Stop PMO 19 y/o vs 37 y/o

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by AndyBerlin, Jan 12, 2016.

  1. AndyBerlin

    AndyBerlin Fapstronaut

    Well, maybe the topic isn't that specific, so the question is:

    Is it easier for a younger man to stop PMO than it is for an older man?
    I'm 37 and I PMOed for more than 25 years. I know my body and my mind are addicted to porn and masturbation. I think, the older you get, the harder it is to stop with it, as you're used to it for a longer time.

    What do you think?
    Wildstar likes this.
  2. As with anything, the longer you indulge on an addiction, the more reliant you are to the stimulant. The neuro-associations in your brain will be a lot stronger and harder to break than someone who's only been addicted for half of that time. That being said, it's always possible to quit.
    AndyBerlin likes this.
  3. Wildstar

    Wildstar Fapstronaut

    I think it depends on why you are really quitting . My story is no different then many of the other folks here . I'm 45 and have been fapping since the age of 12 . It started back in the early 80s when it was just magazines then progressed to VHS tape's and eventually high-speed Internet addiction. When I met my most recent girlfriend the PIED started and I was determined to not let that ruin my relationship. I know a lot of guys here quit for themselves but honestly I quit because of my girlfriend. I was too ashamed of myself to not be able to sustain a solid erection Knowing it was caused by my addiction to PMO. I quit cold turkey about eight weeks ago and haven't looked back. I wake up with strong urges some days or randomly get a spontaneous erection while at work so it hasn't been easy but I persevered and have not relapsed since I started this journey . I believe everyone is different, motivations vary but the end result is generally the same. That's what I am striving for; A better me and to be a better partner sexually for my girlfriend. In the end it definitely makes sex a lot more enjoyable with her. I definitely think the long-term benefits outweigh the quick and simple pleasures from PMO. Good luck and stay strong my friend.
  4. Betamancer

    Betamancer Fapstronaut

    It depends. The young man in this comparison has most likely been altered to high speed internet porn from a much younger age than you, so the roots of his addiction could be stronger than you think, because of his early conditioning by the most addictive form of porn.

    That being said, it's up to you to ask yourself if a rebooting attempt could be worth your time, despite it possibly being harder for you than to an average user.
    AndyBerlin likes this.
  5. AndyBerlin

    AndyBerlin Fapstronaut

    Oh, I know, it will be worth my time. Even if I can't make the 90 days goal, I know it will make me stronger.
    Betamancer likes this.
  6. AndyBerlin

    AndyBerlin Fapstronaut

    I definitely thinks so as well and maybe it'll help me to find a partner.
    Wildstar likes this.
  7. CS1

    CS1 Fapstronaut

    Trust me the addiction is same addiction whether you have it since 5 or 10 or 20 years and you can overcome it. But you have to change your routine and your self, thought our God created us to be free why we chosen to be slaves to " pornography " they seek to destroy our minds and steal our money under the dopamine which gives to us in stupid moment from us :mad:
  8. Wildstar

    Wildstar Fapstronaut

    It sure can if that's your goal. I was already in a relationship when my PIED hit me. Don't feel 100% recovered everyday. I had a rebout of PIED the other day when trying to have intercourse. The previous day I had no problem so WTF?! I feel like I've hit a second flatline. Not sure if anyone else has experienced something similar. Stay focused on what you really want and don't let outside influences change you perceptions. Only YOU know what's best for you. Good luck.
    Momferatos and AndyBerlin like this.