Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by Apple Mozart, Aug 1, 2018.

  1. Apple Mozart

    Apple Mozart Fapstronaut

    I want to improve my social skills and get more comfortable in any social situation. I think a good way to do is, is by talking to strangers. This way I will go out of my comfort zone and I have an opportunity to practice small talk. Therefore, I decided to create this challenge of talking to 3 strangers every day for 30 days.

    I will start the challenge myself tomorrow (I give myself one more day to procrastinate :emoji_blush:) and do this every day for the next 30 days. I am pretty scared of doing this to be honest, but I am convinced that it will yield me a lot of positive results, which is why I am committed to doing this. I will post my experiences here each day.

    I think this could be helpful for many people, so it would be great to see more people joining me. If you do, let us know about your experiences.

    Good luck to everybody!
    dangerduff likes this.
  2. Gervacio

    Gervacio Fapstronaut

    Yo de antemano agradezco ya tus publicaciones a mi me ayudaran
  3. Apple Mozart

    Apple Mozart Fapstronaut

    So I planned to start on Thursday, but I didn't have the guts.
    So yesterday I made a new attempt, and this time I decided to just ask 3 people for a simple question, and then from there I can slowly increase the difficulty.
    I asked an older guy for directions, and I asked two different girls for the time.
    I have to say this was fairly easy and also not so scary, so within a couple of days I will force myself to interact more, but I'm glad I've made a start.
    dangerduff likes this.
  4. Apple Mozart

    Apple Mozart Fapstronaut

    Yesterday was day 2. I asked three people for the time. First, I asked a father and son for the time. Second, I asked a girl for the time. And third, I asked a husband and wife for the time. The last couple didn't respond very positively, but they did give me the time.
    Starting day 3 now!
  5. Apple Mozart

    Apple Mozart Fapstronaut

    Day 3 I only asked one girl for the time, so a bit of a failure, but at least I asked one girl which is something.
    My plan is to actually talk to girls today, and hopefully I have the guts to ask them for their number or something. I have to say this is hard to do alone, would be a lot easier with a wingman, but unfortunately I don't have one.
    skinnydagger likes this.
  6. skinnydagger

    skinnydagger Fapstronaut

    I respect the effort ur making to socialize and meet new people. NoFap can be lonely sometimes, and in order to stop fapping its imperative to go outside and appreciate what life has to offer like the fresh air and the excitement of human interaction. Keep,on persevering, and make to develop into full-fledged convos when ur up for it. Ima try and see how this goes alongside u.
    dangerduff likes this.
  7. Apple Mozart

    Apple Mozart Fapstronaut

    I have to admit that I didn't really manage to do this consistenyl so far. I still have the intention of doing this, but I find it very hard to push myself to do this alone. I think a problem here is also that I'm not accountable to anyone. And I'm hesitant to do it in my own city (silly, I know) so then I feel like I need to go to another city which makes the barrier to do it a lot higher because of travel time and whatnot.

    But that's not to say I have given up, I just need to gain some momentum, because I think if I can just do this a couple of days in a row it will already get a lot easier. If anybody joins me, that would be awesome!
  8. Address007

    Address007 Fapstronaut

    Do you go to school? It would be much easier in a school setting.
  9. Apple Mozart

    Apple Mozart Fapstronaut

    I study at university and I actually live on the campus as well. But the thing is I feel weird doing it in an area where I know people, but maybe I also just need to get over that.

    I did have a small success yesterday, I had an introduction day and there I sat down next to a girl I didn't know and started a conversation with her, which was a nice convo. So that gave a really good feeling, that I had the courage to do that, and it strengthens me in the idea that this is really something I need to do to improve my life, because I know it will make me happier.
    Address007 likes this.
  10. Frank201$

    Frank201$ Fapstronaut

    Hi, this is a great idea. I think I'll try it too. Good Luck.
    Apple Mozart likes this.
  11. xuledywo

    xuledywo Fapstronaut

    I was wondering on how to start a conversation with someone and how to sustain a conversation, as I often only talk about a few things but then just stop talking because I can't really think of anything meaningful to say. Right now I have really bad social skills, but I'm seeing slow improvements day by day.