I can’t last more than 3 days and at night

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by TB10, Mar 18, 2024.

  1. TB10

    TB10 New Fapstronaut

    I’m 17 and I have a porn addiction. For past few weeks i’ve been having to reset the counter after 3 days from masturbating to porn. There’s a pattern and for some reason i can’t get past it. And the weird thing is that sometimes i do it at night, late, like early early in the morning. I’ve been feeling hopeless. What even more stupid is that recently i’ve been watching porn on my tv, only because that’s the only thing i access porn with, along with reddit but everything else is blocked. I need help and guidance to get over this, i don’t want to give up my tv or take it out of my room bc it’s a privilege i was given. But that shouldn’t change the fact I can’t not jurk off to porn after 3 days, please, I don’t what’s wrong with me.
  2. supjerkoff

    supjerkoff Fapstronaut

    you're 17.
    you're in the prime of your sexual life.
    don't come to nofap feeling shame.
    go use that sexual energy to invest into women.

    you don't want to reach my age and feeling sad about your life

    so you know what that means? learn to stop fapping, control your hands, don't go on autopilot.
  3. supjerkoff

    supjerkoff Fapstronaut

    and you know why you're out here watching porn on the tv? blockers didn't work.
    I know, I have used blockers and thinking you can outsmart a piece of tech...we created this modern world, a shitty little app aint nothing.

    build a life that involves around other people
  4. Bruce K

    Bruce K Fapstronaut

    You must try to quit right now.. if you got addicted it will destroy your life to the ashes.. in order to quit first you must practice spirituality.. it lightens the weight of struggle easier.. i am 36 destroy myself to porn and masturbation.. it consume my life goals, dream and career and turn me into a living zombie.. i know your thought i was trying to quit PMO from age 15. At age 15 just before one of my main high school exam. I was able to quit for 3 months as i was focussed on studying.. those were one of tgr greatest days of my life. After exam i started PMO ing again. Then i nearly pass most of my exams and not doing great..i even nearly fail but somehow i pass. But at 1st sem of my graduation i was able to quit and i did well in exams.. then after the exam i relapse again and it is still haunting me for the rest of my life destroying my career, life goals everything i had dream about my life.. i was living a zombie life.. so what i can suggest you now is quit PMO right now.. as you are 17 i know your energy will be high and all your friends will be talking about Porn and masturbation. Regarding your energy you should direct your energy to something creative work. And regarding your friends you must hang out with them and you should not ignore them but when they started talking about porn and masturbation just smile and ignore mentally realising that they are talking about a monstruous drug. You should read books like Porn Pandemic by mark manson, The porn circuit by convenant eyes, your brain on porn by gary wilson, books by bernarr Mcfadden like The virile Power of Superb Manhood and others, Nervous vitality by Dr. Seaborn Freeman Salter. Also there is a document in the internet called ' celibacy question and answers by dhananjay pdf' it is a wonderfull compilation of question and answers, answers regarding porn and masturbation answer by two expert dhananjay and ian clark. Good luck.. hope you uproot that drug right now and live a harmonious and peaceful life..
  5. Onuphrios

    Onuphrios Fapstronaut

    See it positive, you can last 3 days without porn. Thats an accomplishment and a very important knowledge you have about yourself. Next time you relapse make it your highest priority not follow your setback with another setback within 3 days. Thats an achievable goal, because for a fact we both know you can do 3 days. Most guys here focus on big streaks, but often binge between their streaks. If you are consistently being able to stop viewing porn for 3 days and dont have multiple relapses, this would mean you would have more sober days than porn days and make significant progress over the time. You also would not destroy the made progress by exesive use and have eventually success.

    You see, with only the ability to last 3 days without porn, which you have shown to be able to, you have the ability to cure your addiction. And now the best thing, I am sure you will improve your coping skills and can do even more than 3 days on a consistent basis. Remember the consistent basis is the most important. No one cares if you had 3 years ago a 200 days streak but are now again indulging, but the guy who has one minor setback every few weeks is doing fine in his progress.

    To your actuall question: If you see a pattern, break the pattern. It does not have to be permament. Your TV is a trigger and you dont want to get rid of it? Well, maybe start by taking the power cabel and put it in a box for one week. After the week start watching TV again and be mindfull not to abuse it. Tell yourself the truth, that if you cant right now use the TV responsible, than using the TV is damaging to your well being. And while rebooting your self controll will get better eventually.
    I could watch porn in few minutes if I wanted to. But I dont. But there have been times in my life I had to completely shut me off from the internet to abstain from it.
  6. based_penguin

    based_penguin Fapstronaut

    - You can't be lukewarm with this. If you are not serious about quitting you won't quit. You may or may not understand the position you are in, you are in a cross roads. If you take this serious now you will thank yourself later.

    - Direct advice for you: You have identified a trigger, your TV. My suggestion either move the TV to a public area like a living room, where people can see you, or if that is not an option get rid of the TV (put it someplace very inconvenient to access), especially for the first 30 days of your streak. And you said that you have no other device you can access P on, how? Do you have blockers on your devices?

    - From my experience a relapse all starts with a small trigger. Once triggered a small fire is lit in the body, then the rational mind seems to slip away leading one to put more fuel on the fire until its too late. This typically happens because there is a series of concessions that happen in the mind. For example if I see something explicit online or in person, I may think to myself "hmmm what could it hurt if I just search up something adjacent to P like bra's or something, IM CONFIDENT THAT IM JUST GOING TO LOOK AND NOT GOING TO LOOK AT ANYTHING ELSE", then incrementally this leads to harder and harder content, until its too late. This is why I am in favor of content blockers like DNS and a hardcore application locking app like Andoff (where there are no loopholes - the device has a timer before you can change the settings and its impossible to change until the timer is done) on Android because it gives you time to cool off and come to your senses. For me the key to nofap is stopping the cycle at the beginning, i.e stopping when the flame is small. Also you should realize that this burning passion that rises in the body is actually a good thing, this is the feeling of pure life force rising in the body, and it should be looked at as a positive not a negative. This energy can be used to raise your power level and should not be released. Just be conscious of the feeling think "my power level is increasing".

    Tools and strategies:
    For the below, it is recommended to have a friend, sibling, or parent help you in setting these things up. And in general keep you accountable to your recovery. For example you can say to someone "hey I'm trying to quit P and I need you to enforce these rules". Have these rules set out for yourself when you have a clear mind then get other people to enforce the rules that you have set. I've found that having people that you are accountable to and that are watching over you is one of the best ways to quit this addiction. Basically make it so inconvenient for yourself to access that its just not worth doing.

    If you, or someone you know is tech savvy you can set this up and put a password and give it to someone, then only they can change the settings.
    - Depending on you internet ISP you can put DNS filtering directly on your internet router, like cleanbrowsingDNS family or others. This filters explicit content and forces any browser you use (on the entire network) to use safesearch. I recommend Brave browser because the safe search option blocks image search all together. Googles safe search is not strict enough.

    - Even better than blockers: As many success stories have mentioned on this forum, removed internet access completely from there home for a year. Or some time frame, for you it could be for the summer.

    - Other information to consider. Everyone on this forum is clearly aware that PMO, has detrimental side effects on basically all aspects of life - social, mental, physical, etc. But why do so many continue on the cycle of relapse? One reason is that PMO usage is not frowned upon in our society. On the contrary P is peddled and pushed in our society, it is seen as something inane, some even claiming it to be healthy. It is evident that our culture at large does not promote morality. Instead - profanity, vanity, and filth is promoted. You really should trust your heart on this and know that any argument promoting P is BS, and don't let this distorted outlook lead to using P.

    - In recent history P has been used as a psychological weapon used to demoralize and weaken the men of opposing nations.

    God bless
    TheRaven8386 and Failing_upward like this.
  7. TheRaven8386

    TheRaven8386 Fapstronaut

    I tell all young people this to maybe give you the motivation to quit. you keep this lifestyle up it's going to destroy your sex life and you will go through hell trying to recover. I met my fiance when I was 33 and she was 21. I was still a virgin at the time. Over a 5 year period we had sex, but I could never finish or hardly keep it up. Sometimes I even gagged when kissing. I got every test imaginable and obsessively researched what could be wrong. My brain stopped producing testosterone, but that wasn't the problem. Porn was the problem. Porn Induced Erectile dysfunction. After 30 days of NoFap I had the best sex I ever had with her and orgasmed for the first time with her. I am FAR from recovered though. I haven't watched Porn since October of 22 and I still have massive flatlines and problems staying erect. My addiction was 20 years or more. If you want a healthy and enjoyable sex life. QUIT NOW. I'm telling you this because I don't want you to be me.
    Onuphrios likes this.