like to suggest a good topic for your first post.
    Go through and explicitly define why you are kicking this habit. You can have as many or as few reasons as you want, you just need to define them. If you can, print/write this list out and post in somewhere that you can see it often. This way it's harder to rationalize a reset.

    This is all about winning the small battles, consistently. In this endeavor, and all you may choose, I wish you the all the best!

    topdog499 and xeno-R3deemed like this.
  6. topdog499

    topdog499 Fapstronaut

    Dude thank you so much! I'm already getting a sense of how tight this community is. I will definitely start a journal and try to follow all of your advice!
    xeno-R3deemed likes this.
  7. x_Nocturnalis_x

    x_Nocturnalis_x Fapstronaut
