Brain Making Demands

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Picfiend, Nov 22, 2015.

  1. Picfiend

    Picfiend Fapstronaut

    In the past week or so I've felt a craving brewing from within. Not a physical craving of horniness, it's quite different. I have mostly got control of what happens downstairs but the brain keeps asking for something, anything to lift it up.

    Here's a little background for some context. Work has been ever stressful and is probably at the worst time of the year. I've decided to quit marijuana and have reduced the amount of cigarettes and alcohol I consume. I feel like there's a lack of something, joy or happiness or a general feeling of 'everything is going to be alright'. It's a weird feeling. I can tell my brain wants something and i know that if i click that link or head to that profile it will be happy but it's getting harder and harder to resist. Yesterday i found myself prowling through facebook looking for the slightest hint of cleavage or revealing pics. It's something I'm not proud of but alerted me to my weakness at the moment. I wish i could have a wet dream just to release all this pent up energy and even consciously tried to have one but that didn't work out at all.

    Long story short. I'm mentally starved of the feel good factor. Dopamine is my brain's favorite food and having starved it for near two weeks it's working overtime to try get it. What can i do because i feel real bad at the moment.
    Thechosenone likes this.
  2. Thechosenone

    Thechosenone Fapstronaut

    It's great you've come to this realisation, I feel similar. There will come a point where your brain wi ll try and rationalise bad things and even fulfil get you to PMO. But stand strong!!
    Picfiend likes this.
  3. Captain B

    Captain B Fapstronaut

    It's definitely a good sign that you're realizing what's going on. The first few weeks are usually the toguhest, where you get the strongest urges to relapse. One thing that I've found to be very important here as to not make things even more difficult is this: don't feed your urges. Not even a little bit. Searching through facebook profiles as you described seems harmless but it will only make things worse. You might think that craving feeling is strong NOW, but trust me, once you start feeding these urges, the craving is only going to get worse. So technically, your urges feel strong now but they are actually the weakest they can be, if that makes any sense ;)

    Try to find something else that makes you happy. Something that doesn't involve any form of PMO or weed or alcohol or whatever else you're trying to cut down on. With high levels of stress and possibly just little spare time, this can be hard. Nontheless, I'd always advise to try learning an instrument or doing sports. Knowing I did something useful for just one hour each day keeps me pretty happy :)
    Picfiend likes this.
  4. Picfiend

    Picfiend Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the feedback guys and as you say Cap, due to the little amount of time that I have its hard to get that feel good factor. There's so much that I can do like writing and drawing but due to my condition my brain always pushes those things back which leads to procrastination. I love to wrote but haven't done so in many months which kinda makes me sad. Will try to at least wrote some stuff and get back into the habit because that's one thing that used to make me extremel5happy during the lowest points of my life.

    Thanks again for the feedback guys, it helped immensely. Sometimes you just need that extra voice of support to get you going.
  5. blazor28

    blazor28 Fapstronaut

    Dude u do marijuana and alchohol then how do u expect to find happiness ? Porn and drugs are almost the same problems try to quit all of these.
  6. Picfiend

    Picfiend Fapstronaut

    I've been a week off maryjane for a week now but alcohol and tobacco are the only crutches I have left to get rid of. I know that If I can get rid of them my life will be better but these last two are much harder to get rid of than anything else for me, including fapping.