2024 my journey…(so far)

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Elpistolero7, Apr 25, 2024.

  1. Elpistolero7

    Elpistolero7 Fapstronaut

    Hi all,

    i am a 34 year old male, married with a child.

    i was exposed to porn at a very you g age, before i learnt about NoFap it was a little too late. In the sense that i was truly addicted.

    The best streak i had was 6 months, with my girlfriend, now wife (she has no idea).

    2024 started well with a month of hard mode, was doing well then had a slip up, i regained momentum again between mid march to mid april and had another 30 day streak.

    At present i am facing the following challenges;

    - not being able to watching porn
    - staying up late to ensure everyone has gone to bed so i can watch porn
    - My relationship with my wife and child
    - feeling lazy and unproductive
    - guilty and anxious

    i have read half of Dr Wilson your brain on porn and also watched Dr trish lee on YouTube to help me understand. I feel that do not have the attention span to sit and watch a video without moving onto something else to watch (not necessarily porn).

    I am feeling at a very low point, and I don’t see a way out of this destruction which i have brought on myself.

    I have no idea what this post will do, but maybe it is a self reflection.

    I will try to check in on here regularly. I want normality now and need to stop. But more importantly WANT to stop.

    Any help will be good.

    thanks in advance.
    zilean likes this.
  2. zilean

    zilean Fapstronaut

    Play it in the background, with like Newpipe or in your web browser. And clean or tidy up the house. Most recovery vids are just talking with no visuals, so you don’t have to sit and watch.

    realize that you can have success by looking at the wins before. Adapt to new information about your reasons for porn, because wha t got you there isn’t going to climb the mountain of a new challenge. Example, will power and white knuckling won’t get you beyond Past childhood trauma/neglect, or learned soothing behavior.

    set up some boundaries like screens off at a certain time so you can focus on healing.

    freedom is possible!
  3. Elpistolero7

    Elpistolero7 Fapstronaut


    Thank you! This is brilliant advice.

    Its always reassuring to hear it from others and its something to reflect on, so again thank you.

    Your right im what you say, it’s about getting it in to the subconscious! I may just voice record a brief statement on why I want to quit amd play it on loop to help me go to sleep, letting it play in the background will surely help with my subconscious behaviours and rewire my brain!
    zilean likes this.