Ive been suffering most of my life and now found the issue

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by The Badger, Nov 30, 2015.

  1. The Badger

    The Badger New Fapstronaut

    Hi All,

    I am knocked out by the transformation NoFap has brought to my life, and I am only 7 days in!

    I am 43yrs old and somehow became depressed in the mid 90's. I've tried everything to cure it naturally, and about 3 years ago it got to much and I went to the GP and got a prescription of AD's.

    About a month ago I got talking to a guy who was telling me the dangers of porn! I thought he was crazy at first. His parting words where 'give it up for a month and see what happens'. Ive not watched any in the last 4 weeks. Since then Ive also found this site and turned the last 7 days into no PMO and, wow, I have not felt this good since.......yes the mid 90's!!!!!!!

    Also prior to the mid 90's I was also successful with girls and that also stopped. Getting girlfiends was never a problem.

    So what happened in the mid 90s, I bought a PC and have watched porn most days since and have been avidly into PMO. I can now see that my life energy has been totally drained, everyday in between the Mid 90's and I suppose last week!

    Previous me:
    • Depressed
    • Scarcastic all the time
    • Tired all the time
    • No energy to go out
    • No want to be in anyones company
    • Not making an effort in peoples company
    • Lazy
    I have been lookig for a tonic, or tablet natural or man made to pick me up and mak me feel positive, and it appears that all along, all I had to do was stop PMO

    I feel NORMAL for once in my life.
    • Clairty in my mind
    • I sleep very well now
    • I feel excited about the day head
    • I now feel greatful for things in my life
    • I now have compassion
    • I can hear music better (how strange)
    • A general good feeling in my stomach
    • My genral deameanor is positive
    • I have drive to do my job
    I am not sure I can go 100 days or not sure I want to, but maybe weekly or bi-weekly intervals of sex no PMO will be the way forward.

    Anyways - just thought I would introduce myself here


  2. BerkeleyGuy

    BerkeleyGuy Fapstronaut

    Sounds like your success with NoFap is evidence enough to keep going. Stay focused on today and don't get caught up in achieving lofty goals in the future. A day at a time you'll get there and enjoy the benefits all along the way. Keep going man, I wish you success!
    The Badger likes this.
  3. LakeMichigan

    LakeMichigan Fapstronaut

    @The Badger Welcome to nofap. It is amazing how people (including my self) have lost so much for so long as fapping was never talked about in a secular way to genuinely see the bad effects of it. I am glad this community exists and you are here.
    I am not sure if you had a chance to look around yet? be sure to read the following which I didn't do for the longest time for odd reasons. This neatly summarizes many aspects of PMO and I learned a few things which I didn't know before such as Coolidge effect
    As the above BerkeleyGuys says one day at a time! I wish you good luck.
  4. BerkeleyGuy

    BerkeleyGuy Fapstronaut

    Thanks Badger! Have a great day. Definitely been dealing with some intense sexual urges as I'm walking through the streets of Manhattan. Powerful stuff.