You got to start somewhere.

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Jofy, Mar 11, 2014.

  1. Jofy

    Jofy Fapstronaut

    Hey peoples,

    I'm Joe,I'm new, I'm an Aussie,I'm a christian. I'm 36 I not sure what else to say about myself but happy to answer questions if you have any.

    I've agreed to give up jacking for lent with a mate.

    It not the first time I seem to go through phases where I masturbate heaps then go cold turkey for a while and stop but seem to get sucked back into it again and regret it. Its the same story with porn, which I loath but I keep on allowing myself to get sucked back in.

    Today (11.3.14) the seventh day so I had a week off jacking but to be honest I have glanced at porn a bit, but managed to pull myself out. My goal for the next seven days is to cut out the porn completely.

    The mornings have getting difficult for the last two days but I've been successful to endure. Then today I noticed I started to leak though out the day with a huge patch of dry sperm on my boxers after work which was strange because I dont think I even focused on sexuality once consciously but the physical response was there.

    OK enough about me I guess.

    Last edited: Mar 11, 2014
  2. pls_end_this

    pls_end_this Fapstronaut

    Welcome Joe, all the best with your nofap goals.

    I too had trouble with mornings, but then I created a morning ritual for myself. I don't stay in bed when I wake up. I usually watch a particular Ted talk that I find inspirational right away, but sometimes I switch it up and watch a nofap academy video on youtube or a video from the sacred sexuality project.

    Then I get my day going: feed the dog, write down my long and short term goals, write down the three or four most important things I must accomplish that day along with things I need to get done within the next couple of days. I just use a text editor on my laptop, but you could use a small notepad or a note app on your cellphone. I eat, washup and get going.

    My morning problems are no more, bedtime gives me some trouble still, but I notice the more active I am on a given day the easier it is to just fall asleep and not worry about the P, the M or the O. Exercise or physical activity of some kind seems to be key for the majority of guys on the forum that have the most success. The weather is finally getting better here in New York, and as I have taken advantage of it I notice a big difference.

  3. Jofy

    Jofy Fapstronaut

    thanks for the tips greatly appreciated