How to flirt with girls?

Discussion in 'Dating during a Reboot' started by A_glass1900, Mar 11, 2024.

  1. A_glass1900

    A_glass1900 Fapstronaut

    Pretty much what the title says.

    Just wanting to know the ways to flirt with a girl. Because I tried this before once with porn because I thought it was an easy place to find flirty phrases in scenes, but it was a bad idea to go down that road while recovering from it.
    HealingBodyandMind likes this.
  2. Keys2TheCastle

    Keys2TheCastle Fapstronaut

    What's the scenario or setting for your potential flirting (i.e. meeting girls at college/work, using dating apps, etc.)? I found that I can't for the life of me just flirt with strangers or do the PUA shtick, so if I were to flirt with anyone, they'd probably already be good friends with me. I met my current partner online and we quickly got to flirting after building a strong rapport right off the bat, but, of course, pace yourself and don't be too forthcoming about your intentions. It's super cliché to say this, but being yourself does more than you think it could. Genuine, specific compliments here and there go a long way, like "Hey, I think that it's really cool that you love talking about x, y, z". Not a flirt necessarily, but it shows that you're engaged in their conversations, that you're invested or interested in them. That's what has worked best for me. That being said, I'm not a spontaneous, pick-up-folks-at-a-bar kind of person, so maybe that's not what you're looking for.

    Porn, like most acted-out mediums, is heavily scripted. The phrases you'd hear in porn scenes are there to eat up time, not because they're unbelievably, profoundly effective (in any other context, you'd probably get a drink thrown in your face or worse). I wouldn't be the first or last person to tell you that if it's in a porn video, one person could be speaking in tongues or reading the back of a dog food can and it would lead to the same scripted outcome of [insert REDACTED scenes].
  3. The Consigliere

    The Consigliere Fapstronaut

    All the times I’ve flirted, I’ve been called out by friends. I tend to get a bit self conscious at times as well.

    The best way to flirt is to not force it. Find that natural flow for you in the conversation.

    You don’t need to waste your time and money on day game if you’ve been considering it.

    Go get-’em tiger!
    Reborn16 likes this.
  4. nomo

    nomo Fapstronaut

    Become an interesting, confident person. Girls like a confident guy, and if you read and learn new things you will be interesting. Then all you have to do is walk up to any girl that you find attractive and start a conversation.

    What are your thoughts on this?
  5. kenshin81

    kenshin81 Fapstronaut

    Most of the times this ends with you being 'friendzoned' by her.
  6. Sleeperhead

    Sleeperhead Fapstronaut

    It's all just instinctual.

    You are not going to talk a woman into attraction. It literally does not matter what you say half the time, you could be talking a different language and still get her attracted via body language. I literally told a girl to f off and she found it hilarious because she likes me.

    Women don't want needy guys, they don't want sexually charged men aggressively driving at them either. You need to not be consciously seeking out women. You are just going about your day to day, keeping your sexual desire in check. If you are on nofap then your instincts are driving you. Your body will just naturally be drawn to girls.

    Then just spout out the typical how are you doing/whats up/etc or just literally anything it don't matter.
  7. Pretty much anything can be flirting

    Just going up to a girl and talking to her about some random topic can be considered flirting. Even just saying “hey, how are you today?”
    A Soul and A_glass1900 like this.
  8. oceanicintimacy

    oceanicintimacy Fapstronaut

    It seems like there's a confusion here of putting your center of gravity "out there" into the women's space rather than staying anchored within yourself. Sure, it depends on what you'd like to experience in dating and with a relationship. If you're wanting hookups and a more suface-level connection, compromosing your true nature by contorting yourself to fit the model of "what women want" might work for you. On the other hand, if you're wanting to be chosen by a woman for who you authentically are, you need to let go of trying to present yourself as a certain image. You will never win, you're authentic heart will never be truly honored, if you try to "give them what they want" while sacrificing your true self.

    Flirting, in my experience, is an effortless thing that comes without thought or any "doing". If your center of gravity is inside of yourself, that is, you are embodied in your self knowing of who you are - your boundaries, needs, wants, desires, your yesses and nos - and you bring your full presence to a woman, electromagnetic sparks begin to fly (or not if she isn't the right woman at that time) and this is called "flirting".
  9. Racco

    Racco Fapstronaut

    Even other species do flirting, none teaches then how to. It's already there in them.

    Your fears aren't allowing your instincts to flourish. Be courageous and be yourself, whatever programming is already there naturally comes out.

    Continuosly ejaculating through MO, never make you a actual flirt.

    Don't imitate, be original, then you'll realise flirting happens quite natural.

    If you think, if flirting is a big problem in your life, contemplate on it, you certainly get proper knowing.

    Be yourself!
    Warrior4Freedom likes this.
  10. Rainbow Warrior

    Rainbow Warrior Fapstronaut

    Let them flirt with you. Keep trying to get longer streaks! Trust me that’s the way it works then you can pick and choose wisely
  11. A_glass1900

    A_glass1900 Fapstronaut

    I guess there is no need for special instructions on how to flirt with girls. It’s mostly just being your self with em.
  12. Ninjutsu Jukai

    Ninjutsu Jukai Fapstronaut

    Show up and say, "Hi"
    Just kidding. But I think it's about luck. So don't fret and accept your fate.
  13. nomo

    nomo Fapstronaut

    Nothing wrong with be friendzoned, that's probably the most common outcome. Ultimately one of those women will become a girlfriend, but you have to play the numbers game. The more women you talk to, the better chance on finding the one who is right for you.
    kenshin81 likes this.
  14. I think the best advice I received from a friend when I was in high school was to stop caring about the outcome. It was simple advice, but I took it to heart. Of course as I got older, I soon realized being able to pickup women and being able to maintain a healthy relationship were two different things.
    KevinesKay likes this.
  15. Khri$$ Javan

    Khri$$ Javan Fapstronaut

    Keep holding in your nut. I promises if you obtain an long enough streak, words will start coming out of your mouth naturally. I make women wet just by using words lol . I can confidently say that I can talk my way into some panties
  16. Khri$$ Javan

    Khri$$ Javan Fapstronaut

    Develop the mindset first of course. Then one must think of him self as such object. Think of yourself as the sex toy/object that women can't put down & gravitate towards. So If I was to get rejected guess what? My feelings aren't hurt why? Because I am the dildo(object) . You get what I am saying? This ideology/ method has helped me with talking to the opposite sex.
  17. Reverse objectification. It’s an interesting phallusphosy.
  18. nomo

    nomo Fapstronaut

    Absolutely true, once you stop caring the women are all of a sudden interested. I think it drives them crazy that somewhat isn't falling all over them. I've given that advise a lot, but guys who desperately want a girlfriend have a hard time grasping how to not care anymore.
  19. Professor_Cat

    Professor_Cat New Fapstronaut

    You guys make it sound like rocket science…… before nofap I’d have asked that too…. I was very addicted. Then I went on streaks and I was just having fun. I didn’t think of it as flirting. I’d talk to girls and talk shit. The same way I would with guys. But not so severe. Ask some questions. Let them talk.

    I went from the guy who everyone thought was gay to being the guy everyone started to think was a flirt and most likely to bang their married coworker… which I did. Still do but that’s another story. And I’m talking to this one girl at my doctors office who’s a 10/10. Single mom sure. But she’s not from here an he passed away.

    it’s not that har boys. We were all kid. Michevious little shits. Just be like that with Girls
    JiuJitsuGuy likes this.