NoFap when sick + depressed

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by itchbattle, Mar 15, 2024.

  1. itchbattle

    itchbattle Fapstronaut

    Whenever I get sick/ill and I always find urges and chance of a relapse increases and I am trying to break the cycle. Anyone have any advice?

    I used to have a gaming addiction but gave that up recently. I have started to watch more TV shows/movies but after a while they get boring. I see people suggest reading, but that doesn't really interest me.


    Side note maybe I used porn as a coping mechanism to hide the depression. I do understand NoFap won't fix all my problems, however it seems like a good idea not to go back to porn. Any help would be appreciated.
  2. Terence123

    Terence123 Fapstronaut

    (1) It is definitely a great idea to not go back to porn!
    (2) Decrease screen time as much as possible.
    (3) Don't give into any narrative that tells you "whenever xy happens, I will likely relapse". It is not the situation that leads to relapse, it is the narrative in your mind that goes along with it.
    (4) Have a few minutes during your day where you don't need to do anyhing at all but just be completely at ease with yourself. Being sick is a great opportunity for this.
    itchbattle and mentorr like this.
  3. VanillaMochi

    VanillaMochi Fapstronaut

    I also have a gambling addiction and am seeking help. Just watching videos on gambling addiction right now.

    Today is my first day back at NoFap and this is the first thing I saw. Thank you for posting.
    itchbattle likes this.
  4. itchbattle

    itchbattle Fapstronaut

    Thanks for replying.

    I think maybe I need to find some books which interest me. Yes I find them boring, but there must be some books which I will find interesting.

    I guess I need to change the narrative like you say. Instead of being sick or having a day off work and thinking I will likely relapse. I need to think the urges might increase, but if I have a strategy and be extra vigilant then I'll be ok.

    I was thinking of an answer to my question and came up with the following...

    1. Keeping phone in another room (most relapses seem to start with my phone)
    2. Avoid screens when possible especially if alone
    3. Do not peek at anything NSFW

    I think it is just a difficult time when sick at home.

    TLDR: Don't look at porn/peek when sick and a relapse will be much less likely.