Searching for my true self. 90 Days Journey.Wet Dreams. (postponed) Guess what?

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by SlimKP, Nov 27, 2015.

  1. SlimKP

    SlimKP Fapstronaut

    Well, I'm tired of this. I hate this cycle, I just can't stop me from doing this stuff..I don't know what to do anymore, it's been so long since I've been on this path of recovery but with no results..I'm simply sick,I have a disease..I just want to break these chains..wish I could stop myself..
  2. How do you get access?
  3. owler

    owler Fapstronaut

    hey there, don't get down. the road to victory is paved with setback, failure and pain. it is a very vicious cycle that we find ourselves in eh? but sometimes when you fail repeatedly, you have to take a step back and re-evaluate your situation. when do you break? where? how can you avoid places and things that trigger your negative behaviors? you have to forge new habits and shake up you old perceptions if you want to break your addiction.
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2015
    AlltheRageBackHome and SlimKP like this.
  4. Will Strong

    Will Strong Fapstronaut

    You are not alone. I am very frustrated as well. But I still believe the goal is achievable.
    SlimKP likes this.
  5. Kingskid

    Kingskid Fapstronaut

    Buddy, yeah you're not alone! I've been there myself and things will get better. That's what the forum and this site is for to encourage all of us to get goung- to be better men and to reach our full potential
    SlimKP likes this.
  6. Yes you can, Slim! It's hard as hell to do, but you can do it, and each time you do it, each time you say no, you're building strength.

    Read up on the addiction at Your Brain on Porn if you're feeling low or stuck. Understanding what has happened to our brains and what we can do about it has been a big help for me. It makes it more real somehow.

    And all you have to do now is make it to the end of today clean. You can do that! And that'll be a victory and that'll build strength so you can do it again tomorrow.

    Don't give up, Slim, as long as you're still fighting this you will win! :)
    SlimKP likes this.
  7. SlimKP

    SlimKP Fapstronaut

    Even though we are separated through these screens,phones your words "reach" me,you're the only ones I can relate to. Thank you for your support,I'm broken but I'm trying to recover the lost pieces of me. You made me shed tears. :) Love.
    Kingskid and Getter Better like this.
  8. Mutatio

    Mutatio Fapstronaut

    Buy Vagisil every time you want to fap, use it for lube, don't ask, just trust me.
  9. SlimKP

    SlimKP Fapstronaut

    Well, it's already Day 3. I've spent last night with my girlfriend, chatting ,watching stand-up, cuddling,kissing,touching..but no sex or something. I noticed that I'm focusing more on the physical-ephemeral experience than the soul-perennial one. For example, when we simply do something, I tend to exhaust the love,I tend to touch,to act as if it is the prelude to a sexual act. I don't know how to explain this better. It's like my mind focuses only on one thing,how to get pussy faster.

    I need to love, I need to feel the moment,to appreciate the whole being that it is my girlfriend,not only her body...I wish I could be more innocent in love.

    This is what PMO has done to me. Every action I do needs to have a sexual response,a small dose of dopamine, a small euphorical moment. ​
  10. owler

    owler Fapstronaut

    give it time, the sexuality you feel in everything will fade as you reboot, i have as i've progressed. 3 days in, keep it up, you're doing really good!
  11. SlimKP

    SlimKP Fapstronaut

    It's almost the end of Day 5..I'm feeling kind of low,but not because of PMO,but because of my studies..I'm starting to feel that I did a mistake choosing to study Civil Engineering,I had other expectations..and this makes me really depressed. I just hope I won't fall in the darkness of my brain and do something stupid. Aarrhh..I've been battling with this constant idea of what should I do with my life, and I hadn't find a balance between something I'd like to do and something that will help me sustain myself. This confusion leads me to not wanting anything and this as a last step leads me to depression and pmo..
  12. SlimKP

    SlimKP Fapstronaut

    I wish I could know what to do with my life and be happy about it..
  13. owler

    owler Fapstronaut

    Well, finding what you want to do is tough. Spend too much time looking, and your best years could pass you by. Stick with something, and you might find you dislike it.

    Try and make a list of "why i wanted to do this", and a list of "what you don't like" about it. Compare your notes and think, is it the pros, or the cons that affect you more.

    Best of luck!!
    SlimKP likes this.
  14. Keep up the good work, mate. You're doing great. We're all in it together.
    SlimKP likes this.
  15. Old Timer

    Old Timer Fapstronaut

    As an old-timer - who struggled with this, I'd suggest you get involved in everything you can. Get so busy that you don't have time to think. Even if you don't think you will like it. You see, we make the mistake of thinking that our thinking can solve the problem, and that's not the case. Doing is the answer. How many times have you heard an interview with someone and they said "I never imaged I would be doing.......". Just some circumstance put them in a situation and they ended up finding their "life's calling". So get yourself too busy, and when you find you really don't like it, you've just narrowed the list. I promise you, you'll be happier.

    As for your girlfriend - make a list of all the things you like or love about her. Not just physical, but the way she smiles or laughs. Her sense of humor, her walk. The way she thinks or talks. Then focus on those traits and you will discover more. Allow your appreciation of them to grow. Just wanting sex is perfectly normal. Having sex with someone you have consciously fallen in love with, is even better!
  16. SlimKP

    SlimKP Fapstronaut

    Very true, I am aware of the fact that I spend a lot of time thinking, searching for the right thing and the youth is passing me by ..I'll sure be angry when I get old for losing my best years in this tangled situation.
    That's great advice man, I really try to involve in everything I cand besides studies,cultural events,charity,theatre,and some other stuff,I want to meet new people, and to actually do something, I feel good when I have stuff to do. Thank you all for your uplifting words. I wish you the best. :)
  17. SlimKP

    SlimKP Fapstronaut

    Here I am ..Day 9 is shining upon me. Mixed feelings,If I'm busy I'm okay,If not I become sad,again and again and again. Really need to evade sadness. I just don't feel okay with how my life is going. It's like I'm not satisfied but on the other hand I don't know what could satisfy's an endless run for the right answer.

    Another problem would be that I have high expectations from people,situations, and then,when the moment comes I'm completely dissapointed...maybe this is some sort of egocentrism,pride,I don't know. Sometimes I wish people would respond to me in the same way I do for them..or at least CARE ,be more ATTENTIVE...

    As for the PMO thing..I've been really stressed these days,and this represents one of the biggest things which push me to do stupid things. I say :"fuck it, i need to relax,let 's watch some porn". Fortunately I came here to talk with you guys and the urge was gone.

    I wish my wishes were easier to become true, actually I'm sick of wishing ,hoping,for once I want something other than PMO, RIGHT NOW,in this moment. My life is either a waiting room, or a puzzle with a missin piece.

    So many different thoughts...aaaargh..I want to sleep an eternity.
  18. SlimKP

    SlimKP Fapstronaut

    Here I am it's been 15 days since I've started this journey..but oh boy I'm exhausted and I really feel that the chaser effect and the urges are killing me. The most important thing for me was and it still is the creation of a new person not just abstaing from PMO . BUT. I'm too tired, I feel like immense quantities of energy are being taken away from me and I'm left empty , and not willing to fight for what I want. For example at the end of the day I'm content just with the fact that I didn't watch porn or masturbate and because of this I don't do something for my NEW me like reading,searching for information, meditating etc. I don't feel like I'm evolving.....

    Despite all this I've noticed that I'm more connected to what I do and to the people around me, I really want to make a difference , I really want to change myself. Love you all and wish you the best ,have a nice day and stay strong.!!
  19. SlimKP

    SlimKP Fapstronaut

    Oh, one more thing. I really like reading about addictions in general , I have a big interest on this topic, and I found it very useful in reading about the 12 steps of transformations which were initially created by the AA group, but because addictions have similar patterns one can easily transfer what he learns from alcohol addiction let's say to his PMO problem. The book is called Steps of Transformation-An Orthodox Priest Explores the Twelve Steps written by Father Meletios Webber.
  20. SlimKP

    SlimKP Fapstronaut

    17 days people . Emotional rollecoaster since I began. Arrggghhh. I want to be constantly happy. I want to throw anxiety out of my way, and to feel more confident. This is what years and years of PMO have brought upon me...shyness, anxiety in almost every aspect and moment of my social life. I feel so comfortable in my bed at home under my blanket..wish I could fight back my fears. I NEED TO GET OUT OF MY COMFORT ZONE.