Before and After NoFap (detailed post)

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by Thechosenone, Feb 6, 2016.

  1. Thechosenone

    Thechosenone Fapstronaut

    i'd sleep with the fan on, i'd sleep with an extra blanket to use as a cloth for wiping after you know what. If I didnt have the fan i'd feel anxious. I would wank every night. Most days with porn. Would spend all my time downstairs compromising my time, spending it with family out of guilt. Listened and followed every word that was spoken to me, didn't have a goal or set of plans. Impressing people was the most important thing to me. Was skinny and weighed 50kg, played video games and spend all my time on my laptop, at least 5 hours a day. Would just simply come home from school/uni and go on it immediately. Would browse on it until I go to sleep. I had little integrity. Would whitewash over problems, never deal with them. I do all my work last minute. There never seemed like there was enough time. I wouldn't dream about interacting with certain types of middle class people, I was content with going home and surfing my laptop at the end of the day. I wouldn't talk to many people as it drained me big time. I could feel myself getting more and more unwell as the days went, not realising fapping was causing it.

    After some time on NoFap (1.5 years+)
    Don't sleep with fan on, don't even think about that, nor the blanket. Bought a TV for my room, spend time with myself to chill. I tell people how I want things done, I tell people my own instructions. I don't need to compromise my time out of guilt any more. My quality of work has improved, i no longer keep those habits I made to impress people. I have enough time to do what I need to everyday. I go on my laptop about 1 hour a day. Sometimes I go full days without going on it. I go for a walk everyday, I eat healthier food. I dont fear to share my opinion anymore. I weigh 65kg, my posture has improved meaning I look taller. I have a goal to my daily efforts now. My voice has improved. People take more notice of me. I don't mind going and talking to someone random now. I've put an end to a self fulfilling habit cycle that relied on isolation and validation from others for me to have good emotions. I've replaced this with real self esteem. I'm more grounded and centered. I feel better. I feel and can experience my emotions more deeply. I can appreciate a woman's beauty. I talk to people more regularly now, my social skills have improved greatly. I'm so witty now. I have attention from women without trying. My aura's improved. I can mingle with middle class people, I dont feel like such an outcast. Some middleclass girls show me a lot of attention, one wanted my facebook; so very eager.

    Making people like me isn't my goal anymore. My goal is to be congruent with myself and my deepest feelings. My life is moving in the direction it should be moving in. I'm not saying my life is fixed now. I'm saying ive put an end to degenerating myself. I'm reverting to a self that's always been there but hasn't had the time to shine the way it wants. I'm putting an end to living vicariously through other people.

    Fapping causes you to live vicariously as a passenger to your life. For some like me this is all ive ever known. Watching another man fuck a girl was the norm, that couldn't happen for me, i might aswell enjoy that right? no. This can happen for us if we want. Guys get this sh*t done and out the way. Move on fast. Lets start living again. My main tip for NoFap is:

    It's going to feel like everythings going wrong. But that's what needs to happen in order for you to grow. The person you were, the fapping persona you are, is not you. This will change every aspect of how you observe life. You cant be successful on this challenge if you don't challenge the perception you have of yourself and the perception others have of you. You're worthy.

    Let books become you. Read the 6 pillars of self esteem; outwitting the devil; the power of now; how to win friends and influence people. Let lifting weights change how you look; do Kinobody workout (he's the best, youtube him). I'm experiencing benefits now that i've done these things for long enough, I can stop turning the wheel so hard and let go of it. Knowing I'm still getting my things done. The last time I jacked off to hardcore porn was January 2015, the last time I jacked off to Psubs was 6 months ago.
  2. IGY

    IGY Guest

    That is really encouraging @Thechosenone. I suggest you ask a mod (using the report feature) for this to be moved to success stories. :)
    Asgardian36 and Thechosenone like this.
  3. Thechosenone

    Thechosenone Fapstronaut

    Okey dokey :)
  4. APY

    APY Fapstronaut

    Nice dude. Did you change other aspects of your life that could also be a reason for the improvement?
    Thechosenone likes this.
  5. Thechosenone

    Thechosenone Fapstronaut

    I keep habits like reading, working out, going for walks, tai chi, eating better, watching self development vids on YouTube too.

    Asgardian36 and SnowWhite like this.
  6. cud

    cud Fapstronaut

    "You have only one job and that is you!!!"

    Great job dude! Amazing how life can change, right? I have been feeling this few weeks already. I feel like my energy has been increasing. I dont feel ashamed anymore for asking questions about life and finally i am getting the answers. I am more courageous than I have ever been. I work on myself that I have ever did. Yes I have strange and very deep feelings time to time but i am definetily getting the momentum for my life. I am going to risk in next year or so but I say to myself I have only one life and it will end one day and not doing this thing ever I think I would regret it. All I wanna say I have courage last ... and want to live .. want to be the best of myself ever! NOFAP is the fuel...

    Go fucking for it guys you wont regret it, first time in my life i feel like a real man!!! And that feeling is fucking great!

  7. jad848484

    jad848484 Fapstronaut

    Inspiring story mate, good to read it! I get a lot of the things you wrote, like living your life as a passenger. It sounds like something switched in your head & you were very determined.

    I'm currently looking for that determination, especially after the first week or so of quitting.

    It's good to see how other people benefit too & the rewards they get, I haven't yet made it to the stage of getting noticeable benefits which is where I'd love to be. Your post is really inspiring dude thanks.
    Asgardian36 and Thechosenone like this.
  8. Thechosenone

    Thechosenone Fapstronaut

    Great comment dude. You're absolutely right. My uni degree is finishing up and I'm sort of weighing up what I want to do next,i could go into employment or I could do it myself and go hard. I'm inclined to go hard while my responsibilities aren't as great!

  9. Cooldude4

    Cooldude4 Fapstronaut

    @thechosen0ne this is really inspirational, keep this up. All the best
    Thechosenone likes this.
  10. shanky kumar

    shanky kumar Fapstronaut

    worth reading it, i too can do this well its my 13th day just ,and today i watched some p subs and now ashamed of it, I can overcome this , your post inspired me. I WANNA GET GRIP ON MY LIFE AGAIN> :)
    Asgardian36 and Thechosenone like this.
  11. Thechosenone

    Thechosenone Fapstronaut

    It can happen man, i changed my life and i'm continuing to do so every day
  12. SnowWhite

    SnowWhite Fapstronaut

    That's great. Multiple fulfilling habits are in fact the key to a new life.
    Thechosenone likes this.
  13. nopenotdoinit!

    nopenotdoinit! Fapstronaut

    That was THE most encouraging post i have ever read on here. I feel myself moving from the before nofap to after nofap, recognizing and feeling many of the experiences you have put in your feedback. The words of encouragement were fantastic as well. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
    Thechosenone likes this.
  14. Thrivelife

    Thrivelife Fapstronaut

    Hey man, really great post. A lot of it stuck out, but this will for sure stay with me: It's going to feel like everythings going wrong. But that's what needs to happen in order for you to grow.

    I feel this every time I start growing -- growing has been a major relapse trigger for me. This was super helpful.
    Thechosenone likes this.
  15. Thechosenone

    Thechosenone Fapstronaut

    I'm glad you liked my post. I tried to make it relatable and real, mission accomplished! You're welcome, helping others helps me too