Lazy and unmotivated

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by NotSoAverageJoe, Nov 25, 2015.

  1. Currently unemployed so I have alot od free time.... pretty much been watching porn all day..... either that or movies.... in between porn and movies Im on some cyber sex chatroom......

    Its insane... I should be at the gym, reading, meditating, going outside, getting shit down, finding a new job.. hustling...

    Instead, im a lazy, unmotivated wreck
  2. xoer

    xoer Fapstronaut

    Then get your shit together and start working for your future. Giving up bad habbits will feel so bad at first but on the long term your life will get so much better. By masturbating and watching porn all you do is give yourself a temporarly burst of happines that fades away quickly and turns into sadness and loneliness. Thats pretty much what you do trough masturbating, you escape your real problems, you make yourself weaker.

    Get a grip on life. Find the strongness inside of you. You can do it.

    I wish you all the luck brother.
  3. Swift Nickel

    Swift Nickel Fapstronaut

    dude I was unemployed, found a job that starts next wk and I just joined this group after looking at porn a bunch during my free time, including today. It sucks how being alone and rather I'm scared or excited I turn to that awful life sapping shit. I'm about to take my first cold shower and get the hell outta my house until my roommates come home. It sucks that I can't be alone for a few hours w/out looking at that pile of shit, but that's where I'm at right now. Day one I guess is tmrw, but I ain't looking at that shit again tonight, hopefully ever... good luck in your fight man
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