Against ALL Odds !

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by onpafMynon, Dec 27, 2015.

  1. onpafMynon

    onpafMynon Fapstronaut

    First, I would like to thank everyone who are here. These are wonderful people coming out of their comfort zone to share their personal life. I didn't knew I was suffering from ED until 4 weeks ago when I came to this site. I would like you to take some time and be patient and go through this because it might just be the right thing you will ever read or at least help you in doing what you want to do.

    I am 30 yrs. old and I had been jerking off to myself since I was 15. I loved doing it so much that I would just seclude myself from outside world and would do it 2-3 times on weekend. At first it was once everyday, later i won the prize to do it 5-6 times in a day. I was addicted to it and yet I thought I was normal. I guess all addiction is like this, you don't realize you are addicted until something suddenly smashes into your head.

    Something big crashed into my head this September. I hooked up with a girl of my dream and my penis just could not function. Then as all addicted people do, I blamed it to two pegs of whisky I had and never considered myself as a PMO addict. After-all my manly ego was not suffering from ED. So I moved on. I met another girl, then another and then another. It took me 4 libido less sex to realize that my penis was playing batman mode all the time. It would not respond to any gotham girl's call.Wait !, wait !!, my personal horrifying ordeal was yet to begin.

    After 4th unsuccessful coitus, I started to browse internet to find out what was happening with me. I came across this site and went through some of the articles at first. I was not sure if I made the right diagnosis that I was suffering from ED. So I searched even more and read articles which had similar information relating to my problems. Then I took up the 90 day challenge. Starting from day 1 I was hopeless. I felt I drowned my life. Depression kicked in and everything. But I also knew that deep down something was changing every minute. I was recollecting my energy. My head was not foggy. I could think clear after years of abuse. Seriously guys, then I became sure that I was addicted to PMO!!

    Since I did not do hardcore PMO by rubbing and jumping, my cravings started to settle bit by bit but very slowly. I hit the flatline in 1 week. That was odd given my age, my health, my state of mind and everything ( 30 yrs. at present >> PMO since 15 , no exercise, poor diet, stress from work, stress of being alone). Only thing that kept me inching forward was I liked not having a cloud inside my head. I felt complete peace from inside but I got hyper when thoughts like " I might never be able to have normal sex again " started to float. This is where things gets exciting and I am writing this. I was a troll in this forum, always watching posts but never shared anything because I was not sure if it really worth it. I guess everyone has this thing when they start. Many are not sure about the diagnosis. You can ask your physician. You should seek every help you can get. No. 1 thing that I learned is everyone has their own way of recovery. Most important part is realizing its an addiction and then admiring and loving the new YOU after abstaining from PMO.

    During my second week I already decided that even if I didn't have normal sex in future, I will continue abstaining from PMO because I was loving my new life. New energy, creativity, peace all started to come in piece by piece. I think this kind of feeling is common for everyone but the thing is to take it or to leave it. I choose to take it and so should you because if you don't like this then its going to be a tough journey.

    So from my second week, I was feeling good about myself and didn't feel raped by my own hands ! Thats a pretty powerful thought folks. I know its really difficult to loose patience and creep back into the same PMO thing. I was on the verge of doing it as well but then I always came back to this site and saw people who are doing it for 2 years straight and it was an inspiration. After 4th week I was in a complete bliss. No urges no nothing. PLAIN FLATLINE !! I could see beautiful girls, my mind wanted them but my batman was too shy. I began to think if I was ever going to get out of this flatline and thus started to look for more information. Like I said I wanted to experiment with myself and try out what ever could work. So things they started to get steamy again. (I was still in the flat line, but anyway I gambled to see if I can do it or not.)

    I was still in my 4th week with a major flatline. It was a hardcore till now. Then I met a wonderful girl. I was not sure whether I should date her or not. I was scared to hell that I will again embarrass myself and reach the bottom of pitch dark depression. But I wanted to see for myself If I could try normal sex again. I was prepared for the consequences and was willing to cope with a new strategy if something did not go as I planned. Many suggest to abstain from sex or any other stimulant for a long time before getting back. They might be right and might be wrong as well. Remember, that its the individual's journey and everyone is different and so are their recoveries. You have to see which path you have to take. I choose mine and went for the gotham's call. I made out with my newly found girl. I went from two pairs of no libido night to a pair of excellent coitus in a single night. For me it helped to express my problem to the girl. I was thus at some ease even something inside of me was shouting "YOU MIGHT HAVE AN ED TONIGHT AS WELL , ED ED ED".

    And every time batman shot the fire, I said I have no ED anymore. My confidence sky rocketed and I made the girl happy as well. Her ego got a boost and it also maintained the level of happiness between us. Now I know this is not the end, its just the beginning. I have just started to discover a normal and wonderful sex life. I will keep it like this and I am firm about it. I cannot say how thankful I am to these wonderful folks out here who gave me my life back. For all others, try out new things in your life and don't fall prey to this joker ! You, like me will get what you want. I would have waited ages for this kind of normal sex. Despite the odd of recovering this soon given my profile, I did it. So could YOU ! I feel privileged to express my thoughts here.

    This is a wonderful community; learn from their success and mistakes. You are just like me, confused, may be little depressed and impatient but right time will surely come for everyone. I proved that PMO/ED is curable. Thank you so much. By the way tonight I am celebrating this with my girl over a peg of whisky. Good day and god bless you all who are in this community forum..
    Last edited: Dec 27, 2015
  2. RLT

    RLT Fapstronaut

    This is as inspiring as it is funny can't surely express what I'm feeling after reading this hahahah.

    Well done my friend!
    karate01 and onpafMynon like this.
  3. Wildstar

    Wildstar Fapstronaut

    Your story was very encouraging and entertaining. I myself had a similar bout of PIED which I am overcoming. Thankfully I found this site and yourbrainonporn about a month after my ED set in so I was able to reboot and still have sex. The last few weeks when the bat signal came I was ready to spring into action-pun intended. I've learned to abstain from PMO and hope I never look back. Good luck to all you readers.
    karate01 and onpafMynon like this.
  4. jpd123

    jpd123 Fapstronaut

    Man what a fantastic story. I'm 52 and REALLY, REALLY worried that even if I go through this I will suffer the rest of my life with not only ED, but also delayed ejaculation (when I can get it up using meds). So to hear stories like this, really inspire me. Please keep posting and keep us updated on your progress!
    karate01, sense and onpafMynon like this.
  5. Reg Reagan

    Reg Reagan Fapstronaut

    Great post! Thanks mate !
    onpafMynon likes this.
  6. onpafMynon

    onpafMynon Fapstronaut

    @jpd123... the key is to trying with all your heart and you will do it if you continue a tad bit long... Also pushing does not help.. i am pretty sure you like your another newly discovered self if you are still abstaining PMO. No need to worry cause sex can be pleasurable in many way.. Batman always strikes back !! Cheers
    Wildstar likes this.
  7. sense

    sense Guest

    Brilliant post and pretty much covers my own fear. Like, what will happen when it happens, and will it always be a problem, and more to the point, how do I make excuses and explain myself if it is?

    The anxiety is strong with me, so it's good to read someone overcoming it!
  8. mickeybear

    mickeybear Fapstronaut

    Very well done mate!
    The post was so well written and has given me motivation to continue on my journey to no PMO!
    Thanks a lot, and I'll come back here if I need reminder for what awaits me after this journey!
  9. onpafMynon

    onpafMynon Fapstronaut

    just to motivate you.. i have been doing intercourse non stop from that day with my girl :) i think everything worths this amazing feeling of living a LIFE ... bst of luck
    sense likes this.
  10. This is very inspiring. Three questions for clarification...

    How many PMO free days were there before your success?
    Did you get the good erection during makeout or only before coitus?
    What did you tell her exactly about your situation beforehand?

    I thought that was an interesting approach that I hadn't thought of before. I always envision the idea of ever having to explain PIED to a girl as being hella embarrassing and probably making it more likely I'll convince myself to still experience it with her. But it seems like you managed to do it in a way that made her feel a healthy challenge to cure it and feel extra hot when she did. Girls love that of course. Good job mate, thanks.
  11. onpafMynon

    onpafMynon Fapstronaut

    I was PMO free for 30 days . It was hardcore.. no nothing.. I was also in the flatline when I had sex with her. But thats the experiment which did not back fire on me luckily. Everyone has to make their own decision to learn about their body.

    For your second question, yes I had a good erection for makeout and coitus. My erection fluctuated between nuts hard to banana soft. You see, 15 years of batman batmann batmann. It will take some time to get nut hard dick all the time ;) . But that I think really does not matter, what matters is you overcome the PIED situation anyways. Then it will surely improve. I am still a traveller in this journey and I will discover more and post more here.

    I told my girl that I was not sure if we should have sex together or not. Then she asked "why?". I made a poker face and she insisted I had something inside. BAMMM, and it went out of my mouth without a small glitch. I am a frank person so I really did not care much. Another good thing is you can't be more intimate with your girl than saying this PIED shit. She will love your honesty or fly way. Choice is yours !
    karate01 and sense like this.
  12. onpafMynon

    onpafMynon Fapstronaut

    So a little update again after a while in continuation to my effort.. I don't have any urges to touch my batman again.. its just wonderful to get out of this hell right after 30+ days.. everything is working fine.. ED was a story... I had a wonderful time of my life yesterday.. From no libido to sex 5 times in a night is crazy as hell.. But I think I am still in the flatline because I don't get the urges except when I am with my girl... All of you guys have to complete this 90 day challenge to see the difference for yourself.. it works and works like magic every time.. cheers...
    karate01 likes this.
  13. onpafMynon

    onpafMynon Fapstronaut

    4 months and no hands ! fuck myan ! its so good now !! keep doing it guys !
    karate01 and RealLifeGamer like this.
  14. karate01

    karate01 Fapstronaut

    You're most inspirational. I admire your honesty!

    May your batman be always able to perform! Gotham needs you!