
Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by S. Anthony, Jan 21, 2016.

  1. S. Anthony

    S. Anthony Fapstronaut

    I have just completed a month abstaining from PMO. First time in 60 years.
    Any tips to continue on this road of recovery will be greatly appreciated.
  2. Jungler

    Jungler Fapstronaut

    30 days of abstinence is quite the milestone that many would be proud of reaching.

    Keep yourself busy and spend most of your time doing something productive, whether it's for you or someone else. Avoid being alone in front of a device systems or better yet completly avoid them, except you can freely check into NoFap ;).

    You might want to do some research about meditation which has tons of benefits.. Increasing concentration and focus is what you'll need.
  3. S. Anthony

    S. Anthony Fapstronaut

    Thank you, Jungler for your help and support. You mentioned medications. Could you be more specific as to brands or typ of meds?
  4. Rav70

    Rav70 Fapstronaut

    He said meditation. Like OOOMMMM...
  5. S. Anthony

    S. Anthony Fapstronaut

    my mistake, sorry! I guess I was hoping for a miricle drug.
  6. BMW-6er

    BMW-6er Fapstronaut

    One month is a long time. I wish that you continue and tell about your emotions and discovery.
  7. S. Anthony

    S. Anthony Fapstronaut

    I have given BMW=6er's request above some thought and what follows is the best I can articulate.
    Since I was 12 or 13 years old I have struggled with an over indulgence of masterbation. In part it cost me 2 marriages and many hours of agony. After my first marriage ended I sought out a therapist who perscribed anti-depresents. Other drugs were perscribed by still another doc. All were convinced I had a problem with habitual masterbation. They claimed it was compulsive behavior that I would have to live with the rest of my life.
    It was only when I found NoFap on the internet that I realized my problem was not so much habitual masterbation but much more an addiction to porn. There is a difference. More and more comments on this site helped me realize this and also to learn that ones mind can be rebooted. It was then in mid-December that I decided to fight the urge to view porn or anything close to porn. I also developed a habit I found on No-Fab to view attractive women with a 2 second timeframe and then turn my thoughts elsewhere.
    At Christmas time my daughter was discussing problem of addiction of various forms with the family and stated that her research indicated addiction can be over come by starving it. She of course knows nothing of my situation but I took that starvation comment to heart and it has helped.
    I also pray and feel my faith has helped me with this journey. Now that I have been PMO free for more than a month I seem to get some guilt vibes when I am tempted to view porn. I feel the guilt is that I don't want to disapoint myself or especially my God. I pray daily that I continue to be able to fight temptation and someday feel the pleasure of having a rebooted mind.
    I hope this makes sense and will help some of you.
    BMW-6er likes this.
  8. BMW-6er

    BMW-6er Fapstronaut

    I thank you very much for your wonderful comment. I heard that fasting drop the sexual aspiration and so i want to fast the next 5 day from sunrise until sundown. I am so happy that there are people who didn´t give up. You rate my respect.
  9. S. Anthony

    S. Anthony Fapstronaut

    You are welcome. Please take one day at a time. The more days of no PMO the more difficult it will become for you to faulter. As every day passes you become more and more confident and increasingly proud of yourself. I am here for you on this thread if you need me. Also don't forget about the "Panic Button".
  10. BMW-6er

    BMW-6er Fapstronaut

    thank you for this brilliant idea and also for your support .Do You know why the temptation get bigger, if someone continue no PMO ?
  11. S. Anthony

    S. Anthony Fapstronaut

    The temptation gets bigger because you maybe continuing to entertain it as aposed to having more positive thoughts. The temptations will last only a short while if you attempt to let your mind go in a different and more healthy direction. I would imagine that after you PMO you do not have a joyous feeling. You experience guilt of some sort and are mad at yourself in letting this complusion over power you. Beleive me, it does get easier to deal with the temptations the longer you refrane from and fight the desires to PMO.
    You can do it!!!!!!!!!! Believe that! I guarantee the longer the abstenance the better you will feel about yourself and the healthier your relationships will be.
    Please keep in touch if you need me.
    BMW-6er likes this.
  12. BMW-6er

    BMW-6er Fapstronaut

    I love this Homepage. I was 3 month ago in a
    group therapy and the effect on my life was pretty exactly 0 %. I am so happy that there are people which really want to help me. God please bless the originator from NoFap and everybody who spend his time to support someone.
  13. S. Anthony

    S. Anthony Fapstronaut

    Hey, BMW-6er.
    How is it going. I have not heard from you and worry that the temptations have gotten the best of you. Please don't give up. You can do this. Stay strong and know we are here for you.
    Regards from Florida USA.