After a month of traveling

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by dawglala, Jan 25, 2016.

  1. dawglala

    dawglala Fapstronaut

    Traveling was an exciting idea, seeing new places with chances of meeting people (especially girls)
    However, I still find myself alone and lonely
    Sitting at a coffee shops by myself
    Walking at the MRT station by myself, too afraid to initiate contact with people
    Still the same old me, lonely and depressed
    What I learned is this, no matter your external circumstances, it is not going to affect your happiness. You need to change your inner self, your mind first.
  2. Spot on. Well said.
  3. avatarivn

    avatarivn Fapstronaut

    'Wherever you go, there you are'

    I had a similar experience during my recovery process last year : I was assigned to travel to another country for one week as part of my job. I was so excited for all things I would do and all people I would met. Unfortunately, I were only a couple days in my recovery process and my social anxiety was still present. It hit me hard, how anxious I were during the entire trip even when the people I met were nice and no one did anything to bother me.

    I had to acknowledge that I was the one with the problem of Porn addiction.
  4. TheFutureMe

    TheFutureMe Fapstronaut

    Traveled for 3 years non-stop and this was exactly that : "wherever you go, there you are". And with all the junk we carry with us all the time.

    Travel creates some opportunities which can spark amazing relationships and friendships, we must be ready for them though, and by being here and doing what we do here I think we're on the right track to be readier than ever!
  5. Landomike

    Landomike Fapstronaut

    I joined the Navy to "get away from it all" and here I am lol the grass is always greener on the other side. I don't regret joining though. It's not for everyone.
  6. Iwillchange

    Iwillchange Fapstronaut

    You could be at the best party in the world and still feel alone inside. True happiness could be as simple as just sitting by yourself. Travelling alone is already a courageous feat. Take it slow, once you speak to one stranger, the second won't be as hard in my opinion. I haven't really picked up any girls on the street or anything, but I have a strong urge and desire to meet new people, but I lack the interest at this point because I feel I need to focus on achieving my goals.