Deep in the brain

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Berlinbaer, Mar 16, 2014.

  1. Berlinbaer

    Berlinbaer Fapstronaut

    I haven't masturbated for 43 days, haven't watched porn for 36 days- but I looked what is new on my favorite pornsites. I am gay and have a good friend. With the help from this forum I have blocked the computer from porn. My friend set a password and put it away. I copied my porn collection to an external hard-disk and my friend locked it away. So I don't look at porn sites since about two weeks. I have watched porn for 6 years intensively.

    And even after two weeks with no chance to watch porn I often think what will be new on my favorite porn sites. I even dream twice a week of scenes from my favorite pornmovies. I get more stimulated by scenes with nudity in "normal" films than before.

    Can porn burnt so strong in the brain?

    After the time without porn I have noticed that I needed a new fetish/ type of guy/ type of action after some weeks because the stuff on the sites became boring. But it hadn't to be harder- it only had to be something different. Is that normal for a porn addiction?

    While viewing porn I had a lot of sexual fantasies. Now without porn there are no sexual fantasies. It is like numb. It seems that I could only fantasizing induced by porn. Is such numbing normal by a porn addiction? And how can the things normalize?

    I see it is really hard and it will be a long way to rewire the brain and to "delete" the relation to porn. There are any special tips?

    Thank you!
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2014
  2. AshD16

    AshD16 Fapstronaut

    Beating porn can be hard as it seems to stick onto our minds like a hard drive that cannot be erased. I believe that your brain can rewire from porn. The best advice that I have is to not even think about porn at all. Don't think about masturbation, porn sites, or anything related to it. The more you think about something the more you are likely to develop that thought. Just think about something positive and when an image tries to come, immediately throw it out and replace that thought.

    Another think that I think will help is to exercise. I think I saw somewhere once that if you do push ups, it somehow flushes your brain or like the chemicals. Hope this helps!
  3. Berlinbaer

    Berlinbaer Fapstronaut

    Hello Ash,

    Thank you! I do weighlifting and you are right- to try out personal limits by sports makes a good feeling.
    I have a job as systemadministrator, I'm learning assembler programming. Sometimes I do power walking in the woods around my hometown. So I don't have much time to think about "dirty things". But in dreams you can't control the scenes the come. I have learnt techniques to stop recurrent thoughts. But it is hard to fight against these thoughts. And I had the hope after two weeks without porn the thoughts of it go away faster. It seems I am too impatient and after 6 years with porn it will take much more time to rewire the brain :(.
  4. Caveat Emptor

    Caveat Emptor Distinguished Fapstronaut

    Its possible that you're going through withdrawals. You're 45 days in. That's amazing. Half way to a reboot. If you can make it that far, you can make it to 90 days.

    The best thing I've learned is how to refocus your thoughts. When you get a thought about porn, think of something else. Anything else. This is very difficult. The mind is hard to control and mediation is practicing that focus. Its exercising your mind in the same way you would exercise a muscle. Try taking up meditation. It'll cost you about 20 minutes a day but the benefits are endless.

    Stay strong brother.
  5. Berlinbaer

    Berlinbaer Fapstronaut

    Hello and thank you. It's good to know that it could be affects of a withdrawal. Because of other problems I have learnt thought stop techniques. This helps but it is a hard fight. I also have learnt progressive muscle relaxation to calm down and against stress. It helped in many situations. I am sure this also helped to stay strong against the temptation to fap. So I will fight until the reboot is complete. And I am sure I will keep up the 90 days of challenge!