Non-Negotiables [2024]

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by FallingPetals, Jan 10, 2024.

  1. FallingPetals

    FallingPetals Fapstronaut

    Looking back at his last few posts, I wish I had left some encouraging positive words. He was quite disturbed and worried, and idk how I missed his last few posts. :(
    One Eyed Owl, Caged_bird and InnerMan like this.
  2. FallingPetals

    FallingPetals Fapstronaut

    This particular subject - subject number 4 - is interesting mashallah. But... also lengthy, new and different and thus, a little complex. Which means it's taking a lot more time to cover up the lectures and the quizzes are slightly tricky too. In a way it's good because once I am done with it, I will make sure to give the exam of this subject first as it will be hopefully still 'fresh in my head'. On the downside, it's making me anxious as it's time taking.

    EDIT: Unable to focus. The fact that this course is time taking etc. is making me procrastinate it more. I don't feel like studying at all. Feel distracted. Thinking some choc cake with ice cream might help boost my energy?
    Last edited: May 7, 2024
    One Eyed Owl, Caged_bird and InnerMan like this.
  3. FallingPetals

    FallingPetals Fapstronaut

    Okay, Zee. Listen to me. You either just get over with it or you procrastinate in the hopes of being in the mood to study, having the perfect focus while making the perfect notes.

    Procrastination won't help. You will lose time. You are losing time, and you might not be able to even complete the courses on time which is much much much worse. We have already established that our score might just be only average this in this mid terms... which is okay. Alhamdulillah. You really don't have another choice.

    So it's better to just get over with it. It's better than nothing.

    Also, since it's time taking, I won't be taking proper notes. Only what's absolutely necessary. The lessons are already lengthy and since they have a lot of content, taking notes will slow me down a lot more. Just focus on understanding so you don't mess up the quizzes.
  4. FallingPetals

    FallingPetals Fapstronaut

    Sleep’s kicking in… I have barely done 3 modules so far. Slow as a snail. And goodness, some of the modules are so dry.

    Stress induced urges are popping up. Trying to take mini breaks to make it better. It’s just that my brain does NOT want to study atm. Not at all.

    But I NEED to complete this whole subject tonight. Inshallah
    One Eyed Owl, Caged_bird and InnerMan like this.
  5. FallingPetals

    FallingPetals Fapstronaut

    Oh dear

    Commitments got in the way... it's so late but I have absolutely no choice but to complete this whole subject which has 11 modules left. I cannot afford to sleep tonight. Oh oh oh dear. Sleep is already hitting me.

    Let's finish the current module and then treat myself with coffee?

    EDIT: I managed to complete the module I was doing, do a task for goal H which took 30 min at least and then a project task that was causing me stress and pressure - took like 30 min and another personal chore in between

    Going to complete module 6 and 7 inshallah and then take a break
    Last edited: May 7, 2024
    One Eyed Owl, Caged_bird and InnerMan like this.
  6. FallingPetals

    FallingPetals Fapstronaut

    :emoji_white_check_mark: Completed the 6th module
    got carried away reading old journals - showered - prayed - made myself a sandwich and am just finishing it up
    starting the 7th module in t=10 min inshallah
    Last edited: May 7, 2024
    One Eyed Owl, Caged_bird and InnerMan like this.
  7. FallingPetals

    FallingPetals Fapstronaut

    :emoji_white_check_mark: Completed the 7th module
    Can feel my batteries running out. Sleepy and tired. But I must do at least 3 more modules.
    Time for Quran + Coffee break though
    One Eyed Owl, Caged_bird and InnerMan like this.
  8. FallingPetals

    FallingPetals Fapstronaut

    :emoji_white_check_mark: Completed 8th module
    So done. Can't do anymore
    One Eyed Owl, Caged_bird and InnerMan like this.
  9. FallingPetals

    FallingPetals Fapstronaut

    7/5, Tue

    Sleep time: 3:40 AM
    Wake-up time: 11:30 AM
    Nap: None

    1- Quran
    :emoji_negative_squared_cross_mark: 1 Juz
    Did 25 percent of a juz
    Still grateful

    2- Did I meet my study target?

    :emoji_negative_squared_cross_mark: Uni Study: Did 7 modules, alhamdulillah
    Still a cross because crosses mean target wasn’t met and later one, when I pit together the data, I want to know how many days I met my targets
    :emoji_negative_squared_cross_mark: Course T: Homework
    Course C: No goals today.

    3- Goal H

    :emoji_white_check_mark: Task R

    4- Did I meet my reading target?

    :emoji_negative_squared_cross_mark: Read 1 chapter

    5- Project Task
    Alhamdulillah although I did delay it till the end of the day
    One Eyed Owl, Caged_bird and InnerMan like this.
  10. FallingPetals

    FallingPetals Fapstronaut

    Morning/Afternoon awesome souls


    Yeah, okay, slept 4.5 hours? Which isn't bad but obviously, it wasn't night sleep etc. so I am super sleepy. Ready to complete the remaining modules of this subject. Hoping to sleep on time tonight and rest well so I can give my exam with a good mind.

    Also, don't see myself starting or completing the last subject today. Thinking I will 3 modules only over the next few days and give it's exam in last. Idk yet.

    Alhamdulillah, tight on time but attitude is still positive inshallah. Grateful.
    One Eyed Owl, Caged_bird and InnerMan like this.
  11. FallingPetals

    FallingPetals Fapstronaut

    :emoji_white_check_mark: Completed 9th module

    Realised that after exams, I have assignments to do and the deadline's 31st May. Put that all in my calendar. The next three weeks look crazy now. Too crazy.
    One Eyed Owl, Caged_bird and InnerMan like this.
  12. FallingPetals

    FallingPetals Fapstronaut

    :emoji_white_check_mark: Completed 10th module
    5 more to go and I will be done with my second last subject!
    One Eyed Owl, Caged_bird and InnerMan like this.
  13. FallingPetals

    FallingPetals Fapstronaut

    Because, of course! Of course when I am super stressed out or busy or on a deadline, my brain has to think about every life crisis we ever had, it has to go down the memory lane, recalling all major and minor life events. Thinking and reflecting deeply on the past present and future, as if I have all the time in the world ... NOT!

    Lol. It helps to keep a notepad on the side so anytime I am getting too many thoughts/ideas, I quickly jot them down.

    :emoji_white_check_mark: Completed 11th module
    got busy with commitments in between
    One Eyed Owl, Caged_bird and InnerMan like this.
  14. FallingPetals

    FallingPetals Fapstronaut

    Unable to focus. Decided to do other tasks and start studying after dinner, instead of zoning out while listening to the modules and then having to play the video again

    Also experienced strong urges a while ago so thought I should really take a break. It wasn’t just urges but also strong strong temptation to dive back in the P world. Was reminded how “pleasant” it can be but it’s all a lie. A deception. Not falling for it inshallah
    One Eyed Owl, InnerMan and Caged_bird like this.
  15. Homo sapien.

    Homo sapien. Fapstronaut

    It was so that your prayers could be included sister, but God has blessed me with enough courage. الحمداللہ علی کل حال Take care of your parents.
  16. FallingPetals

    FallingPetals Fapstronaut

    I can’t focus. I don’t feel like studying and I feel really down tbh. Not sure what to do

    I want to study tho. I want to finish up this subject at least. So close yet I am suddenly experiencing a big slump
  17. Risingstar98

    Risingstar98 Fapstronaut

    You can do it. You have done it before. Believe me, your study routine is encouraging me to start new courses. After completing my masters in business studies i just stopped learning new things. But whenever i came across your posts. In which you are sharing about each module completion. I feel like a loser that why I'm not pursuing my studies further. Your consistency in studies has really inspired me. I'm going to start new courses very soon. In sha Allah
  18. Risingstar98

    Risingstar98 Fapstronaut

    May Allah increase you more and more in blessings. Ameen
  19. FallingPetals

    FallingPetals Fapstronaut

    Thanks for your encouraging words! They gave me the boost I needed. Now I am at my study table, ready to finish off the modules inshallah :D

    Cool! Would like to know what type of courses you are interested in. The courses I am doing are not related to the field I did my Bachelors in. They are just different things I have been interested in for a while now and wanted to learn more of.
    One Eyed Owl and Caged_bird like this.
  20. FallingPetals

    FallingPetals Fapstronaut

    :emoji_white_check_mark: Completed 12th module

    Just 3 more to go. Come on, I got this right? Inshallah!