What is your reason for why you get Extra Female attnetion

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by stronger99, Nov 18, 2015.

  1. stronger99

    stronger99 Fapstronaut

    Hey guys, I was wondering why in almost every success story is extra female attention a effect. I truly don't believe it can just be a placebo effect. I actually went on a 120 NoFap streak a couple months ago and I can truly say it was an amazing experience. I am 23 and have been shy for a very long time. There was a time I couldn't even hold a conversation with a girl or I would shake when talking to girls unless I was drunk. I had to drink to talk to girls. With NoFap I felt confident and casual, I felt like a completely different person. I even went as far as asking out a girl. I work as a cashier and I asked a customer out and we went on 2 dates. I would have never even thought I would have the ability to do that in a million years. Like I said when I was in college I needed to drink to talk to girls.

    I used to read pick up artists and used to think I needed that shit to pick up girls. But the days I was on NoFap I was truly myself. I threw all that pua shit out the window and was just casual and confident. I could hold a conversation for hours and it just felt normal.

    I went off nofap in july and have had trouble maintaining a long streak ever since. And that energy I had disappeared. I went back to having less eye contact, being less able to have a comfortable conversation. Now im back on NoFap and already im feeling more confident.

    My explanation is that without the brain fog it just makes you pick up on signals more. You just have an aura of excitement talking to girls. Its just fun talking to girls instead of having an aura of wanting something or trying to prove yourself.
    Like I said its truly hard to explain because theres no scientific study on it. But like I said im very shy especially around girls and I downloaded confidence courses, pua couses, self improvement books. And some helped but most didn't or didn't last. With NoFap I just had that IT factor.
    BushidoWarrior and taqwa like this.
  2. taqwa

    taqwa Fapstronaut

    Very insightful. Who cares if there is no science to back it up. N=1 (you) is all that matters. Head up and join the ranks. We are here to support you brother! Stay strong! Win!
  3. stronger99

    stronger99 Fapstronaut

    I agree have you felt any benefits with women as well?
  4. TheBeachvillain

    TheBeachvillain Banned

    NoFap = More inclined to go out in public = More exposure to girls = Increased likelihood of female attention

    Throw in a little added confidence and interest in women, and you've got a reasonable explanation.
    black_coyote likes this.
  5. taqwa

    taqwa Fapstronaut

    No doubt! However, for me, it is not about getting more attention to have a sexual relationship. It is more about being a source of help, a friend, a mentor, etc. To be a reason that they had a good day (to give back, make the world a little better). It really feels awesome to assume the protector mentality over the predator mentality. Stay Strong! Win!
  6. Lunar Devil

    Lunar Devil Fapstronaut

    Well there is that 'non-scientific' factor of your energetic fields becoming shinier and stronger. Things like that we can actually detect them using science for real. Like the amount of radio waves light you give of and body heat. So there is a lot of science behing just nobody that I know of which has linked that with nofap in some way to prove it to the world that in terms of electricity or light or 'energy' you'r body is becoming stronger.

    But then there is also the factor that you are actually more active. Ever seen a pmo addict? They are slow thinking, they look down and have crap body language. You cant see it but you can easily tell that their vision is low, meaning they pick less from their environments (they think slowly!) and so on. Someone full o fenergy with long nofap streak has a lot going on 'inside' of them and that you can see. In the words that come out of them, the way they say it, the beauty you hear when you really listen closely to their voices. The ease with which they express their emotions. That is notceable by anyone and people love that! People love creatures which are ALIVE not a dead host...
  7. Hormones, 'tis the way of nature mate. I don't need some watered down mainstream 'study' to prove shit to me.

    NoFap is scientific, energetic, and in your mind.

    Studies are for peeps with little knowledge of both the material and immaterial worlds, imho.
    Last edited: Nov 20, 2015
  8. While I think the timeframe is a bit longer in reality, you get the point:


    Not everyone is born with a high level of prenatal qi, but you will surely still see benefits even if you don't notice the 'glow' effect or feel like a million bucks the longer you progress,


    Never forget building character is where it's at, as @taqwa has beautifully expressed. Mind over matter, attitude matters.
    Last edited: Nov 20, 2015
  9. BushidoWarrior

    BushidoWarrior Fapstronaut

    I do not get extra female attention, at least not as far as I know. But I'm going to keep going with my Reboot and not give up hope. I'm also not going to assume that any girl owes me anything. I'm going to have to be willing to put in the effort in myself. Life's not easy; that's a fact. The question is: what do we do about that fact? Do we rise to the challenge, or do we cower? I need to start rising to the challenge.
  10. The term for the increased physical attractiveness is called Ojas. More pure minded, transmutation of energy and semen retention brings about more ojas, meaning vigor in Sanskrit.
    PureStrength and Bobs-got-it like this.
  11. stronger99

    stronger99 Fapstronaut

    how long have you been on nofap or what was your longest streak?
  12. stronger99

    stronger99 Fapstronaut

    did you have any other benefits?
  13. Bearommesa

    Bearommesa Fapstronaut

    I wonder; what type of STEM degree are you doing/did?

    If that's you in your profile picture, you seem like a pretty attractive guy. Do you also work out? Play sports? Remember that to some (if not many people), you ARE attractive. It'll be hard at times to remember, but you can't forget this, man!

    Also, if you're having trouble overcoming anxiety, I highly highly recommend acting/improv classes. ESPECIALLY improv classes. It's scary as hell but if you can do it it's all the better.
    You can often find improv classes by looking them up on www.meetup.com (or perhaps just with Google).
    TiredMan likes this.
  14. taqwa

    taqwa Fapstronaut

    I am disappointed that you are unable to appreciate this concept. If something works for a particular person (even if it is n=1) that is all that matters. Less than 8% of all the medical advice is based on randomized/double blinded placebo controlled trials. If it were not for N=1 to initiate some of the most brilliant ideas/concepts/theories, there would be no STEM degrees!

    I don't understand how your comment was helpful or supportive. If you don't have something useful to say, please say nothing at all. This is a place of support and help not condescension and insult.
  15. programer

    programer Fapstronaut

    This shit is existing guys. I also experienced that unlike before when girls used to hate me alot. But one thing they never knew is that I dont give a shit Even if the whole world hates me.
    TiredMan likes this.